Just when the sword awn was about to be cut by the three legged crow, the sword awn broke up in an instant.

One after another space debris, in the collapse of the sword, in the void flash away.

From the beginning, Gu Xuan prepared two sets of attack plans.

But in these two sets of attack plans, the sword is just a cover up.

Whether the three legged crow does not come out to stop Gu Xuan, the sword will collapse. The real attack means is the space debris hidden in the sword awn.

If the three legged crow does not take the initiative to look for the wound, after the sword awn is broken, the space debris will split the scales guarding the black dragon.

If the three legged crow chooses Yin guxuan and wants to be injured intentionally, the space debris will be controlled remotely, deviating from the original attack track and avoiding the three legged crow.

Bang bang.

There are several explosions in the air, which have little power. This is the sound of space debris self explosion.

At this moment!

The figure of Gu Xuan disappeared from the bronze coffin.

After an instant, the ancient Xuan appeared on the top of the black dragon, where the three legged crow originally stood.

Standing here, Gu Xuan's face showed a certain smile.

"Counter scale is of course the great weakness of guarding the black dragon, but you don't pay attention to this weakness. Instead, you choose to stand on the top of the black dragon's head all the time? Why is that? "

Gu Xuan's face was full of banter.

"The answer is obvious, there is a greater weakness in guarding the black dragon! Now it seems that, indeed, there is a deep visible bone wound here. What if I stabbed a sword into the wound? "

With a smile on his face, Gu Xuan asked.

"No, I'm really curious. I can't help it. I'm going to stab you right away."


Gu xuanyang started the black spirit sword in his hand and stabbed it with a sword!

This sword, Gu Xuan used his strongest sword move!

Tiangang sword code, sword 36!

The sharp sword spirit is released from the black spirit sword.


Guarding the wound on the top of the black dragon, the whole black spirit sword was not involved in it.


The three legged crow let out a roar, and now it just reacts to it. He was cheated. From the beginning, Gu Xuan calculated everything.

He even calculated that he would leave where he had just stood!

Three legged crows roared, flapping their wings, and rushed to the ancient Xuan!

However, Gu Xuan only glanced at the three legged crow, and with a hook in his mouth, he jumped up and returned to the bronze coffin.


The guardian black dragon howled miserably. The breath of life on it was rapidly fading away. Finally, it could not even fly. It fell down violently and fell to the ground with a bang.

As soon as the guardian black dragon died, the three legged crow panicked.

"You can't die. Your dragon breath will help me refine the resurrected body. How can you die?"

The three legged crow growled.

"Hateful, Gu Xuan, you dare to kill my guardian black dragon. I want to turn you into a living dead man, and I will never let you live!"

The three legged crow looked at Gu Xuan, but he did not make any action.

The most important thing for it now is to revive and protect the black dragon. Otherwise, if it loses its life for too long, even if it has a Book of life and death, the resurrected Guardian black dragon is not in its heyday and can't spit out the strongest dragon breath.

Mieshura licked his lips. Gu Xuan, indeed, was more powerful than he imagined. He killed the guardian black dragon almost unscathed.

As soon as the guardian black dragon dies, the three legged crow must revive it immediately. The book of life and death will finally reveal the true face of Lushan Mountain.

The eyes of Gu Xuan and Mie Shura are all staring at the three legged crow. As soon as it takes the birth and death book, it starts.

The three legged crow disdained to glance at the ancient Xuan several people. The book of life and death is its thing. Who can take it away from it?


On top of the three legged crow, there is an ancient book, which is only black and white, as if from ancient time and space, emitting a meaningful and eternal flavor.

The dense runes circulate in books.

In the middle of the black-and-white book cover, there are three big characters with dragons and Phoenix dancing Life and death book!

A stream of stillness and anger hovered over the book of life and death, as if it symbolized both life and death.

Mysterious black and white runes, like small chains around the book of life and death, are circling and growing.

"Life and death book, resurrect and guard the black dragon for me!"

The three legged crow sneered. The book of life and death is in hand, which means that it controls life and death. Only those who submit to themselves can enjoy the treatment of resurrection.

"Hand over the book of life and death!"

Suddenly, mieshura had a big drink, and then he rushed to the three legged crow.He thought a move, the space ring will fly out of a talisman, there is a seal on the power of the circulation.

"This is the seal talisman I specially prepared for you. It can suppress one side's emptiness, ban it and trap you! And it's to trap you without attacking you! The book of life and death is mine

Mieshura laughed wildly and rushed to the guardian black dragon.

The pink skeleton's eyes twinkled, and there was a trace of determination on his face.

"I'll do it! Not yet

The red pink skeleton glared at monk Huang Sheng.

Looking at this as if to eat people's eyes, monk Huang Sheng consciously took out a purple dead gas bead from his body and handed it to the pink skeleton.

"Well, you're a good judge!"

The red pink skeleton was enchanted with a smile, holding a purple bead of dead gas, and rushed to the three legged crow.

Gu Xuan is the only one who is closest to the three legged crow, but he never does. It's not because he doesn't want to, but because of him, he has a sense of danger of being watched.

As if from the moment when the book of life and death came out, this space was watched.

The feeling of being watched in his heart made Gu Xuan frown. Even if he found out where Yin belonged to the purple dead gas bead, he didn't immediately get happy.

He has been watching, even if he wants to snatch the life and death book, but now is not the time.

"Ha ha, I'm going to seal you. I'm going to accept..."

At this point, the voice of mieshura stopped abruptly.

In front of him, there appeared a chain, which extended from the depth of space, as if containing some kind of rational energy chain between heaven and earth.

As soon as the chain came out, he broke the seal talisman in mieshura's hands, and he didn't even have time to react.

The red pink skeleton was also close to the three legged crow, but it did not have time to do so. The purple dead gas bead with Yin attribute was swept away by the energy chain.

"Ha ha, the Yin purple dead gas bead and the life and death book appear at the same time. It seems that heaven helps me, and I am the real master of the dead earth and heaven!"

A familiar sound was introduced into the ancient Xuaner.

Gu Xuan's pupil shrank sharply.

"It's you

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