"The five elements give rise to all things, and the element of fire enters its door!"

In Gu Xuan's ocean of consciousness, ten characters of the hazy inheritance techniques finally appeared.

These ten words flickered with fire and exuded a hot aura, rippling around in circles, as if they were going to burn Gu Xuan's ocean of consciousness directly into nothingness.

A feeling of being burned by flames came from the ocean of Gu Xuan's consciousness.

"The five elements give rise to all things, and the element of fire enters its door!"

Gu Xuan repeated these ten words and observed the appearance of those ten words.

They appear to be written by a master of calligraphy, but this is only what one would think at first glance.

If you take a closer look, you will find that every stroke and every stroke in these ten short words is extremely mysterious and has a natural feeling.

They are not just words, but part of a beautiful picture.

They are the best explanations of the mystery of heaven and earth, the purity of heaven and earth, the complexity of heaven and earth, and the exquisite beauty of heaven and earth.

They are not words that any master of calligraphy and painting can write.

There seemed to be a spark in Gu Xuan's eyes.

The sparks grew from small to large, turned into a fire, burned to their peak, and turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

This sea of ​​fire encompasses the starry sky and the universe, encompassing countless planes.

Everything in this world is struggling and sinking.

Soon, the power of the sea of ​​fire increased greatly, burning everything contained in it.

In front of Gu Xuan's eyes, there was only a blank space and a flame that was gradually extinguished due to the loss of the burning object.

Eventually, the flames fade away, leaving only a spark.

Everything seems to be back to where it started.

In Gu Xuan's mind, he realized many things as if he had been enlightened.

His attainments in the art of fire have reached a new level.

The evil pupils in Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly faded away without knowing when.

Instead, there were two flames.

Two groups of black as ink, exuding the power of the holy fire, seem to be flames that are above everything in the world, the Holy Flame of Chaos!

In Gu Xuan's ocean of consciousness, the ten characters floating in the air became even more dazzling.

In Gu Xuan's body, all the fire techniques started to operate automatically.

Among them, even the "Fire Absolute Sword" in "Tai Shang Nine Arts" and its predecessor "Extreme Fire Absolute Sword" are included.

They formed two flaming swords in Gu Xuan's body, as if they would fly out at any time and cut down everything in the world.

Of course, this is impossible.

Gu Xuan's attainments in the art of fire at this time were already more advanced than before. As soon as his mind moved, the restless fire art in his body was suppressed.

That's when.


Gu Xuan's ocean of consciousness suddenly trembled again.

The ten suspended characters actually disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into points of light, scattered in the ocean of consciousness, and integrated into Gu Xuan's soul.

Gu Xuan's mind also completely calmed down.

The power of fire in the body no longer has any restlessness.

Everything seems to have become boring.

Only then did Gu Xuan realize that half an hour had passed.

Looking at the seemingly endless runes of different shapes flying in front of him, Gu Xuan felt a sense of loss.

This feeling gave him a desire.

Eager to continue to capture other runes, eager to inherit the secrets in the ocean of consciousness, and reveal more words.

In that case, his strength will definitely be improved.

Just when Gu Xuan was about to capture the runes again, the entire altar started to tremble.

Waves of space power suddenly enveloped the inheritance altar.

The next second.

Gu Xuan saw that in the originally empty endless void, other inheritance altars suddenly appeared.

Some are empty, and some have warriors or ferocious beasts on them.

There are also altars that are wrapped in mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

Gu Xuan raised his eyes and looked around.

This endless void, moving forward, seems to be divided into nine areas, like a pyramid.

There are people in the next five areas.

The further you go, the fewer people there are.

There is no doubt that these nine areas represent the nine stages of receiving inheritance.

The further you go, the more inheritance you have received.

It also means that the closer you are to becoming the official successor of Thunder Immortal, the closer you are to becoming the Lord of Cave Void, and the closer you are to obtaining the Immortal Treasure!

Gu Xuan looked forward.

Unfortunately, the scene in the third area can only be seen at most, and it is a bit blurry.

Going forward, we can only see an outline and a general idea.

But, no need to look at it at all.

You can guess almost exactly who is in the fourth and fifth areas.

For a moment, Gu Xuan felt a little nervous in his heart.

But in a moment, this trace of tension was suppressed by Gu Xuan.

What storms and waves has he not seen?

Even if the person at the front is four stages ahead of him, so what?

As long as Gu Xuan wants to, he will definitely be able to get it back!

Gu Xuan took a deep breath and looked towards the surrounding inheritance altar.

All the inheritance altars where people can see clearly are full of familiar faces.

As soon as he saw them, Gu Xuan couldn't help but want to say hello.

Unfortunately, before he could open his mouth, a series of comments and curses could already be heard.

"Damn it, someone is here again!"

"That person is actually Gu Xuan?"

"How is this possible? According to Thunder Immortal, hasn't he been eliminated?

Everyone who went to the Thunder Realm has been eliminated. How could he appear here? "

Whether it was a human warrior or a ferocious beast, when they saw Gu Xuan, they all seemed to have red eyes and were very unhappy.

Among them, there were even two people, He Zong and Lianheng from Yanyu City.

Gu Xuan looked around and frowned.

He Zong and Lian Heng, one in the first area and the other in the second area, actually glared at him, looking very manic.

Everything seemed to go back to the time when the two of them had just learned that Gu Xuan had become a guest of Yanyu City.

But ever since Gu Xuan conquered the two of them with his fists, their attitude towards Gu Xuan has long become humble and awe-inspiring.

Unexpectedly, when we got here, it was back to its original state.

In Gu Xuan's heart, there was neither sadness nor joy, not even the slightest fluctuation.

He knew very well that those two people had lost their true nature because of their inheritance.

Being able to break through the fog that shrouds the inheritance altar and officially enter this first area is already the limit.

They couldn't get any further.

Just as Gu Xuan was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Shut up, Fairy. Who said that all those who went to the Thunder Realm will be eliminated?"

An altar that was originally hazy and shrouded in fog suddenly dispersed, revealing the figure of the fairy in white.

Gu Xuan looked surprised.

He never expected that the person who came here the fastest after him would be the White Jade Fairy?

The joke was a bit big.

Was Yu Zhuri blinded by lard?

Tian Mo Di and Wu Fang Ku Zhu were lame due to being hit by runes, so couldn't they run fast?

"Gu Xuan, you are indeed the fastest! I appreciate you more and more!"

Fairy Baiyu saw Gu Xuan from a distance and couldn't help but say hello.

The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

Is he really the fastest?

Does he agree to what White Jade Fairy said? Or not?

Otherwise, just pretend not to hear?

"Gu Xuan, what do you mean? We haven't seen each other for half an hour, have you forgotten this fairy?

Haha, you are such a scumbag! "

How could the White Jade Fairy bear it when Gu Xuan ignored her?

Open your mouth to ridicule.

"Fairy White Jade, you are quite pretty, but it's a pity that you have a mouth!"

As soon as he was ridiculed, Gu Xuan's bickering potential was directly activated.

When it comes to quarrels, who has he been afraid of?

Fairy White Jade was quite restrained when she was with Gu Xuan. Firstly, Lan Yan was generally present, and secondly, she couldn't defeat Gu Xuan.

But now, Gu Xuan can't hit her, and Lan Yan is not here, how can she restrain herself?

"You brat, this fairy is your elder after all!

Do you know what this fairy said when Lan Yan refused to accept your Mysterious Soul Jade?

If you find out, you have to sacrifice this fairy, kneel down on the spot, and worship me as righteous... Eh? "

Before she finished speaking, the White Jade Fairy lowered her head.

A water rune actually jumped up and hit her knee.

the other side.

On the inheritance altar, a fire rune that shuttled among the flames actually jumped up and hit Gu Xuan's knee.

Is this considered a provocation?

Can’t wait to be caught yourself?

"Gu Xuan Keqing, Senior Bai Yu, stop making trouble.

If the Babel Python is the first to absorb all the inheritance, none of us will be able to escape.

Hurry up and summon the law storm and accept the inheritance. Maybe you are the only one who can stop the Sky Python.

It has now entered the fifth area! "


In the third area, a voice came from afar. This is the voice of Sima Xingkong!

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