Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2498: Gradual exposure

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In the high altitude of the Asura battlefield, outside the **** mist, there are six figures standing in the air, exuding a strong breath, and standing high, overlooking the Asura battlefield.

Divine Rainbow, Divine Ze, Divine Wind, Divine Crane, Divine Cloud, Divine Flame.

These six are exactly the six real immortals in the Shenxiao Palace's prediction list!

Shenxian Fairy Club is a huge event once every 100,000 years. During this period, the most striking part is the competition and announcement of the sky list!

This is also the best opportunity for countless arrogant evils to be famous in the world.

Prior to this, predicting the top list became extremely important.

This is tantamount to transforming Shenxian Immortal Domain into an invisible battlefield, and picking out the most outstanding hundred Celestial Immortals in the entire Immortal Domain!

Therefore, Shenxiao Palace also attaches great importance to the battle of winning the Indian battle on the Shura battlefield, and directly sent six real immortals to watch the battle evaluation and update the rankings in real time.

Due to the vast expanse of Shura’s battlefield, the Six True Immortals could not pay attention to each team.

Therefore, six people divided the Shura battlefield into six areas, and each person was responsible for one of them.

When the eight teams gather in the ancient city, the six true immortals can pay attention to everyone.

Shenhong Zhenxian said: "Unexpectedly, these corpses that have fallen for many years have been eroded by this blood-sharp qi, and they can also wake up and become undead powerful."

"I don't know what kind of blood blaze, what is the origin." Shenze Zhenxian asked.

"The source is in the lake in the center of the ancient city, but our consciousness cannot be explored."

Shenfeng Zhenxian pondered: "I guess it may be the bones of an ancient monster."

Shen Yun suddenly said: "Under the siege of these Asuras, Yashas, ​​and monsters from all walks of life, the kings of the Yanyang Immortal Kingdom lost a lot."

"It is true."

Shen Yan nodded and said: "Although these teams have the top players in the top of the list, killing a **** road, but within two days, the Shura battlefield has a continuous stream of undead, and other monks can't resist it."

Kamikaze nodded.

In the eyes of the fairy crane fairy, weird glances were weird, without a word.

After two days, these monarchs led their respective teams, and after numerous fights and escapes, they have arrived in the ancient city one after another.

The team of Yuyan County Master and Zong Feiyu first arrived in the ancient city.

Although there are Zong Feiyu's strongest predictors in the third place, this team of 100 people also lost half when they arrived in the ancient city!

Some monks died, and had no time to shred the teleporter.

Some monks were unable to save themselves when they were in distress. They could only tear apart the 箓 and leave the battlefield.

It didn’t take long to predict that the tenth day of the Tianhuang County Kings, Mingjiong County King and Song Ce and others, Yan County King and Lie Xuan and others, Feng County King and Luo Yang Tianxian and others, Yu County King and Yuehai and others arrival.

Each team is extremely embarrassed, even if the team with the smallest loss, Yan County King and Lie Xuan, has lost nearly 40 people!

There are only 30 or 40 people left in the other teams.

The seventh team that arrived was the Xingyan County King who was almost in conflict with Su Zimo.

His team looks even more miserable, with only 14 people left.

Among the hundred gods he convened, although there are two strong players on the prediction list, the ranking is not high, and he cannot protect too many people.

Of the nine teams, only two of them have not yet arrived in the ancient city.

At this moment, the fairy crane fairy suddenly said: "The king of Chengtian County has all been out."

In the Shura battlefield, there are only eight teams left!

For this result, the six true cents are not surprised.

Although the team of Chengtian County King has hundreds of immortals, it lacks a real strongman, and none of them predicts the list of heaven.

It is not surprising that the Asuras and other undead monsters have not broken through.

Shenyun said: "There is a team that has not arrived. If you remember correctly, it should be the Shenhe, Xie Qingcheng and Su Zimo's dozen people."

Kamikaze laughed: "The number is too small. More than a dozen people estimate that the first shock of the undead in the battlefield cannot be resisted."

"Yeah, even if there is only one Su Zimo left, it's hard to support." Shen Yan shook his head slightly.

"not at all."

The fairy crane fairy suddenly said: "Among the nine teams, only he is the one with the least damage!"


Shen Yun and others were surprised.


The fairy crane pointed down and was about to arrive in the ancient city of Xie Qingcheng and Su Zimo.

The other five true immortals looked over and could not help changing their faces!

"what's the situation?"

"Just one person folded?"

Everyone can see clearly that Xie Qingcheng's team, when it came in, was 18 people, and now it is about to arrive in the ancient city, with 17 people left!

What's even weirder is that this pedestrian has traveled a long distance. Although the wind and dust are servant, there is no wound or blood stain on his body, and there is no slight embarrassment.

"How is this going?"

Shenze was so surprised that he couldn't help asking.

"Looking at the appearance of this team, it doesn't seem to have encountered a large-scale attack of the undead on the battlefield?" Shen Yun frowned.

Shen Yan analyzed: "Could it be said that some people in this team know what means, or what treasures they possess, can hide the breath, and not be inspired by death?"

The five of them had observed other areas and other teams. They did not pay attention to the movements of Xie Qingcheng and Su Zimo.

This is observed by fairy crane fairy, and only she can answer.

"Accurately, it's not a hidden breath."

Fairy Crane Crane carefully recalled the observations over the past two days and pondered: "This feeling is more like someone perceiving the breath of the undead in advance, thus avoiding the danger in advance."

"Normally speaking, there is no condensed Dao fruit, and the scope of God's detection in the blood mist is limited. Who can penetrate the Qi of Blood and feel the danger ahead?" Shen Yan frowned.

"It should be Su Zimo!"

Fairy Crane Fairy said: "In the past two days, I see that his course of travel is irregular, and often goes around. It is precisely because of this that they are the last team to arrive."

"At first, I didn't care. But then I discovered that every time this team went around, it would avoid the powerful undead hidden in the blood mist in front!"

Hearing this, the five true immortal hearts were stunned, and they were horrified!

Seeing nothing, avoiding danger?

Does this legendary ability really exist?

"This battle to win India has suddenly become interesting. Perhaps the final result will exceed all of us' expectations."

The fairy crane suddenly smiled, a glance of anticipation in her beautiful eyes.

The six great immortals certainly knew that Su Zimo was involved, but at first no one cared.

Twenty-fourth day list, the gap between the top ten strength of the day list is too big!

It is not just them who are fighting this battle for India. Shenxian Xianyu is concerned about the forces of the parties, and many monks have also made their own speculations.

Some people think that it may be the owner of Yuyan County who has the help of Zongfeiyu, and the chance is the greatest.

Some people also believe that Tianhuang County King is powerful, ranking tenth in the prediction list, and most likely to laugh to the end.

Others predicted that Yan Jun, who was helped by Lie Xuan, would eventually win.

But now, just two days have passed since the battle for the victory of India, there seems to be a little more variable in the battlefield!

A Tier 6 Celestial Immortal that was almost ignored by everyone, on this cruel and **** Shura battlefield, gradually emerged, and the front edge appeared!

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