The stone man can't believe his eyes. Although he has seen Gu Xuan and Shi Zu "fight" before, both sides can't play their real strength in view of the bad luck of Shizu.

Until see Gu Xuan two people overwhelmingly defeat ten Sha beast, stone talent finally felt two people's strong strength.

"How wonderful! Just like Ji Shenhai, he killed a group of evil spirits as soon as he came out. However, there were only eight evil spirits at that time. "

The stone man seems to be in memory.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth trembled. It seemed that he was on the old road of Jishen sea.

Stone man excitedly took out the black air transport stone, only to see that there are ten white air transport on it.

However, compared with the black stone, the ten threads of Qi are too small.

The stone man tilted his head in a puzzled manner.

"It's strange that all these ten Qi transports are not as big as any of the eight Qi transports in Jishen sea?"

Gu Xuan was slightly stunned and suddenly thought of something. He asked, "what are the eight evil beasts that Ji Shenhai killed?"

Stone man holding chin: "looks like eight star evil beast."

In Gu Xuan's eyes, there was such a look.

Li Xie Yun thought: "according to the battle just now, the two star evil beast is equivalent to the two star emperor. Sanxingsha beast is equivalent to the three star emperor. Eight star evil beast, that is equivalent to eight star emperor

The stone man clapped his head with a thump.

"So it is. It has something to do with the strength of the enemy you killed. At the beginning, I remember that I was very lucky. There was no evil beast below eight stars. So soon, the Qi Yun stone changed from black to white... "


Li Xiyun hit the head of the stone man with a fist. He fell to the ground and smashed a hole the size of his body.

"Is that luck? That's bad luck, OK? If we really meet the eight star monster, we must run away immediately. "

The stone man touched his head and stood up.

"Yaoshou, don't hit me on the head! Bite you

The stone man stares at Li Xie Yun.


Li Xiyun hit down again.

"I'll fight with you!"

The stone man jumped up and bit him with his mouth!

"Damn it, why are you so hard?"

Stone man's teeth creak, how hard can not bite Gu Xuan's left arm.

Gu Xuan's brow took a puff: "it seems that I didn't hit you just now?"

The stone man was still able to make a sound when he bit Gu Xuan.

"Who called you his master? In our stone people, ordinary stone people make trouble and are beaten up by Shizu. What's more, he's a two star emperor. You're only emperor. You should pick a soft bite when biting people! I think I'm stupid! Damn it, it's hard! "

Gu Xuan, with a black thread on his head, raised his arm and swung it, but he couldn't get rid of it.

"I'm sure you are!"

Stone man is very stubborn.

"Bite as you like. I think it's your teeth that break first, or your teeth first."

Regardless of the ancient Xuan, the heads of the stone people are all made with show. It must be like this!

"Next, where are we going?"

Li Xiyun looks at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan patted the stone man's head: "aren't you a guide? Say it

The stone man hung on Gu Xuan's arm and snorted.

"I'm the guide, but I can't lead the way blindly. First of all, tell me the purpose of your coming here. With a goal, it will be much easier for me to lead the way. At the beginning, Ji Shenhai's goal was to become a saint, so I helped him to become a saint! "

Li Xiyun was also curious about the purpose of Gu Xuan's coming here, and he did not move.

Gu Xuan said: "the purpose of my coming here is very simple. First, it is to become an imperial realm. I have to find a safe place to be promoted to the emperor.

Second, it is not enough to be promoted to the great emperor. If we want to deal with the enemy, our combat effectiveness must be greatly enhanced. So, we need a place of experience. "

Gu Xuan stretched out his right hand and hit the stone man's small head.

Dada, dada.

"So, in view of these two points, take the lead."


The stone man increased the strength of biting Gu Xuan's arm. Unfortunately, except for making a little noise, it had no effect.

"Hateful, still can't bite. However, your words have inspired me to keep going east. Your first goal will surely be achieved. "

The stone man said seriously.

However, Li Xie Yun frowned and began to convey the sound to the ancient Xuan.

"But master, you can be promoted anytime you want. With your strength, you can easily become a great emperor. What's more, if you want to enhance your combat effectiveness, as a Dandi, you can refine a batch of pills, won't you? "Li Xiyun raised his own question.

With a smile, Gu Xuan still said, "my promotion status will be special. It has to be absolutely safe. Moreover, the most important point is that we must not be in the burning land. Otherwise, I will expose my biggest card. "

"Oh? Master has a bigger card than master Ji Shen Hai? "

Li Xiyun was surprised.

"It's natural. Only if you can completely control the bottom card, you can be your biggest card

When Gu Xuan said this, he did not go on.

The reason why he chose to come to the little purgatory, in addition to the numerous opportunities here, is because of his separation.

No matter who wants to be promoted to emperor, they will be promoted together.

If Gu Xuan stayed in the burning land, once promoted, the secret of his separation would be exposed under the vast sky power and thunder.

At that time, everyone knows that Gu Xuan has a separate body besides his noumenon. Then his biggest card will be exposed, and his situation will become quite passive.

Because at that time, once the power wants to deal with him, it must be with the body and body together.

If this is the case, it will become meaningless as a means of his resurrection.

Moreover, when he was promoted to the great emperor and faced with the natural calamity, Gu Xuan's noumenon and separation will be interlinked no matter how far apart they are, even if they are in two different worlds.

At that time, they will be able to share the understanding of all practices, the skills and even the power in their own bodies.

Gu Xuan's original intention was to enter the funeral heaven and death promotion, which would have no risk.

However, although promotion is easy, it is impossible to become stronger in a short time.

As for refining pills to enhance strength, it is not impossible, but for today's ancient Xuan, the scope of promotion is not big.

In one month, no matter how many pills you take, you can't compete with daomen.

Under comprehensive consideration, Gu Xuan would choose a small purgatory.

Small purgatory is the holy land of Jishen sea, in which there must be great opportunities and challenges, which can help the ancient mystery become stronger.

It's just that Gu Xuan didn't expect that the challenge was the same as that of Jishen sea!

With a clear purpose, the stone man led the way faster.

"Almost there! A hundred miles ahead is the misty gorge, surrounded by dense fog all year round. It is very safe and suitable for you to be promoted to Emperor. Hateful, my mouth is so numb and angry, but I still have to keep biting you

Stone man is very persistent.

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