Eternal Supreme

Chapter 241

As time passed, the sun went from warm to scorching hot and finally set. At this time, Ye Qianran took a breath, and with the sound of 'touch', his body rushed out of the water like a cannonball, and landed firmly on the ground. , spread out his left hand, the robe appeared, and then he put it on directly.

"The delay is not short, let's start practicing Bamen tomorrow!" Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered again, the corners of his mouth curled up, and then he rushed out with the little mink in his arms, looking extremely fast.

The next day, in an extremely secret cave, Ye Qianran placed the crystals he had acquired in the past half a month in a circle around him, and after he was done, he also sat cross-legged inside.

The two death points of wounded door and Du door are located on the chest. His goal this time is to open up these two dead points. It is difficult, maybe it will be difficult, but as long as he dares to think, he will dare to do it.

Ye Qianran took a deep breath, and the second level of Wuji Kung Fu flowed at this time, and the vortex-like spiritual power spun around his body, gathered directly under the strong force, and then began to forcibly compress it.

When the compression was complete, he took a breath, gritted his teeth, and directly controlled his innate power to sprint up.


Ye Qianran's body trembled violently, and pain appeared on his face. The first time he failed? It's okay, he continues...

Half an hour later, Ye Qianran's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his face had turned pale. At this time, he made two separate impacts, and the purpose was to let the two fatal points get used to it at the same time, but because the two fatal points were carried out at the same time , his body has reached near load.

Biting the tip of his tongue lightly, he opened his eyes with firmness inside. After taking another breath, the power of heaven and earth gathered again, and this time forced to compress again.

His current control is much stronger than before. For the insurance period, he broke down into eight groups of strength at once this time. There is no dead door to prepare for four. One will end and one will come. The eight may be very difficult, but he must persevere. just go down.

The little mink on the side saw Ye Qianran like this, and his nimble eyes were full of distress and a little unbearable. It wanted Ye Qianran to give up, but Ye Qianran had his own persistence, so It will not go up to stop anything.

After Ye Qianran took a breath, the spiritual power began to crazily agitate at this moment. At this moment, his heart swayed, his teeth were gritted, and he controlled the spiritual power to attack two deadly doors at the same time. The moment the first impact was over, the second The second wave of spiritual power erupted again, and when the second wave erupted again, the third wave came up again, and at this time his sanity was almost blurred.

Because of the non-stop manipulation, too much energy wasted, and just when he was unconscious and fell down, the fourth wave of spiritual power burst up without hesitation. At this time, he was shocked and slowly closed his eyes. , the whole person was lying on the ground, and when he was completely fainted, he felt an unspeakable sense of joy all over his body.

The little mink jumped over at this time, feeling the disordered spiritual power floating out of Ye Qianran's body, the white light surged at this moment, and then directly enveloped Ye Qianran in it.

The next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes. At this moment, the first thing he felt was the pain in his whole body. His body moved, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Finally, he chose to give up and closed his eyes directly. The power of heaven and earth surged, Soon the eyes opened, and the color of surprise appeared instantly. The wound door and the Du door opened at the same time. This is definitely a happy thing.

Thinking of the pain I endured before, it's all worth it now...

However, it is obviously much more difficult to open this time than last time, so the last four will probably be even more difficult. Just thinking about it gives him a headache, but it is better for him not to touch it now...

Exhaling a breath, Ye Qianran didn't think about it any more, lay there and rested until the afternoon, this time forced himself to sit up.

Staggeringly stood up straight and moved a bit. After an hour of adaptation time, Ye Qianran walked outside. After washing his body at the waterfall, he tied the black iron to his body, put on a new robe, and exhaled He said in one breath: "I feel good now!"

After speaking, he clenched his fists tightly. Now he really wanted to try what it would be like to open the third and fourth doors.

"Okay, it's been so long, we should go back!"

Ye Qianran said something with a smile at this time, making Xiao Hei get out directly, and then jumped up to the top with the little mink in his arms, with the corners of his mouth curled up, "It's time to go home!"

The voice fell, and Xiao Hei also galloped out at this time.

About half an hour later, Ye Qianran also came to the sky above the imperial city. At this time, the sky had already darkened. He landed behind the gate of the imperial city in a low-key manner, and walked in directly with the little mink in his arms.

When he came to the imperial city, Ye Qianran glanced around. At this moment, he felt as if he had passed away. Was it because he had been outside for too long?

When he came to the door of Li's house, Ye Qianran walked in directly. When he came to the new house, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. Li Muyun should be very happy to see him, right?

Gently opened the door, Ye Qianran came inside, saw a figure lying on the bed in the dark night, but walked over directly.

Finally, he took off his shoes and lay comfortably on the bed, then got into the bed, and then hugged him directly while breathing the strange fragrance.

At this time, he felt Li Muyun's body tense up, and he was puzzled, but then he understood, this girl probably didn't expect him to come back, and said immediately: "Hey, it's me..."

As the voice fell, he felt Li Muyun relax, blinked, hugged that soft body, and kissed that seductive mouth directly.

The indescribable sweetness and fragrance, the little tongue is also hard to put down, but why does this feeling become jerky again? Is it because I haven't kissed for so long?

After thinking about it, he began to guide. When the kiss reached the depth, Ye Qianran also pushed it away, and Li Muyun's underwear stretched up, and when he was about to touch her, a pair of small hands immediately covered his hand.

He froze for a moment, doubts could not help appearing, and then opened his eyes, at this moment he met a pair of shy, slightly strange eyes.


Ye Qianran froze for a moment, these eyes did not seem to belong to Li Muyun...

His eyes fluttered, and a smile appeared in his eyes, then he let go of her, looked at the seductive little mouth, kissed her again, and breathed warmly into her ear: "The last time is gone, but, It's been so long, and I'm asking for interest..." After speaking, he kissed her under those astonished eyes...

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