Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2487: Soft persimmon

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After Su Zimo and Mo Qing said goodbye, they returned to Dongfu, preparing to retreat again.

There is a thousand years before the Shenxian Fairy Club.

Normally, during this time, the vast majority of high-level Celestials will choose to go down the mountain one after another, go out to experience, find people to fight everywhere, and try their best to squeeze into the prediction list.

And Su Zimo has been ranked 17th in the prediction list, even if he does not participate in other battles and fights, he has already qualified to compete in the Shenxian Fairy Rankings.

Therefore, with the remaining millennium, he intends to pay close attention to practice and strive for another realm.

The Sect Master of the Academy is right. In the realm of the sixth-order heavenly god, if he does not use the blood of Qinglian, he has little chance of winning against Yun Ting.

Over the years, he has been making progress and getting many opportunities, and Yun Ting has not stopped!

Just looking at the prediction list, the information about Yun Ting knows that, over the years, Yun Ting has never had fewer chance encounters than him, and he has even passed it!

Even if he can practice to the seventh order of heaven, against Yun Ting, it should be only fifty-five.

Faced with an opponent like Yun Ting, even if there is only a single difference, in battle, there will be a huge gap.

Not to mention, the difference between the two is two or three levels.

Su Zimo retreats in Dongfu, but no outsiders are seen.

A few days later, Tao Yao returned to the Dong Mansion and, together with Liu Ping, continued to take care of all the chores of the Dong Mansion.

Over the past six months, there have been a lot of strong immortals outside the academy. The naming has to challenge Su Zimo.

Among them, there are many strong men who predict the top 20 of the list!

The quickest way to enter the prediction list or to improve the ranking is of course to challenge the opponents on the prediction list.

Although Su Zimo ranked 17th in the prediction list.

But his cultivation is the realm, only six levels of Xuanyuan realm.

Compared with top celestial beings, there are three realms!

This is an irreparable gap in the eyes of many strong angels.

Moreover, the prediction of Su Zimo's record on the sky list is too few, only two battles.

Although the Battle of Lei Lei City caused a lot of impact, the record was too small, and many angels thought that Su Zimo was only strong outside the country, but not as strong as the legend.

What's more, Su Zimo's ranking, in the eyes of everyone, is mixed with huge water!

In the evaluation given by Shenxiao Palace, it has been stated that Su Zimo's strength can only be ranked at sixty or seventy.

He was able to rank in the top 20, completely because he had escaped a shadowless assassination.

But this only shows that Su Zimo's escape effort is good, but it cannot be reflected in the combat power.

The Qiankun Academy, the battle between Su Zimo and Fang Qingyun, due to the academy ban, outsiders do not know the details.

Many people only know that Fang Qingyun has died, but they do not know that he died in the hands of Su Zimo!

Many factors are superimposed, which makes many Tianxian strong think that Su Zimo belongs to the "soft persimmon" which is relatively easy to challenge on the prediction list.

At the beginning, only a few sporadic celestial beings came to challenge.

But for half a year, Su Zimo has always closed his doors and refused to fight, letting everyone yell outside to provoke provocation, but he is indifferent and ignores and ignores.

This kind of reaction further confirms the speculation of the crowd that the Celestial Power who came to challenge not only did not decrease, but more and more.

Entering the prediction list ahead of time is of course beneficial and well-known in the world, but it also has to bear huge pressure!

Su Zimo is dedicated to cultivation and wants to go further, unwilling to ignore these challengers.

When Tao Yao and Liu Ping were ordered by Su Zimo, they naturally blocked all the challengers who came home.

In a flash, a year passed.

"Is this the 677th challenger who refused?"

"It should be six hundred seventy-eight!"

After Liu Ping rejected another challenger, they whispered in Dongfuzhong.

Liu Pingdao: "Senior Brother always avoids this without fighting, and also has a certain influence on his ranking in the prediction list."

Someone came to challenge, but Su Zimo chose to avoid without fighting, and Shen Xiaogong's evaluation of him would naturally be lowered.

Tao Yao nodded and said, "I have also noticed that on the latest updated forecast list, the son has dropped several places."

Liu Ping raised his fist and said, "If you want me to say, brother should pick a hard stubble among these challengers and give him a lesson, let everyone see!"

"It also saves this group of people. The three-day door-to-door challenge is bothersome."

At this time, there was another figure outside the gate of Dongfu.

Tao Yao can clearly see the situation outside the cave through the reflection crystal in the cave.

Seeing the coming person, Tao Yao couldn't help but sigh: "This monk was born so beautiful."

"It's useless to be pretty. It's just casually sent." Liu Ping didn't look at it and said casually.

Tao Yao nodded and said to the outside of the cave house: "This Daoist, I'm sorry, my son is retreating and will not fight you, please come back."

"In Xie Qingcheng, it is not a challenge to come to your door."

The person smiled slightly and said, "I came here just to visit Brother Su."

Liu Ping pouted and said, "Half of the challengers said they came to visit."

As soon as the words fell, he looked and reacted.

"Xie Qingcheng?"

Liu Ping hurriedly glanced in front of Yingjing Crystal and said, "It really is him."

Liu Ping had met the king of Qingcheng County in the royal city of Yanyang Xianguo.

Although this man is a man, he is more beautiful and beautiful than most women. Liu Ping was very impressed by him.

Moreover, Chihong County Lord has a good relationship with this one.

A year ago, the person who first discovered the whereabouts of Feng Ziyi was also the king of Qingcheng County.

"Ask Brother."

In this matter, Liu Ping did not dare to take the lead without permission, and dragged Tao Yao towards Su Zimo's practice cave.


Su Zimo heard Xie Qingcheng coming, without hesitation, got up and came outside the cave, and greeted Xie Qingcheng in person.

There was not much communication between the two. Xie Qingcheng helped him several times, and he always remembered it.

Although the prince of the Yanyang Fairyland is just an idle prince and has no power or power, Su Zimo's impression of him is very good.

The two were seated, and Taoyao served two cups of hot steaming tea, and the fragrance was fragrant.

Xie Qingcheng smiled and said: "Brother Su, the battle of Lei Lei City a year ago shocked Shenxiao. After I heard it, I was shocked."

"It's nothing."

Su Zimo said: "Yuan Zuo chased and besieged me many times, I always have to return."

"Brother Su's hand was destroyed once, and Yuan Zuo and his thunder city were destroyed."

Xie Qingcheng shook his head and chuckled.

After a pause, Xie Qingcheng said: "I can hear that Brother Su hasn't settled well this year, and there are a lot of challengers."

"There are indeed a lot of challengers, but I still ignored them." Su Zimo smiled and didn't care.

There are not many people in the same rank who can make him an opponent.

The rest, he didn’t even bother to take a look!

Su Zimo thought of the two of them and asked, "Yes, Xu Shi, Xu Xiaotian and his son are still with you, how are you doing?

"pretty good."

Xie Qingcheng said: "It's just that Xu Shi's talent is limited, and he may not be able to achieve Tianxian in the future. Xu Xiaotian's talent is good and the potential is not small."

The two greeted each other for a while. Although Xie Qingcheng looked relaxed and talked with Su Zimo, he seemed to be very worried.

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