Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2499: Mysterious blood

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Asura battlefield, the center of the ancient city.

This ancient city is already dilapidated, and only the ruined walls remain, but there is still a mysterious force left in the ancient city to deter the dead in the battlefield.

Whether it is the Asura tribe, the Yasha tribe, or other demon beast races, chasing down many monks to here, they all stopped, wandering for a while, and then dispersed.

In the ancient city.

Several teams finally got rid of the chase of a group of undead. After rushing into the ancient city, they did not continue to move forward. They rested in situ around the gate and rectified their interest rates.

Some people are seriously injured, some people consume a great deal, some people look frightened, and they feel terrified. They seem to be greatly frightened.

This kind of blood evil spirit not only has a strange power of forbidding, but also invades the body of the soul and affects the morality of the monk!

If you don't heal your wounds as soon as possible and calm down your mind, you will most likely be invaded by the blood of Qi and lose your heart, lose your way, and lose your mind.

In two days' time, you can see the gap between everyone.

Arriving in the ancient city, only a few of the top ten in the top list were not greatly affected.

Although a few people have a lot of consumption, but take some pill, you don’t need to focus on adjusting the rate, you can recover quickly.

"Xie Qingcheng hasn't arrived yet?"

Xie Tianhuang looked relaxed and smiled lightly: "Won't he leave Shura's battlefield already?"

Yue Hai Shen Sheng said: "In his line, there are only a dozen people, it is difficult to break through the interception of the undead of all races."

"Let him escape again!"

Song Ce, the first torture guard, had a cold eyesight and a hint of regret in his tone, saying: "I knew so. In the palace of Yanyang, you should start with him and cut him off first!"


Zong Feiyu also skimmed his mouth.

at the same time.

Under the leadership of Su Zimo, Xie Qingcheng and his party finally arrived in the ancient city to get rid of the crisis.

Everyone looked at each other with a look of joy and a breath.

After entering the ancient city, at least you don’t have to worry about it all the time.

"It seems that in the Shura battlefield, there are not many awakened undeads. When we met one or two along the way, we chopped off easily."

"Well, as long as Su Daoyou reminds us, we are prepared and there is nothing terrible."

"Yeah, we were a little careless at first. We were scared when we saw a few people fall."

Moon Shadow Tianxian Road: "Actually, when we traveled along the way, the Shura battlefield was not as cruel as the outside. If we didn't go around those roads, we should be able to reach the ancient city faster."

"Can't do it, several other teams have already entered the city."

While talking, Xie Qingcheng and others stepped into the ancient city.

Seeing some messy footsteps at the gate of the city, Yueying Tianxian shook his head and said: "Sure enough, I was told that we have detoured too many roads. Several other kings have already arrived here."

Su Zimo's expression was indifferent, without saying a word.

While Yueying Tianxian was talking, the crowd had entered the ancient city and they were seeing the monks healed in situ near the gate of the city.

A group of monks noticed the movements here, and they looked at them with their eyes open.

The two sides looked at each other, all on the spot, dumbfounded!

At the gate of the city, there was a long silence, silent.

"how is this possible?"

Several monarchs and numerous monks stunned their faces, glaring their eyes, and they threw waves of turmoil in their hearts, revealing incredible colors.

Xie Qingcheng, they arrived here alive!

Even more amazing is that they have only one person missing.

Moreover, the remaining 17 monks, including Xie Qingcheng, had clean clothes, no blood stains on their bodies, a steady breath, and a ruddy complexion.

Where do these people seem to have experienced countless lives and deaths before they arrived here?

Xie Qingcheng, Yueying Tianxian and others were shocked when they saw the opposite position.

Where is the Celestial Team opposite.

A group of people are scattered, sitting or lying paralyzed on the ground, mentally weak. At first glance, it seems to be a group of refugees with bruises all over the body!

What is more terrible is that the Heavenly Immortal strongmen under the command of these county kings have suffered heavy losses and the number has been reduced by half.

For example, the team of King of Stars and Flames has more lost angels, and now the number of this team is not as large as them!

"What did they...experience?"

"Did we miss something?"

In the minds of Yueying Tianxian and others, there are countless puzzles.

Su Zimo was not surprised by this scene.

He turned his head to look at Yueying Tianxian, patted his shoulder, and said seriously: "Just listening to your tone, it should be abandoning me and going around. If you are interested, you may wish to go out and turn around."

Yueying Tianxian shuddered, shook his head quickly, and said with a smile: "No, no, I'm not interested."

Even if everyone responded slowly, it gradually became clear at this time.

If Su Zimo did not lead the way, what they experienced was never as simple as it was!

Seeing the miserable appearance of the group of monks on the opposite side, everyone had no doubt that if they proceeded normally, they might not even see the shadow of the ancient city!

Xie Qingcheng did not say much and cast a grateful glance at Su Zimo.

Seeing the appearance of Su Zimo and others, unlike a group of monks, Zong Feiyu and Song Ce, who predicted the top ten in the top ten, first showed a little surprise.

Immediately, in the eyes of several people, a glance of joy passed by.

That's the joy of being lost!

It's just that a few people didn't shoot immediately.

Now that Su Zimo has entered the city, there is no need to worry.

Moreover, there is obviously more than one person interested in Su Zimo, and among them, they also have some concerns and have to find a suitable opportunity!

Su Zimo did not look at Zong Feiyu and others, but he could still perceive their hidden hostility.

He was unmoved, and the one who came should always come!

"Let's take a look inside the ancient city."

Su Zimo proposed.

Their pedestrian is different from other Celestial Immortals. They have not suffered any injuries and do not have to rush to rest and recuperate.

Everyone had already taken Su Zimo's heartfelt orals at this time, and even Moon Shadow Celestials had no meaning, and nodded in agreement for the first time.

More than a dozen monks such as Xie Qingcheng entered the depths of the ancient city under the complex gaze of many monks and disappeared.

"Brother Su, what do you seem to think about you along the way?"

Xie Qingcheng noticed that when Su Zimo entered the battlefield of Shura, he often thought deeply and did not know what he was thinking.

Su Zimo didn't answer immediately.

Along the way, in addition to using spiritual consciousness to lead everyone to avoid danger in advance, he also secretly urged several magical secrets.

After a few attempts, he found a weirdness.

This kind of blood-sharp qi can indeed block the six-tooth divine power, and even his Dapeng wings will be blocked and cannot be urged.

However, during this period, he tried to urge the real dragon nine flashes, Tianyizhenshui, Nanming Lihuo Sandao Zhending tripod secret law, but was not banned.

It stands to reason that these three mysteries are also related to monsters.

But the blood of the evil spirit did not respond much to them.

What makes Su Zimo feel weird is that, surrounded by this blood-scarring qi, his initial discomfort has gradually disappeared!

Not only that, this blood-smelling gas seems to be nourishing his flesh and blood!

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