Eternal Supreme

Chapter 235

Ye Qianran really didn't know about this matter, it was Ruolan who secretly helped her for a long time, but why didn't this girl mention it?

"You saved Ruolan, and Ruolan also helped you. Today, she even expressed her thoughts in front of everyone. Can you understand the specific meaning now?"

The corner of the emperor's mouth curled up and said: "Our royal family pays great attention to reputation!"

Ye Qianran was not stupid, he instantly understood what the emperor wanted to express, and shrugged helplessly. The emperor said it directly, why did he beat around the bush? Thinking of this, he directly said: "But Ruolan doesn't know she likes me!" After speaking, he had a slightly strange expression, and he really couldn't figure out Feng Ruolan's thoughts.

The emperor smiled and said: "Whether you like it or not, the reputation of the royal family is the most important thing!"

Ye Qianran opened his mouth, and looked at Feng Ruolan again, but at this time Feng Ruolan blushed and finally bit his lower lip lightly and said: "I'm going out first!" After speaking, she quickly ran outside.

The emperor didn't stop him at this time, he looked at Ye Qianran with a smile and said: "Okay, that's all I have to say, you young people can handle things by themselves, I just wait for the final result, I hope you don't let me disappointment!"

Ye Qianran nodded, the matter has come to this point, what else does he not understand?

Li Muyun stood up at this time and said: "Emperor, let's take our leave first!"

"Go, it's hard for you!" The emperor nodded with a smile, and watched the two leave.

When he came outside, Ye Qianran was still a little ignorant. The amount of information today is really big. He is a person who doesn't want to be tempted...

"Mu Yun, you..."

Ye Qianran's face was full of helplessness at this time, could it be that he was put on by this girl?

Li Muyun stretched out her small hands and pinched Ye Qianran, and said with a reproachful expression: "I and Ruolan are sisters, I can see her thoughts, and she told me in the room, so You and her have known each other for a long time, and you heard her say that you bullied her!"

A strange feeling appeared in Ye Qianran's mind, thinking of the days in Fenglei City, then smiled and said: "I can't blame me for this, she was the one who troubled me first!"

Li Muyun gave Ye Qianran a reproachful look again and said, "Ruolan is actually quite pitiful. She has no mother since she was a child, and she has been lonely since she was a child. Otherwise, she wouldn't have such a personality!"

"Well, it's a good thing she has you as a sister!" Ye Qianran nodded, but she thought of Bai Bingbing. That master, I'm afraid he has been alone since he was a child, right?

Li Muyun nodded and said, "Ruolan actually likes you quite a bit."

Ye Qianran had a strange look on her face, that girl really likes him? But why are you still bickering with him?

Li Muyun took a deep breath and said quietly: "Don't you also like beautiful women, I don't believe you don't have any thoughts on Ruolan..."

Ye Qianran gave Li Muyun a blank look, and finally coughed dryly: "I admit that I like beautiful women, but I am not at the level of coercion, and I have only heard that my wife dislikes my own man looking at other women, you But it's good, push your husband out!"

Li Muyun's eyes flickered, and she pinched Ye Qianran's body with her small hands and said, "You're still good-looking if you get it cheap, but it's all like this now, the emperor has acquiesced, you have to treat Ruolan well in the future, if she is wronged, I won't let you go either."

"Okay, then I won't treat you well!" Ye Qianran chuckled.

"How dare you!" Li Muyun was taken aback, and exerted force with her small hand again. Ye Qianran grinned in pain, and Li Muyun pursed her mouth and smiled, and let go of her small hand.

Ye Qianran hesitated at this moment and said: "Actually, Ruolan and I have nothing to do, but I am afraid of wronging you! But don't worry, I will treat you two well." After speaking, he hugged the soft Waist limbs, the expression is full of firmness.

Li Muyun was startled, but thought of Ye Qianran's words, people can be affectionate, but they can't be sentimental, because she understands, so she won't say anything.

"By the way, where did you get the idea? The marriage between Ruolan and Xuanmu should be a big deal!" Ye Qianran thought of a question, which he really couldn't figure out.

Li Muyun said brightly: "If my husband is really a small teaching assistant, even if Ruolan wants to be with you wholeheartedly, the emperor probably won't agree to it!"

"Then why..."

Ye Qianran had a strange look on her face...

"Because of your Celestial Artifact, and because of the Six Great Elders!"

Li Muyun blinked her beautiful eyes: "How can the emperor not know about such a big incident in the academy? Tianqi recognized her husband as the master, and even followed the six elders for so many days, so she will definitely be taken seriously. In comparison, the relationship with Xuanmu is certainly important, but you, the person who possesses the heavenly weapon, is even more important, not to mention the involvement of the six elders who are too hurt?"

"Is that all?" Ye Qianran said again.

"Of course our Li family is indispensable. The relationship between me and my husband, if Ruolan is betrothed to my husband, then the relationship between the royal family and the Li family will be even closer. The emperor has a careful mind, so naturally he has considered a lot!"

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up and said, "That's not what you thought carefully! But I think you must have other reasons for letting the emperor acquiesce."

Li Muyun frowned when she heard this, and then took a deep breath and said: "My husband, you must know that the heavenly artifact is a heaven-defying existence, and you have obtained it again, if you lose a layer of relationship with the emperor, Perhaps the royal family will also target you behind your back!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows, and suddenly felt creepy.

Li Muyun said: "But husband, don't be nervous now, what you have to do now is to hold Ruolan well!" After a pause, she looked up at Ye Qianran and changed the subject: "I'm going to find Ruolan now, Do you want to go!"

"Hey, I'd better go to the academy. I haven't gone to see Elder Xing yet when I get back!" Ye Qianran said.

"Well, then you go! I'm trying to find out Ruolan's thoughts for you." Li Muyun laughed.

"Good wife, give me a kiss!" Ye Qianran opened his mouth and laughed. In fact, he was quite moved in his heart. Li Muyun held Li Muyun even tighter for a while because of his sister's good, and also for him. Points, such a good woman can be found with a lantern? He really felt like he'd gotten lucky.

Li Muyun also felt something, with a little shyness in her eyes. In fact, she knew in her heart that it was impossible for her to tie Ye Qianran here. It's not easy, she is a smart person, she won't add trouble to Ye Qianran, all she can do is support him silently from behind, as long as she can leave a place in Ye Qianran's heart, then she will be content.

Anyway, at least the two of them are together now...

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