Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2458: You guys are so noisy

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The wife and concubines of the Yanyang fairy king are in groups, and there are many heirs, and there are hundreds of rumors.

But all the blood of the royal family can be called the king of the county.

But between the county kings, the status gap is very obvious.

There are sixteen counties and more than one thousand immortal cities in the Xian Kingdom, and there are twenty-three counties and more than two thousand cities in Yanyang Xian State.

Only the governor who governs one side of the county can be regarded as the governor of the Yangyang Xianguo, and the rest of the governors have only one place, which is the idle master.

Xie Tianhong, who died in the hands of the deity of the martial arts, was sitting on the side of the town. The king of Lingxia County had a powerful power. Not only was there a true fairy strong guard, but also a certain number of true fairy could be mobilized.

The idle king, such as Xie Qingcheng, can only recruit some immortals at most, and has no right to command the true immortal strongmen of the immortal kingdom.

The situation of the three great kingdoms is similar.

Like in the Yangyang Fairyland, if there is a vacancy for the king of the real power, the Yanyang Fairy King will even make the blood and blood of the knees fight against each other, and choose the best heir among the many heirs.

It is precisely because of the huge gap between the idle king and the king who truly controls the territory, that is why Xie Qingcheng is not in the eyes.

"Take Feng Ziyi away, leave that old thing to me."

No shadow said coldly.

A group of tortured guards obeyed their orders, and walked towards Feng Ziyi.

Xie Qingcheng secretly wrinkled, took a deep breath, and took hundreds of heavenly creatures behind him, blocking them in front of Feng Ziyi and confronting the execution guard.

"Xie Qingcheng, don't challenge my patience."

There is absolutely no shadow: "I say it again, no one has to wait, don't do much business!"

Xie Qingcheng smiled and said, "No shadows go to immortals. Please raise your hands and let them live a life. I promise that they will never appear in the fairy land of Shenxiao in the future!"

"Be careful!"

At this moment, Zhenye Zhenxian suddenly sounded a reminder.


Before Xie Qingcheng responded, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a blood arrow spewed out, and the blood and blood in the body quickly declined!

Xie Qingcheng covered his chest and mumbled.

No one saw a shot without a shadow,

But his chest was already pierced and his heart burst!

And the wound left by no shadow, there is still a ray of true Yuan Jianqi, so that his wound can not be repaired and healed in a short time.

Xie Qingcheng's body shivered slightly, his face was bloodless, and he was sweating a lot, but he still laughed loudly: "It's a shadowless sword that is one of the three great sword immortals. There is no shadow, no trace, no sound!"

"This is just a lesson for you."

There is absolutely no shadow, and narrow eyes look down on Xie Qingcheng, saying: "There will be another time, a sword will pierce your Yuanshen!"

"It turns out that the absolute shadowlessness of the three sword immortals of Shenxiao is actually a generation who bully the young!"

At this moment, accompanied by this voice, a delicate painting boat spirit boat came out of the air, and in a blink of an eye, it came close.

Above the painting, there are three people standing, two men and one woman.

Seeing the coming person, Xie Qingcheng felt at ease.

"Ziyi, look!"

At the night of the night, Zhenxian saw a person on the painting. In the muddy eyes, he glanced at the light, "It's him!"

Feng Ziyi looked sideways and saw that the scholar in the blue shirt on the painting boat's heart, like Gujing's heart, actually showed a wave of waves.

The three people in the painting are Su Zimo, Yang Ruoxu and Chihong County Master!

"Qiankun Academy?"

No shadows glanced over the Zongmen tokens in the waist of Su Zimo and others, his expression remained unchanged, and he murmured softly.

"Brother Allure!"

Seeing the appearance of Xie Qingcheng, the chief of Chihong County changed his face, exclaimed, jumped from the painting, and ran over.

Xie Qingcheng grinned reluctantly and said, "I'm fine, just go back and recuperate."

"Brother Xie!"

Su Zimo moved to Xie Qingcheng's body, and his expression was worried, and his strong anger was suppressed!

When Xie Qingcheng was injured, he was still pretending to be relaxed and jokingly said, "You are finally here. If you don't come again, I will really withdraw."


Su Zimo was touched in his heart, didn't say much, but kept this sentiment firmly in his heart.

Without Xie Qingcheng, he couldn't find Feng Ziyi at all.

What's more, in order to delay the time, Xie Qingcheng was also involved in danger, suffered heavy injuries and was seriously injured!

In fact, Su Zimo just told Xie Qingcheng to find someone.

Xie Qingcheng and Feng Ziyi never knew each other, even if he did not come forward to block, Su Zimo would not be half-blamed.

But Xie Qingcheng still stood up.

His appearance may be weak, but in his bones, he is brave!

Su Zimo came to Feng Ziyi in front of them, and looked at the weak spirit of the night of the night, he could not help frowning, and his face was a little ugly.

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that the burial night of the immortal is already full of oil and light.

In addition, there is a wound on the body, and the true night of the funeral may fall at any time!

"Boy, you are here."

Burial Night Zhenxian's mouth twitched slightly, trying to squeeze out a smile.

Feng Ziyi did not speak, but gave Su Zimo a deep look.

Su Zimo said in a deep voice: "Senior, don't worry, I will take you away!"

"I am already a dying person, don't worry about me."

Funeral Night Immortal Road: "You take Ziyi away and take care of her."

"When did Qiankun Academy like to do so much business?"

A Jin Jinxian suddenly chuckled and said, "On the basis of the three of you, do you still want to grab someone in the hands of my Dajin Xian Kingdom?"

Yang Ruoxu came to Xie Qingcheng's side and shot his chest, trying to get rid of the true elements left in his body.

But I tried several times in succession, but failed.

No shadow is a true fairy in the period of Dongxu, and Yang Ruoxu is just a true fairy in the period, and there is too much difference between the two sides!

Looking at Yang Ruoxu's behavior, Wu Wuying said: "Just now I said that I am bullying the small? Is it yours with your cultivation behavior, and you want to get rid of the true sword energy I left behind?"

"Hehehe...the people in the academy are all so ignorant of the sky and the earth?"

"Who is this person? Haven't you seen him before?"

"Looking at his cultivation as the realm, it is estimated that he has just become a true disciple of the Academy."

"Just stepped into the real world and really thought you were omnipotent? Tell you the truth, your future is still long!"

The remaining real immortals of the Jin Dynasty immortals gave a chuckle and mocked their expressions.

"You guys are so noisy."

Suddenly, there was a voice in the room of the painting boat, although it was hard to conceal the disgust and disgust against the people of the Dajin Xian Kingdom, it was extremely beautiful.

Immediately afterwards, a woman walked out of the painting and stood on the bow.

The breeze is gentle, the women's coats are fluttering, the posture is graceful, the hair is black, and the hanging bun is like a nine-day fairy coming out of the ancient painting. The beauty is beautiful and the sky is discolored!

The sneer and whisper of Fang Cai disappeared in an instant.

Everyone's eyes fell on the woman's body and could no longer move away.

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