Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2488: Asura Battlefield

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"Brother Xie, what is your concern?"

Su Zimo asked.

Xie Qingcheng smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Su has good eyesight, but he can't hide from you. When he came here, there really was something he wanted to invite Brother Su to come forward."

"At the foot of Cangyun Mountain, what did you want to say at the time, right?"

Su Zimo smiled, not surprised.

At that time under the Cangyun Mountain, he had promised Xie Qingcheng, if there was anything in the future, just come to him.

Xie Qingcheng moved, but hesitated.

After a lapse of one year, Xie Qingcheng visited again, no accident, it should be the thing that had not been said.


Xie Qingcheng no longer concealed, Shen said: "I didn't say that at first, I didn't make up my mind if I wanted to participate in this matter. Secondly, this matter was too dangerous, and it had a certain effect on the monk's combat power. Claim."

"At that time, Brother Su had just come down the mountain, only the sixth-order Celestial Immortal, and was not included in the prediction list. I don't know much about Brother Su's combat power. Even if you invite Brother Su, you may not be able to help you, but it will affect you..."

Speaking of which, Xie Qingcheng smiled and said, "Later, Lei Lei City spread all over Shenxiao, and I learned Brother Su's methods."

"What is it? Brother Xie talk about it."

Su Zimo asked.

Xie Qingcheng said: "Xie Tianhong of Lingxia County, Brother Su should know that he died outside more than two thousand years ago, but his bones have never been found."

Su Zimo concealed in his heart: "Xie Tianhong was slapped and slapped by the deity of the martial arts deity. The corpse was under Abi Hell, and no one else could find it."

Xie Qingcheng continued: "Xie Tianhong is the governor of Lingxia County. Over the years, because his bones have not been seen, the location of Lingxia County has always been empty."

"Last year, the father finally let go, and decided to select a new king of Lingxia County among the kings below."

Under Lingxia County, there are more than 1,000 ancient cities with tens of millions of miles of territory.

The king of Lingxia County is powerful and distinguished, far superior to ordinary kings.

Now, this position is vacant, and naturally will cause competition between the blood vessels of the royal family of the Yanyang fairy.

Xie Qingcheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I don't want to miss this opportunity, I want to try it!"

Su Zimo was silent.

Xie Qingcheng was just an idle county king. In the royal blood, he belonged to the lowest level, but it was optional, and there was no sense of existence.

But it is also true that his situation is relatively comfortable.

If he participates in this kind of struggle, his future will be full of countless open battles and **** storms!

Like the Yangyang Fairyland, the royal family has a lot of blood, and the incense is prosperous.

"Is it decided?"

Su Zimo looked at Xie Qingcheng and asked solemnly.

Xie Qingcheng nodded his head and subconsciously clenched his fists, saying: "I want to be the king of the ruling party, and I want to have a powerful position. Only in this way can I justify my mother's name!

Su Zimo had heard the Chihong County Lord accidentally mentioned that Xie Qingcheng's mother was not of good origin.

Therefore, his status among the numerous lords is not high.

"OK, I will help you."

Su Zimo saw that Xie Qingcheng had already decided, and he did not hesitate to respond directly.

"What are the requirements for the king of Lingxia County?"

Su Zimo asked again.

Xie Qingcheng said: "Cultivating to a true fairy king, the father will not let them manage such a large territory, and it is easy to divide the worry about the divine energy and affect the cultivation."

"That is to say, as long as you reach the fairyland, you are eligible to compete for the position of the king of the Lingxia County, but the cultivation level cannot be too low. The first-order fairy, the second-order fairy must not work.

Su Zimo's consciousness swept a little, Xie Qingcheng was a seventh-order god.

Xie Qingcheng laughed at himself and said, "I am barely qualified."

Su Zimo asked: "How to select the king of Lingxia County this time?"

"This time the father put the seal of the king of Lingxia County in an ancient ruin."

Xie Qingcheng said: "Then the participating kings of the battle, each of whom can lead a hundred Celestial strongmen, enter this site and seize the seal of the king of the county."

"The 100 heavenly immortals can be chosen at will. They don't have to be people in the Yanyang Immortal Kingdom."


Hearing this, Su Zimo moved in his heart and said, "In this way, among the 100 strongest immortals, there will be strong people who are predicted to appear on the list."


Xie Qingcheng nodded and said, "As far as I know, it is predicted that there will be several out of the top ten in Tianbang, ready to help other princes take the Lingxia seal."

Su Zimo nodded secretly.

The arrangement of Yanyang Fairy King obviously has another deep meaning.

He is not only interested in the personal strength of his descendants, but also the connections, communication, and influence in the fairyland of Gods!

Xie Qingcheng said: "As far as I know, the prediction list has been announced. Over the past year, many strong immortals have gone out to find opportunities and want to be on the prediction list."

"And this ancient ruin is the best opportunity!"

"This battle for the ruins of ancient ruins will be the best chance for many Tianxian strongmen to refresh their rankings and squeeze into the prediction list."

Su Zimo nodded and suddenly asked: "Will Yun Ting go?"

"probably not."

Xie Qingcheng smiled bitterly: "If anyone can invite Yunting County King out of the mountain, this Lingxiayin dispute is probably no suspense."

Su Zimo nodded.

He is now a Tier 6 Celestial Immortal. If he is against Yun Ting, he is unlikely to win.

After a pause, Su Zimo asked again: "Yes, where is the ancient ruins you just said?"

"It was a fragment of an ancient battlefield."

Xie Qingcheng explained: "I heard that it may be an epoch-making battle between heaven and earth in an ancient era. The battlefield is extremely spread and the world is broken."

"This ancient ruin is one of the tiny fragments, generally called the Shura Battlefield."

"Shura Battlefield?"

Su Zimo raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xie Qingcheng nodded and continued, "Don't look at it as just a small piece, but there is a lot of power in it. Moreover, in this battlefield, there is a strange gas of blood evil, which has a lot of magical secrets of the monk. Obvious suppression effect!"


Su Zimo was a little surprised, and asked, "What kind of blood is there to have this effect?"

"I am not sure as well."

Xie Qingcheng said: "According to the information I inquired about, this kind of blood-bearing gas can block magical secrets like monsters and beasts."

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

If according to Xie Qingcheng's words, many of his hole cards, in this Shura battlefield, I am afraid they can not be displayed.

Xie Qingcheng continued: "As for why it is called the Shura battlefield, because in this battlefield, there are many Asura tribes, half man and half god, brave and warlike, extremely powerful!"


The origin of this race is mysterious, but the fighting power is extremely strong, and it is not even weaker than the Protoss and Dragons. At first, the deity of the martial arts on the Shura Temple of Datiewei Mountain once tried to suppress one.

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