Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1023


Seeing the back of the three leaving, Ye Qianran frowned again. He didn't have any good feelings for the three of them, and he almost died many times, especially Wan Tianzong, when Bai Bingbing almost died at that time, thinking about it now, anger appeared in his heart.

But this time it was really difficult for him to make a move, because the gap was too big, wouldn't he be bullied by making a move?

Letting the three of them leave like this, he also told them that now that the gap is so big, he doesn't even bother to make a move.

Although he looks very magnanimous, to a certain extent he has been humiliated...

In fact, this is not his style, but thinking about what a few people have done in the past, there is nothing wrong with his appearance?

Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Qianran didn't bother to think about it at this time. What he couldn't see was clear, and the phoenix eyes opened at the moment, and he also felt deeply at this time amidst the surge of spiritual thoughts.

But at this time, he felt a change under his feet. At this time, his eyes showed surprise, and then he felt the range, and found that it was about to cover the entire valley.

Is it such a big seal?

His face was full of amazement and disbelief at this time, he was really curious about what was inside the seal.

But at this moment, he didn't dare to do anything rashly. After all, this was a bit strange, so he pulled An Mengying to search here.

On the other side, Wan Tianzong and the others also stopped at this moment after galloping for a certain distance.

"Damn it!"

Zong Hongzhen glanced back and cursed secretly.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect Ye Qianran to improve so fast, it's really amazing!" Meng Yang couldn't help but say something at this time.

Wan Tianzong didn't speak, but his gloomy expression reached a certain limit.

He is the person who has been confronting Ye Qianran head-on. He used to suppress Ye Qianran all the time. Now... between Duran, there has been such a change. It really makes people feel that it is not too hard. At least he My heart is very unbalanced.

He has been working hard, and his previous strength, Xiangbai, definitely has a double improvement, but what's the difference? The gap is still too big,

For him now, no matter what method, as long as he can improve, he is willing to pay...

"Is it here?"

Ye Qianran came to the side of the valley at this time, which was in front of a mountain, and he felt a little fluctuation of Longyuan in the mountain, so he guessed whether Longling would be among them?


After hearing this, An Mengying said in surprise, "Brother Qianran, you can't get in here at all!"

"There is a way!"

Ye Qianran smiled, and after the words fell, he came to a place, and then spread his right hand up. The next moment, with the floating of spiritual power, there was a bang sound, and in the dust, a 'hole' suddenly presented.

"It really does exist!" An Mengying said with a face full of surprise.

"Let's go!"

After Ye Qianran smiled, she also held An Mengying's hand and walked inside.

The old man who was following behind them had his eyes floating, and walked up at this moment.

The tunnel was still quite long, and Ye Qianran could clearly feel the richness of the spiritual power as they walked towards it.

When walking through the entire tunnel, Ye Qianran stopped at this moment, and looked at the center of the cave.

There is an altar there, and there are complex characters floating on the altar, which looks extremely strange, and the dragon order is suspended on it, and it seems to be suppressing something in the surge of spiritual power.

"This is a bit strange!"

Ye Qianran frowned slightly, showing surprise at this moment.

"Brother Qianran!"

After hearing this, An Mengying couldn't help saying: "Do you still have the Dragon Order?"

Ye Qianran shook his head, he was really uncertain now, his eyes were floating, and he walked over immediately.

He is completely uncertain now, so he decided to observe at this time.

When he walked towards the altar, there was a sudden change, and he felt an extremely surging force behind him, which swept towards his body directly.

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, his divine thoughts surged at this moment, his body dodged, and the surging force swept over the altar, but it was offset by the surging golden light.

"Don't move, or I'll kill this 'woman'!"

The old man held An Mengying's neck with his right hand, with a sneer on his face at this moment.

Ye Qianran's face darkened instantly at this moment, he had guessed what the other party's purpose would be, could it be that he was targeting him at this time?

When he was thinking, the old man sneered again and said: "I need your blood, as long as you take it out, how about I let this 'woman' go?"


Ye Qianran's expression was obviously surprised at this time, and he couldn't believe it, did he just want blood?

Such a short answer?

But it was so simple, he had an extra thought at this moment, seeing the old man firmly stuck on An Mengying's neck, he said, "What do you want blood for?"

"Don't talk nonsense, talk nonsense again, I will pinch her neck right now!"

The old man said coldly: "Don't think about it, otherwise, I will kill this 'woman' instantly!"

As he spoke, his expression somewhat showed a look of vigilance.

Ye Qianran's current strength is too strong, he must be completely vigilant.

Ye Qianran's expression turned cold, but at this moment, An Mengying's lips moved and said, "Brother Qianran, don't listen to him, you leave quickly, he must have malicious intentions..." In her When talking about the latter part, An Mengying's voice could not be heard, and her face flushed even more. It was obvious that the old man's grip was getting tighter.

"Hurry up, or I'll crush her to death right now!"

The old man sneered, "Since I'm here, I don't intend to leave alive!"

Ye Qianran's expression tightened when he saw An Mengying's appearance at this time. In fact, he could use his divine sense to suppress the old man, but he didn't dare. He didn't want his woman to make such a bet.

"You really deserve to die!"

Ye Qianran said something coldly, spread out his right hand, Xiaomei appeared amidst the surge of light, and then floated out while sliding, and his wound healed automatically at this time.

"Give me the blood!" said the old man.

Ye Qianran's eyes floated, and the blood was suspended at this time. When the suspension was not far in front of the old man, that is, when his attractiveness was completely attracted, Ye Qianran moved instantly, and Xiao Mei also Whoosh disappeared.


There was a scream, and the old man's hand was cut off by Xiao Mei, and Ye Qianran also hugged Xiao Mei in his arms at this time, he can be regarded as exhaled at this time, fortunately...

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