Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1014


After Ye Qianran's mind gradually cleared up, she first felt the difference in herself, and her physical feeling seemed to be stronger.

Of course, this is not the point, but his divine sense has also improved a lot at this time.

This improvement has never appeared after his breakthrough, but it has appeared now.

When he was puzzled, he found that there was a moist feeling coming from his hands at this moment, and his face was full of doubts, and he turned his head to look, and an unspeakable surprise appeared at this moment.

That's right, he saw that Qiqi had woken up at this time, wagging his tail, uh...ten tails, sticking out his tongue and touching his hand.

A look of surprise appeared on his face. At this moment, he directly hugged Qiqi in his arms, and the joy completely burst out at this moment.

Qiqi was almost in danger of his life because of him at that time, but now seeing that Qiqi seemed to be fine, he was even more happy to the extreme.

After hugging for a long time, Ye Qianran also let go of Qiqi at this time, and his eyes fell on Rong Yanqing at this time and said at this time: "Senior, thank you, if it wasn't for you, Qiqi It won't come back either!"

"Hehe, this is also your creation!"

Rong Yanqing said something with a smile, then glanced at Qiqi and said: "It seems that you have benefited a lot this time!"

"This is indeed!"

Ye Qianran nodded. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him. On the contrary, he felt that his body seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and his spiritual sense had been completely improved. Compared with before, that feeling reappeared. A big difference.

At this time, he also discovered that every improvement of his divine sense can bring him a different feeling, and it is like this now.

"Okay, you're all fine now, get ready, there's something important to talk about tomorrow!" Rong Yanqing smiled at this moment.

"Well, I see!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran nodded in agreement, thanked him again, and left the room at this time with Qiqi in his arms.

After he left, he went straight to the room where Ruyan Liu and Feixuan Yi used to live, lying on the 'bed', and Qiqi lay beside him.


After Ye Qianran smiled, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked at the sky outside, and found that it was already getting dark before he knew it.

Pulling the quilt over his body, there was still a faint fragrance from the two of them on the quilt, and it felt very good to breathe, so he fell asleep soon after.

That night he had a very long dream, he dreamed that he solved all the problems, and then took his 'woman' to the secular world, and lived happily...

When he was resting sweetly, there was a wet feeling on his face, he opened his eyes, and found Qiqi lying beside him, looking at him.

A little helplessness emerged at this time, and a good dream was gone.

But it was this dream that made him even more impatient...

In the morning, after Ye Qianran had a simple meal, he came to the main hall of Tongtian Pavilion. When he got there, he said directly without saying a word: "Let's go to the Kong'dong' enchantment!"

After Su Kunlin nodded, he didn't say much, his spiritual thoughts surged, and the power of space emerged at this moment. The next moment, a group of people appeared at the empty barrier at the same time.

In an instant, Su Kunlin and the others were filled with astonishment and disbelief.

It was only a moment before they felt it, and during this period, they hadn't felt anything else, they had a deep understanding, and Ye Qianran's strength had once again had a considerable improvement.

At this time, Ye Qianran's growth may have reached a level that they can look up to, right?

"Seniors, I'll go there now, and when you find out that the barrier is open, just come over here!" Ye Qianran said at this time.

"Well, you go!" Su Kunlin nodded, speaking in a foreign language.

Ye Qianran nodded slightly, his eyes fluttered, his spiritual thoughts surged, and then the holy bead floated out at this time, and the dazzling light also bloomed at this time during the mobilization of the original source.


In a room with a very nice environment, a girl looked at An Mengying with a dazed expression.

"What's wrong?" An Mengying raised her head after hearing this, her beautiful eyes were slightly puzzled.

"If you don't eat, it will be cold again!" the girl said.

After hearing this, An Mengying lowered her head, her eyes fell on the pastry in front of her eyes, her lips moved, "I have no appetite!"

"Is the princess thinking about Young Master Ye?" the girl asked doubtfully.

An Mengying's face turned rosy, but in the end she didn't deny it, but nodded in agreement.


The girl's voice hesitated again, but then her lips moved, but no words came out.

"He will definitely come back!"

An Mengying said firmly at this time: "I don't have an appetite right now, take it away! Besides, I'm tired now and don't want others to bother me!" After speaking, she turned and walked towards the 'bed'.

After seeing it, the girl could only pack it up, then glanced at An Mengying again, turned and walked out.

And after An Mengying lay on the 'bed', she pulled the quilt over her body, breathing in the still familiar feeling, and the strong yearning appeared at this time.

Although there are a lot of rumors and rumors now, she still firmly believes, because she believes, believes that Ye Qianran will definitely come back.

"No matter what, I will wait for you!"

At this moment, An Mengying murmured, closed her eyes and took a temporary rest.

And not long after she rested, the holy bead in her body suddenly moved at this moment, and amidst the surge of light, space ripples appeared at this moment, and then a figure appeared at this moment.


After Ye Qianran appeared, a smile appeared on his face, the very familiar room also had a very familiar smell... But...

At this time, his eyes fell on An Mengying, and he happened to see a pretty face.

"Why is this 'woman' still sleeping?"

At this moment, Ye Qianran's face showed a look of doubt, and then he glanced outside, the outside was still bright, and a look of helplessness suddenly appeared.

He stretched out his hand, intending to wake up the 'woman', but in the end he chose to give up, finally smiled, lifted the quilt, and slipped in quietly.

Accompanied by the rich fragrance, he stretched out his hand and embraced the 'woman' in his arms, and suddenly the feeling was different again.

And An Mengying seemed to feel something, and leaned into his arms, but she didn't wake up, she still rested with her eyes closed.

Ye Qianran looked at An Mengying's sweet look, exhaled, stretched her waist, closed her eyes and took a temporary rest...

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