"Ha ha, it's me, of course! Didn't think of it? "

A beautiful woman, like a king in the world, stands on a colorful lotus platform.

Her face, hung with a soul grabbing smile, as if the nine days above the empress, elegant, high-ranking, anyone to see her, will produce a deep sense of shame.

All people's eyes were attracted by the sudden appearance of the woman.

"How could it be?" The face of the pink skeleton was shocked.

"Even you've done it. Ha ha, it seems that the attraction of the book of life and death is really great!" The shock on mieshura's face flashed away, and then he laughed.

It's just that the smile is a little bitter.

Monk Huang Sheng was so confused that he didn't know what had happened.

After being surprised, Gu Xuan regained his cool and confident look on his face, and a beautiful radian appeared in the corners of his mouth.

"I really didn't expect that the lotus God, who was revered by all the people who buried heaven and earth, would personally fight for the book of life and death."

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes, energy flow in his eyes, and looked at the lotus God carefully.

She had heard the voice of the lotus God and felt the breath of the lotus God. There was absolutely no mistake. What appeared before her was the real lotus God.

The realm of lotus God is actually only the realm of imperial level. However, it gives people a feeling of perfection, as if she has reached the highest level in the imperial level and can't make any progress any more.

Of course, there is no need to make any progress.

The breath that she sends out gives people an incomparable feeling, as if in the imperial class, she is the strongest!

"But I'm curious. You are regarded as the lotus God, and you are the actual controller, right? Why do you still say that you want to be the master of the dead? Is there any difference between your status and that of the owner who buried heaven and earth? "

Gu Xuan stares at the lotus God quietly. He is really curious.

The lotus God breathed and his eyes flashed with hatred.

"Geng's heart and soul are not even willing to give it to me

The more lotus God said, the more angry he was.

"Once there is a new master in this world, I will become a slave again. Even life and death will be controlled by the new master. Is it fair to me that I guard this world all my life?"

Gu Xuan said faintly: "if it is, it's really unfair to you. So, is this the reason why there is no new owner since the death of heaven and earth?"

The lotus God gave a cold smile.

"I am the lotus God, the first person under heaven. Who is qualified to be my master? Only I am qualified to control my own destiny! Therefore, when the lotus mystical realm is opened, all those who get Yin and Yang dead gas beads will die! All who are close to the core of the boundary will die as well

"If you are so afraid that someone will become the Lord of heaven and earth, why don't you kill all the people, or just don't open up the mysterious realm of lotus?" The pink skeleton is biting its teeth.

Originally, she wanted to be the Lord of the dead and the heaven, but now, the strongest lotus God in the world is coming out to fight for the position of the Lord of heaven and death. Other people are playing fart!

Gu Xuan shook his head and chuckled.

"The way of heaven is not what you can imagine. I'm sure that if the lotus God does not open up the mysterious realm of lotus, or even attract enough people to participate in the chance gathering of burying heaven and death, she will be completely destroyed. "

The lotus God's eyes flashed a strange color, staring at Gu Xuan: "I really didn't expect, just a clan level peak, can think of this layer. Indeed, as you said, the way of heaven has planted a cause and effect on me. If I don't do what he asked me to do, I'll soon be wiped out. "

"But you must have thought of a way out of this cause and effect?" Ancient xuandao.

"Nonsense! I am lotus God, God! I am the strongest when the way of heaven falls. The cause and effect he planted will become weaker and weaker, but I will become stronger and stronger! " The lotus God laughed wildly.

The color of ridicule flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.

"Is it? But what do I think, you can't be stronger? Now the state, is already your limit? In fact, I am very curious about why the imperial realm of the warrior in this realm is different from that in the burning sky land? Maybe the lotus God can help me out. "

Lotus God's eyes flashed a trace of murder, Gu Xuan's eyes, too toxic, even he can't become stronger.

"I'm really the limit now, but when I win the book of life and death, kill you and the red pink skeleton, and get Yin and Yang dead gas beads, I will naturally be promoted to Emperor!"

Lotus God's mouth raised a touch of evil smile, her body, suddenly gushed out of the general surging energy, like a huge wave, wave by wave with her as the center, toward the distance of thousands of miles away.

Under her feet, the colorful lotus platform radiates dazzling light, and a brand-new world will be created under the light."While there is still a little time, I will solve the puzzle for you before you die, ha ha."

Lotus God looked at Gu Xuan and laughed contemptuously.

"After all, it's just a person in a small world, and his vision is still too narrow. Let me tell you, the whole universe, there are three thousand worlds, burning the sky continent, but one of the small world. Because your vision is too narrow, so even the cultivation realm is subdivided

Gu Xuan listened quietly and did not disturb.

It's easy to understand what the lotus God said. The cultivation resources of burning the sky are very poor.

It is because of the poor cultivation resources, so only one step at a time, and each step up a small step, it takes a lot of effort and resources.

In the big world of good cultivation resources, one big step at a time, or even several big steps step by step. In their eyes, the leap of small steps is only a little bit of strength, which is not a leap over the realm.

To put it to the extreme, mole ants and martial arts jump higher than each other, mole ants will jump one centimeter more, as a small step.

With a slight jump, a warrior may be 10 meters high. Naturally, he will not regard the elevation of one meter as a step. This is too simple.

In the same way, in the big world, it is not natural to divide the realm as in the small world.

The lotus God continued: "in the big world, there are only three realms of the imperial level, namely, the initial stage, the middle stage and the later stage. Then he can be promoted to Emperor. However, even if you can't be promoted to the imperial realm, you can also work in another direction, which is the imperial level of perfection

"The realm of imperial perfection?" In ancient Xuan's eyes, a ray of light bloomed, "so you are now in a state of imperial perfection?"

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