Misty gorge, between two mountains stretching for thousands of miles, only one entrance is very narrow for martial arts.

At the entrance, the white fog puffed indefinitely, as if a big snake was taking in the snake's message.

Line of sight, completely blocked out of the white fog.

"Are you sure this canyon is really safe?"

Gu Xuan dangled on his arm, ready to adhere to the ten thousand years unshakable stone man.

"In theory," the stone man murmured

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes, looked around a little, and then flew up to the sky to have a good look at the terrain.

Of course, it's not the eyes, but the power of the soul.

"As far as the terrain is concerned, it is really suitable to arrange a guard array, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Choose here. "

Gu Xuan quickly made a decision. Although he was strange in his heart, there was something in the canyon because of the unfortunate nature of the stone man.

But it's a great place to be promoted.

The natural force of heaven and earth in the gorge is very strong and full of aura. It is perfect to build a spirit gathering array.

The promotion of emperor is the most important task for Gu Xuan and Fenshen.

Without entering the imperial realm, it is impossible to master the unique power of order in the imperial realm and to compete with the Taoist school.

With the improvement of his horizons, as well as all kinds of top secret information of Taoism, Gu Xuan was sure that there must be a peak emperor or even a semi Saint level among the Taoist schools.

This level of power, with the strength of Gu Xuan today, is not its opponent at all.

Shi Zuguang with momentum, can let Li Xie Yun almost can not carry, this is the half saint's terrible.

Put aside the complicated mood, Gu Xuan three people, finally toward the only entrance to the canyon.

A moment later, the three men were lost in the thick fog.

At this time, the big tree in the deep fog opened its eyes.

"What's the matter? Someone broke into the misty gorge? They don't know, since a hundred years ago, this is the territory of killing emperors? If you enter here, you will end up dead! "

A monster stood up with a sneer, saliva dripping down his teeth.

"I haven't eaten for a long time. I hope it's a flesh and blood race. Don't be a stone man. It's hard and can't bite."

Its body momentum surging, is a four-star evil beast!


The shadow of this evil beast disappeared in the tree hole.

The other two monsters looked at the exit of the tree hole and saw a trace of uneasiness in each other's eyes.

"Activate the array first and hide the big tree. The dragon eating vine is hidden on this tree of life, and there must be no loss. "

"Whether it's the Dragon vine or the tree of life, it's ours! We must keep here and wait for the killing emperor to come. If this mission fails, no one can bear the anger of killing the emperor! "


A flash of light flashed over the tree.

After walking through the lengthy entrance path, the road in front of me suddenly opens up.

Although the thick fog blocked the sight, but under the detection of the ancient Xuan soul power, the nearby scene was still at a glance.

The interior of the canyon is gourd shaped, with two relatively wide Canyon spaces.

The three of us are now in the smaller Canyon space.

This canyon space, on the whole, appears to be more open.

Several people kept exploring, and soon walked around here, and found nothing special.

Ten miles away from the entrance, there is another passage, through which is the canyon space on the other side. According to the description of the stone man, it is at least 30 Li in size.


All of a sudden, several flaming beasts rushed out of nowhere.

Li Xiyun's momentum was slightly outward, and the flaming beasts ran away in panic.

Their strength has only reached the level of seven or eight stars at the imperial level. In addition to bullying the weaker flaming beasts, they also belong to the bottom of the food chain in this little purgatory.

"How about it? This misty gorge is not bad. If you want to be promoted to emperor, it is the most suitable place. The sky is full of fog, and your promotion will be covered up

The stone man is a little proud and shakes his body.

"It's really nice here."

Gu Xuan frowned.

The space inside the canyon seems too calm.

This is a small purgatory, not to mention the danger step by step. There is no reason why there is no native evil spirit beast or other purgatory races here. This is very unusual.

As for the flaming beasts just now, in the situation of little purgatory, they are equivalent to the most common ants in burning the sky. There is no difference between them.

Of course, none of this is the point.The point is, this stone man on his arm has made great achievements in guiding the way, but even the fierce man like jishenhai has been trapped several times and almost finished!

It brought its own Canyon, not a bit dangerous, not used to it, OK?

Gu Xuan looked at the canyon for a long time without action.

Li Xiyun is also on guard. As an evil emperor, he knows very well that the more normal a place looks, the more evil it may be.

Finally, the eyes of the two masters and apprentices focused on the passage to the other side of the gourd canyon.

Of course, the eyes can't see. It depends on the exploration of soul power.

If Gu Xuan wants to be absolutely safe for promotion, all potential threats here must be eliminated.

"Go and see."

Several people stepped into the not too wide passage.

The passage is very long, with cliffs on both sides. It's half a quarter of an hour long, but it hasn't ended yet.

"It's not right."

Gu Xuan frowned. He couldn't walk so long with his speed.

"Fantasy? Interesting! "

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile.

The power of his soul was rapidly released, and he was exploring the front.

However, only 30 Zhang away, it was blocked by a heavy barrier.

"Hahaha, I was found. Although the strength of these two people is very rubbish, their alertness is good. Well, I'll trap you to have a good time. The warriors who burn the sky are the most important tonic for killing the emperor. They can't be killed. "

A Sha animal, standing on the cliff, behind it, followed by hundreds of Sha beasts, at least two star level existence.

Among them, there are five sanxingsha beasts.

However, behind this evil beast, all the evil beasts did not dare to utter a word, and all looked down silently.

Their eyes, with the blessing of a special secret method, can penetrate the dense fog and see everything clearly.

"Just a layer of evil spirit barrier, also want to stop my soul power?"

With a cold smile, Gu Xuan turned his soul power into a long sword and stabbed at the evil spirit barrier.


There was no sound, but the whole space suddenly sank.

"Ha ha, that's ridiculous. Do you want to break my evil spirit barrier as a king level warrior? This is a prohibition against the power of the soul. With your soul power, it's too much for you

The arrogant voice of the first evil spirit resounded through the whole canyon.

"Is it?"

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile.

At this moment, the void suddenly swings, that evil spirit barrier, suddenly breaks.

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