Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1016


An Chengming coughed dryly, then shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said: "The water that the married daughter poured out, you girl, you haven't married Qianran yet..."

An Mengying's face turned red immediately, and then she lowered her head shyly. "hehe!"

Ye Qianran smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch An Mengying's face with love, then raised her head and said, "How about it?"

"Then how do we 'talk'?" An emperor asked again.

"Talking in the air, I think this is enough sincerity!" Ye Qianran said.

"Indeed!" The third emperor said slowly, "Then when?"

"If you have reasons, you can do it today!" Ye Qianran said in a fluttering light.

As Ye Qianran's voice fell, everyone present was stunned at the same time, with disbelief showing on their faces.

"Hey!" Ye Qianran raised his mouth and said, "How about it?"

"Okay, then today will be fine!" An Chengming responded directly.

"Then let's go to the empty barrier together now!" Ye Qianran blinked at this moment, and held An Mengying's little hand at this moment, and the next moment, divine thoughts surged, and the power of space distorted , At that moment, the people present disappeared instantly.

"here it is?"

When the people present appeared behind a counter, their expressions froze at the same time, their faces full of disbelief.

Because the current location is within that grand canyon, and in front of their eyes, a huge light curtain seal is presented.

Has one 'sex' moved here?

At this time, the expressions of many people present were shocked, and they fell on Ye Qianran at the same time.

And An Chengming's shock was the most profound. Compared with Ye Qianran's strength before and now, there seems to be a gap. The gap is really very big, which is unbelievable.


Ye Qianran smiled at this moment, and then pulled An Mengying to the front of the light curtain.

An Mengying also understood something, so at this time she took the initiative to summon the Holy Bead.

When Ye Qianran's holy beads were also suspended, the two holy beads immediately surrounded each other, Ye Qianran's light floated, and the original source in his body surged up, and suddenly the terrifying suppression was at this moment spread out...

During the spread, the empty enchantment also surged like ripples at this time, and then a gap appeared at this time.

On the other side, Su Kunlin, Rong Yanqing and Gu Siming were waiting patiently, but there was no movement after this day, but they were not in a hurry because they all believed that Ye Qianran could do it.

And when they were ready to continue waiting, they felt something at the same time, looked up, and clearly saw a huge crack in the empty enchantment at this time.

"It's done!"

Rong Siming's eyes lit up, and he said immediately: "Let's go in!" After the words fell, he took the lead and rushed in, and Su Kunlin and Gu Siming also rushed in afterward.

Ye Qianran naturally also saw the three of them, and after smiling, Yuan Yuan also restrained himself at this time, and at this time the holy beads also separated, and one landed on his body and An Mengying's body.

"Three seniors!" Ye Qianran smiled, and then said: "Well, let's go to the capital and talk!"

After the voice fell, the power of space surged out again. At this time, all the people present disappeared at the same time.

And when it appeared again, it had already arrived at the main hall of Fengdu.

"Well, let's talk, Meng Ying and I are leaving first, let's get together tomorrow!"

Ye Qianran chuckled, he didn't want to listen to other tunes anymore, grabbed An Mengying's little hand, and disappeared in the ripples of space.

"Three please sit down!"

After Ye Qianran and An Mengying left, An Chengming was the first to recover, his eyes fell on Su Kunlin and the three of them and he said.

After the three of them looked at each other, they sat down politely.

On the other side, Ye Qianran and An Mengying returned directly to the room.

In fact, he now recalled the words of the Great God, that he must have two holy beads, but now he only has one, so he has to find a way to transfer the other one.

"Brother Qianran, what are you thinking now?" An Mengying looked at Ye Qianran and said in confusion.

After hearing this, Ye Qianran directly expressed his thoughts.

An Mengying was startled when she heard this, but she nodded and said, "But what should I do?" After speaking, amidst the surge of spiritual power, the holy beads on her body also floated out at this moment.

After Ye Qianran summoned the holy beads on his body, he looked at the two surrounding holy beads in a strange way.

When he and Xiao Mengyao met for the first time, the holy bead was directly transferred to him, but An Mengying didn't have one, so he definitely, it should be because of one in his body, but how to fuse the two together Woolen cloth?

After observing for a while, although the two holy beads are entangled together at this time, there is no sign of fusion, so he is so melancholy now.

Then his eyes flickered, his right hand spread out, Xiaomei appeared and then a hole appeared, blood appeared, and then dripped on An Mengying's holy bead.

The blood was directly integrated into it, but after half a day, there was no reaction.

"Sick to death, it seems that it can't be done!"

Ye Qianran 'rubbed' his brows, and a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Brother Qianran, don't think too much, I think there will be a way!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's melancholy face, An Mengying couldn't help comforting her.


Ye Qianran nodded slightly, kissed An Mengying's mouth, and at the same time tried to relax herself.

But just when he was about to let go of An Mengying, the girl closed her eyes, stretched out her hand and hooked his neck, and the two of them immediately lay on the 'bed'.

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and she immediately hugged An Mengying and kissed her.


Just when Ye Qianran was immersed and preparing for the next move, a surging voice sounded, and when he looked up, he found that the two holy beads were shining brightly at the same time, and there were signs of fusion between the two.

"what happened?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and then pulled An Mengying to sit up. Could it be that he just reacted now and wanted to merge?

But at this time, he found that it was still maintained, and there was no continuous rhythm...


Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly again, did he think too much? Now I started to think about it.

The sudden appearance of the two holy beads is actually quite weird. There must be some reason. At the moment, there is a 'color' of thinking in his mind. It seems that he only discovered it when he and An Mengying kissed each other. Situation, the eyebrows were raised at the moment, looking at An Mengying, who was also puzzled, aimed at the little pink mouth, and kissed it directly...

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