Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1015

"Are you dreaming?"

When it was dark that day, An Mengying woke up in a daze.

At this time, she felt an extremely warm and solid feeling, and that feeling made her extremely comfortable.

The body twisted and continued to rest.

But not long after, she opened her eyes, because she knew that even a dream is not so real, right?

Raising her head, she immediately met a pair of smiling eyes.

At this time, she still had a feeling of disbelief. After a long time, she moved her mouth and stretched out her hand to pinch her body. The pain made her know that all of this was very real.


Ye Qianran suddenly laughed out loud at this moment, are all girls like this?

While he was thinking, An Mengying also said pleasantly at this moment: "Brother Qianran, are you back?"


Ye Qianran nodded at this moment, a smile appeared immediately, then he lowered his head and kissed the woman's mouth, and said, "I'm back!"

Feeling the real feeling, An Mengying's eye circles turned rosy at this moment, she bit her lips tightly and said, "I knew it, I knew Brother Qianran would definitely come back!"


Ye Qianran smiled again, stretched out his hand to gently wipe away the tears on An Mengying's face at this moment, and then said, "Why are you crying, girl!"


An Mengying said something at this time, then closed her eyes, and offered her own sweet 'kiss'.

After Ye Qianran was stunned, the smile on his face deepened at this time, and he responded by hugging the woman like this.

Not long after, Ye Qianran's heart became restless, and his hands became less honest at this time.

An Mengying's face flushed red, biting her lips lightly in response.

And when the clothes on the two gradually receded, they also hugged each other, and not long after that, a pleasant voice also sounded at this time...

Two hours later, Ye Qianran hugged the limp An Mengying and said, "Tell you some good news?"

"Huh? What good news?" An Mengying's face was filled with curiosity after hearing this.

"Hey, is this..."

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up, and then he said with a smile: "Maybe the two sides can coexist peacefully in the future!"

After hearing this, An Mengying was stunned, and then the unspeakable surprise appeared again. With the strength she had just recovered, she kissed Ye Qianran on the face and said, "I knew that brother Qianran was the best!" 'of!"


Ye Qianran smiled, stroked the smooth skin on An Mengying's back and said, "That's right, don't even look at who I am!"

After hearing this, An Mengying couldn't help giggling, and then leaned into Ye Qianran's arms with a happy face, but not long after, with the vent of her long black hair, she actually took the initiative at this time Lie on Ye Qianran's body.

After Ye Qianran was stunned for a while, as a strange feeling spread, he suddenly took a deep breath.

And An Mengying bit her lips lightly at this time, her face was flushed, she put a pair of jade hands on Ye Qianran's chest, and her body moved slightly...

After a night of nothing, Ye Qianran woke up early the next day, but because she was waiting for An Mengying, she didn't wake up until an hour later.

After getting dressed and An Mengying was arranging his clothes, there was a knock on the 'door'.

Ye Qianran looked up, then smiled and said, "It's time to eat!"

An Mengying was puzzled, then opened the 'door', and found that it was the maid below.

"Princess, let's have some breakfast..."

After the girl came in, her eyes fell on Ye Qianran.

"Yeah!" An Mengying nodded with a smile on her face after hearing this. After Ye Qianran came back, she also had a big appetite now.

The girl was surprised when she heard this, why did the princess change so much?

And when she was putting the food on the table, she suddenly noticed Ye Qianran in the room, she let out an ah, and then she couldn't believe it.

"Hello!" Ye Qianran smiled and waved.

"Hi, sir!" The girl said with a flushed face after hearing this, and then glanced at An Mengying again, and she completely understood what was going on in her heart.


The girl also smiled at this time and said: "Then I won't disturb the princess and the young master's meal!" After saying this, the girl also turned and walked out.

After the girl left, An Mengying also took Ye Qianran to have breakfast, feeling very warm for a while.

And just when they had just finished eating, the knock on the 'door' sounded again.

An Mengying opened the 'door', and a middle-aged man stood outside with the same smile on his face. Seeing that An Mengying said a princess, his eyes finally fell on Ye Qianran and said, "Young master Ye, Our Lord invites you to come over!"

"Well, I see!" Ye Qianran nodded with a smile, presumably An Mengying's little maid said it, otherwise the speed would not be so happy.

But it's good to be so soon, because he also desperately hopes that this matter can be settled quickly, so he didn't talk nonsense at this time, and pulled An Mengying to walk outside at this time.

In the main hall of Fengdu, when Ye Qianran came here, he found that there were a lot of people. After entering, all eyes focused on him.

At this time, he found that besides An Chengming, there were three other emperors he had seen in the competition last time. His eyes were floating, and he also looked at An Chengming at this time and said: "Father-in-law, senior emperors good!"

"Well, please sit down!"

An Chengming said something with a smile.

After Ye Qianran nodded, she pulled An Mengying to sit beside her, and after she sat down, she raised her head and saw everyone's changes, and said with a smile: "Things went well, after Tongtian Pavilion and I There should be no problem with the negotiation, but specifically, you still need to discuss it, if possible, Meng Ying and I will open the barrier today, and then you can discuss it in detail!"

"It's really done?" An Chengming's expression suddenly showed excitement.

"Yeah!" Ye Qianran nodded with a smile.

But at this time, an emperor said: "Why should we trust you?" When speaking, his expression was full of rigor at this time.

"there is nothing!"

Ye Qianran said four words calmly: "This matter is indeed not small, but it's all up to now, if you still care about these things, it's a bit stingy, isn't it? Besides..."

Speaking of this, Ye Qianran's voice paused, and then continued: "If I'm really cheating, I don't need to come here, I can take Mengying to leave, I believe Mengying is willing to leave with me!"

"Hmm, I would like to..."

Just after Ye Qianran finished speaking, An Mengying nodded excitedly and said, "Let's go sometime..."

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