Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1022

After eating at noon, Ye Qianran took An Mengying to the Dragon Tomb led by another elder from Tongtian Pavilion. Before going, Ye Qianran thought that there would be tombstones one by one, but after going there, he found that it was not the case. The scenery here is very beautiful, and surrounded by fog, it is even more beautiful...

Of course, what he felt most clearly here was the incomparably rich power of heaven and earth. After coming here, the power of heaven and earth in his body surged rapidly.

"This is indeed a good place to practice!"

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, and he also said something in admiration at the moment.


There was a whistling sound, and four figures suspended, stopping them.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, looked up, and found that it was Long Lie and the other three seniors of the Dragon Clan that he had seen that day.

"See Dragon Emperor!" The four looked at each other and said respectfully at this moment.

"You are welcome, seniors!" Ye Qianran said with a smile after hearing this.

"Hehe, let's go, but it's not easy to find Long Ling, because we don't know where it is left!" Long Lie said.

"I see!" Ye Qianran nodded slightly, and then his eyes fluttered: "Why is this the Dragon Tomb here, seniors?"


Long Lie smiled at this time and explained: "The Dragon Tomb existed a long, long time ago. At that time, it was guarded by people from the Dragon Clan. Twenty years ago, it was also a major battlefield. People from the Dragon Clan Many fell here, so they were buried here!"

"turn out to be!"

Ye Qianran nodded after hearing this, as if she understood.

You must know that he had a curiosity before. If it was just the fall of the dragon clan before, there is no need to do so, right?

It is possible to transfer the fallen masters of the Dragon Clan back to Dragon Valley, but it is really strange that they are buried here, but now that he has heard the old man's explanation, he can be regarded as a thorough understanding.

After talking with Long Lie and the others, Ye Qianran didn't waste any time, and took the lead and galloped in.

And the elder who followed them changed his expression, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly...

"It's really beautiful here!" An Mengying's face was full of surprise at this time, and it felt strange to be in the foggy state.


Ye Qianran nodded in the same way, this place is considered a *plain, shaded by green trees, there are small streams, small valleys, it is really amazing.

When they galloped in and squeezed in, they also found a lot of people sitting cross-legged and cultivating inside, some together, some alone...

In addition, he also found some monsters in it, each of which looked very fierce.

The same is true when you think about it, the power of heaven and earth is so strong here, so it has created monsters that have lived here for a long time.

It's no wonder that some people are together and some are alone. Presumably there is a slight gap in strength.

Roaring past, he galloped towards the denser area inside, and at this time, he also opened up his spiritual power at this time, and began to feel it.

Soon he felt something, the corners of his mouth turned up, his eyes were floating, and he rushed up quickly, and the old man who followed behind them also quickly followed.

"here it is?"

Ye Qianran frowned, looking at the valley below with a slightly surprised expression.

Suspended in the sky, he can clearly see that this is the center of the entire dragon tomb, and the spiritual thoughts are surging, and the strange fluctuations are also clearly present at this time.

"There's something weird here!"

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and his body fell down at this moment. As the distance got closer, he found that there were also people practicing here in this valley, and his expression suddenly showed surprise, and even the breath returned to him. A very familiar feeling.

But after falling, he saw three people.

"It's an old acquaintance!"

Ye Qianran looked at the three people sitting cross-legged in the distance, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

That's right, the person who appeared in front of him at this moment was none other than Wan Tianzong, Meng Yang and Zong Hongzhen.

And the three of them also felt something at this time, and opened their eyes at the same time, and their eyes fell on Ye Qianran and others at this time.

When they saw two young people and an old man, their faces were full of doubts, what kind of situation was this.

"Hehe, it's great to see you again!"

Ye Qianran pulled An Mengying and walked over, stopped not far from the three of them, looked at the three standing up and said: "Brother Wan, Brother Meng, Brother Zong, what a coincidence!"

"Ye Qianran!"

Zong Hongzhen's face was a little ugly.

Wan Tianzong's expression was also slightly gloomy, and Meng Yang seemed to be frowning slightly, but with a little vigilance.

For the three people to recognize him, Ye Qianran didn't feel that surprised, because he made such a big commotion here, his name might have been spread, and the three people might have seen him too. he.


While thinking, Ye Qianran nodded slightly at this moment, looked at the three of them and said: "It's really a coincidence!"

"What do you want?" Zong Hongzhen spoke again, his voice becoming more angry.

He was on good terms with You Wushuang, but it was this bastard who pried away his fiancée, so he still hated Ye Qianran all the time.

"Uh, I don't want to do anything!"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly and said: "Although we have had some grievances, we are old acquaintances here... Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, but please get out of here, three of you!"

"Why? Is the Dragon Tomb your territory?" Zong Hongzhen sneered.

"Don't say..."

Ye Qianran said with a smile all over his face: "It really is!"

", Then I said this is my territory!" Zong Hongzhen sneered again.


Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, and the next moment a cold light floated out and said: "I am the Dragon Emperor of this generation, do you think this is considered?"

"Joke, you are the Dragon Emperor..."

Zong Hongzhen said with a sneer, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something.

They did notice Ye Qianran that day, and the changes in Ye Qianran at that time, didn't they just think that Ye Qianran was from the Dragon Clan?

But after learning the name later, they also confirmed that they were acquaintances.

And since Ye Qianran can transform into a dragon shape, maybe it really is?

"Let's go!" Wan Tianzong narrowed his eyes slightly, and after glancing at Ye Qianran, he didn't say anything, and galloped out directly.

Although Zong Hongzhen was unwilling in every possible way, but at this time, Meng Yang also left, and it was not easy to stand alone, so he followed out with a cold snort...

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