Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2457: No shadow

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Cangyun Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a small humble thatched house, which emits a special smell, like herbs mixed with blood.

"Ziyi, you go now, leave me alone."

Inside, an old man leaned against the head of the bed, his face pale, and said weakly: "I'm uneasy in my heart, and I already smell dangerous."

The old man was seriously injured, his blood was exhausted, and he had completely lost his fighting power.

But he practiced for many years and still had an inexplicable sense of danger, like instinct!

"Master, you feel at ease to recuperate. Let's go together!"

In front of the old man, kneeling a woman in purple clothes, slightly bowed her head and whispered.

These two are the funeral night fairy and wind purple clothes.

Although Feng Ziyi lowered her head, the night of Immortal Burial could still feel the sadness in her heart.

"Cough cough! Ziyi, don't be sad."

Burial Night Zhenxian issued a fierce cough, breathing heavily, and said: "I know my physical condition, this injury can't be cured."

"I was originally born with a lot of life, and even if I was not injured, I wouldn't be able to live for a few years. Now, it's just a step ahead."

"Zhenxian Shouyuan is half a million years old. Since my ascension, I have had some scenery with your grandfather in the fairyland of Shenxiao, and it is only one step away from it to achieve a great cause!"

"This life is enough for me."

"It's just a pity that I can't go to Moyu to assist Feng Feng in the future."

Feng Zi's face is expressionless.

She lost her parents since she was a child, and she saw her parents were traumatized by her own hands, which caused trauma that was difficult to heal in her mind.

Since then, she has become silent.

Coupled with the many practices of practising hidden killing, the whole person becomes more indifferent and full of alertness for everyone.

She seems to have lost fear, sadness, laughter... all kinds of abilities.

Even though she was sad at this time and did not want to leave, she did not show any emotion.

She was just a little stubborn guarding by the night of Zhenxian.

Even she knows that the longer the two stay here, the more dangerous they are!

Burial Night Zhenxian suddenly sighed and said, "Brother Feng was trapped in the Thunder City. I failed to protect Yun Zhou and Xuan Su. Over the years, I have always felt ashamed."

"Master, that doesn't blame you."

Hearing these two names, Feng Ziyi's heart seemed to be hurt by something.

Feng Yunzhou and Lu Xuansu are her parents.

Funeral Night Immortal Road: "Ziyi, you go to the Demon Realm, go now! Brother Feng is here, and will be able to protect you comprehensively, you are his last relative in this world, and the only relative!"

"Today, none of you can leave."

At this moment, there was a voice outside the house, a bit cold, the direction fluctuated, as if everywhere!

Hearing this voice, the night of Immortal Buddy changed slightly, and he made a subconscious fist.


After a gust of wind blew, the thatched hut collapsed.

Feng Ziyi stirred up a group of vitality, protecting the funeral night fairy.

Soon, the dust dispersed.

I saw dozens of figures standing in the air in mid-air, with a strong breath, and the position seemed to be loose, but this place has been surrounded!

The head of the person wears Dou Li, a black cloth covers his face, and only exposes a pair of long and cold eyes.

Shenxiao Fairyland, one of the three great sword fairies, has no shadow!

In the distant sky, there are thousands of killing Tianwei galloping towards this place, about to arrive!

Seeing such a battle, there was some despair in the eyes of Zhenye.

no chance.

Even if he is in the peak state, it is difficult to escape this siege with Feng Ziyi!

Burial Night Zhenxian held his breath and slowly stood up, looking at the man in the air headed by mid-air, said: "There is no shadow, my life, I will give it to you today! Just a fight, you give her a way to live."

"This child is only a third-order fairy, and he can't threaten you at all."

Burial Night Zhenxian looked at Feng Ziyi around him and gasped.

"Master, don't ask him!"

Feng Ziyi said blankly.

"You can rest assured that at least she can't die now."

There is absolutely no shadow: "We will use her to lead the wind and make the sky appear, and when the time comes, send the two of them to the road together."

When there is absolutely no shadow to speak, there is no emotion at all.

"No shadow!"

Funeral Night Immortal breathed hard and suddenly shouted loudly: "At that time, I saw you pitiful, then rescued you and passed on your skills! I didn't expect you to be an ungrateful dog thief!"

"If you hadn't betrayed the remnant night, how could Xuan Su fall into the hands of Da Jin? In that battle, Yun Zhou would not lose to King Jinzi!"

No shadow masked, wearing hats, and no one could see his face.

It's just that his long and narrow eyes that are exposed to the outside have obviously become stronger!

There is absolutely no shadow: "Old things, you were so naive and ridiculous at the beginning, what kind of night you want to create to fight against the Jin Dynasty."

"I won't do anything about hitting a stone with an egg and a mantis as a car."

"You want to kill yourself, but don't pull me, I don't want to die yet!"

Funeral Night Immortal heard the words and couldn't help but scolded: "You ungrateful dog thief, you will never end well!"

"is it."

Wu Wuying said indifferently: "It's a pity that you can't see it, I will kill you today!"

"and many more!"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of monks came galloping, although the head of the man was a man, but he was born with a very beautiful look. It was Xie Qingcheng of the Yanyang Fairyland!

He had been staring nearby for a long time and never showed up.

All of his hundreds of monks are all immortal powerhouses, and there is no true immortal. Compared with the Jinxian Kingdom, the strength gap is very wide.

Therefore, he did not show up for the first time.

But nowadays, seeing the true night of the burial night is in danger, Xie Qingcheng can't care much, and can only stand up daringly.

Not surprisingly, the people at Qiankun Academy should be heading here, and he should delay the time as much as possible.

"It doesn't matter who waits, it's better not to be busy."

Wu Wuying glanced at Xie Qingcheng and said coldly.

He had long discovered that Xie Qingcheng and others had not broken through.

Because these people are nothing in his eyes, no threat.

Xie Qingcheng smiled slightly, arched his hands against a group of true immortal strongmen in Dajin Xianguo, and raised his voice: "In Xie Qingcheng, Yanyang Xianguo County King."

"This time, there is something important. I want to invite Ye Zhenxian and this girl of wind to go to the royal city of Yanyang Fairyland."

Burial Night Zhenxian and Feng Ziyi glanced at Xie Qingcheng, confused.

The good-looking king did not know each other, and did not know why they suddenly appeared.

Moreover, this Xie Qingcheng seems to be on their side.

"You don't need to move out of the Sun Yang Xian Kingdom or the name of the county king."

Wu Wuying said indifferently: "You don't even have a true fairy by your side. If I guess correctly, you are just an idle county king!"

Xie Qingcheng was seen through the truth and the look remained unchanged, but he secretly complained.

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