Eternal Supreme

Chapter 234

"Hmph, that's too presumptuous!"

When everyone was in a daze, the emperor frowned slightly, and said angrily, "Ruolan, Qianran is the son-in-law of the Li family, how can you talk nonsense!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran's expression changed a little, the emperor's face changed too quickly, he was still smiling, but now he was suddenly so angry, the emperor's mind is indeed not so easy to think about.

Feng Ruolan's expression tightened, she took a quick glance at Ye Qianran, bit her lips tightly and said, "Father Emperor Ruolan didn't talk nonsense, I really like this guy!"

The emperor's expression became cold, and he tapped lightly on the table with his right hand, but he never spoke. At this time, the hall became extremely silent, and no one dared to say anything.

Li Muyun stood up at this time and said: "Uncle Feng, Ruolan and I are sisters, if she likes me, I have no objection!" After speaking, she looked at her father and said: "I believe our family has no objection either!"

The corner of the emperor's mouth was raised, but his expression was still angry and low, and he said for a long time: "But this is too inappropriate! I will not agree to this matter."

Li Muyun was not in a hurry after hearing this, and then smiled and said: "Uncle Feng's disagreement is reasonable, after all, the marriage between Xuanmu and Shenfeng is a big deal, but Ruolan has no mother since she was a child, I remember Uncle Feng said at that time In the past, you would love Ruolan well, now that Ruolan has someone she likes, will Uncle Feng also choose to refuse?"

The emperor raised the corner of his mouth and said flatly: "Mu Yun is accusing me, isn't she?"

"Mu Yun dare not!"

Li Muyun shook her head and said with a smile: "In addition, Mr. Mu himself disagrees with this marriage, and Shenfeng and Xuanmu have been friends for generations, so there shouldn't be any problems because of the lack of this marriage! So Mu Yun I believe that friendship without marriage is the most true friendship, but if marriage is formed, it will be mutual distrust! Senior Yang, I don’t know if I’m right?” Li Muyun pointed her finger directly at the old man.

The old man was startled, and then he laughed loudly and said: "The old man heard that the young lady of the Li family decided to be smart when I was in the Xuanmu Empire, and I saw it this time, and it is true!" After speaking, he sighed and said: "Since the princess has a place in her heart, then Just let go of the marriage! I also believe that there will be no problems between the two empires because of the lack of a marriage contract."

The emperor pondered for a moment after hearing this, and finally sighed and nodded, but anyone could see the admiration in his eyes.

Li Muyun also sat up with a smile at this time, and at this time, many people fell on Ye Qianran, with envious expressions on her face, what kind of shit did Ye Qianran have, and she actually won the heart of Miss Li's family.

At this moment, the second prince's eyes were full of jealousy, his fists were clenched tightly, and his gaze at Ye Qianran became even more gloomy.

At this time, the old man said again: "There is another matter, Xuanmu, Kamikaze, the animal super turmoil occurred in the Or mountain range where the two countries handed over. I hope that Xuanmu and Kamikaze will work together to suppress it!" A solemn look appeared on the old man's face and said: "This turmoil is very powerful, we need to investigate it carefully!"

"Is there such a thing?" The emperor's expression became serious when he heard it.

"That's right, the elves in our empire discovered this!" The old man took a deep breath, also solemnly.

"Well, don't worry, Kamikaze will not sit idly by on this matter. After all, what happened in that dangerous place will definitely affect Kamikaze!" the emperor said for a long time.

The old man let out a breath, and his expression was relieved at this time.

Ye Qianran was puzzled at this moment, Or? Why does it feel a little familiar.

"Husband, Orr is one of the ten most dangerous places. In the depths there is a Grand Canyon of Orr. It is said that there are top monsters there! It is a place that is difficult for human beings to set foot in!" Li Muyun explained when she saw Ye Qianran's doubts.

"Ten fierce places?"

Ye Qianran raised his brows, complaining that he was a little familiar. He saw an introduction of the ten fierce places in the Cangjing Pavilion, but he didn't expect to hear it with his own ears here. Curiosity appeared on his face, what could it be? What about the place?

"Hehe, since you are here, you should stay here for a few more days, and take a good look around in the imperial city! I will make good arrangements for this matter."

The emperor said something at this time, then picked up the wine glass with a smile, and drank again, and the matter was considered to be over at this time.

As time went by, when the entire banquet was over, the emperor also asked the guards to take Mu Fengyu and the old man to the arranged residence, and when everyone was leaving, including Ye Qianran, who was about to leave, if the emperor You Ruowu looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Mu Yun, Qianran, Ruolan, come with me!" After speaking, she walked inside.

Ye Qianran's face was slightly strange, isn't it all over, what are you calling them to do now?

Li Muyun didn't seem to have any expression on her face, as if everything was expected, while Feng Ruolan's face was slightly rosy, and her eyes sparkled a little.

"What did the emperor ask us to do?" Ye Qianran asked curiously at this moment.

"Your husband will know when he arrives!" Li Muyun said with a smile.

After Feng Ruolan heard Li Muyun's words, her face turned rosy, she lowered her head and did not speak.

When he came to an equally luxurious hall, the emperor sat in the first place, watched the three people come in, waved his hands and said, "Sit down!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran was not polite, and sat down. At this time, the emperor also let the guards in the room go out, closed the door by the way, and then looked at the three of them and said: "Did you guess it a long time ago?" Will something like this happen?"

Li Muyun opened the mouth and said: "Well, I originally planned to let Ruolan say it in person, but who would have expected that Mr. Mu would go to our place!"

"Hehe, although I don't know what method you used, but the final result is a foregone conclusion!"

The emperor said something, then his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "Qianran, what are you going to do!"

"Um, what do you mean uncle?" Ye Qianran was still full of doubts.

The emperor was not in a hurry and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, you should have caused the matter in the land of stars, right?"


The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and his eyes widened. He thought the matter was over, but unexpectedly, the Emperor investigated it. With a dry cough, "Actually, I did this for Ruolan!"

"Well, that's right, that's true, but it's also because of you that caused Xingya's problem, and it's because Ruolan has been begging me for a long time, otherwise you thought you would be so relaxed here?" the emperor said with a smile.

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