Eternal Supreme

Chapter 242

Ye Qianran already knew who the person in his arms was, that's right, it was Feng Ruolan.

What made him curious now was how could she be on this bed, where was Li Muyun? But at this moment, he was not thinking too much, kissing that sweet little mouth, it felt like eating honey.

The jerky at the beginning became more proficient under his guidance. The kiss lasted for a long time, and after twenty minutes, the lips slowly parted.

At this moment, Feng Ruolan blinked her eyes, then quickly closed them again, her little face became even more rosy.

"Ruolan, why did you come here?" Ye Qianran walked on the smooth skin of Feng Ruolan's abdomen with his left hand, his eyes were full of curiosity.

"Sister Mu Yun asked me to be here!" Feng Ruolan whispered.

Ye Qianran froze for a moment, as if he understood something, he shrugged helplessly, Li Muyun was really smart, but he also understood that it was for his own good.

"Come on, I'm kissing one!" Ye Qianran chuckled.

"don't want!"

Feng Ruolan shook her head quickly, and covered her mouth with a small hand. She was already embarrassed to be recognized this time, so naturally she would not let Ye Qianran kiss.

Ye Qianran smiled, stretched out his hand and took it away and said, "Hey, it's up to you... hiss... why did you bite me?"

"Who told you to bully me!" Feng Ruolan glared at Ye Qianran.

"Hey, then didn't you resist too!" Ye Qianran said it without hesitation, at this moment the corner of his mouth twitched again, seeing Feng Ruolan biting his chest, he smiled wryly.

After Feng Ruolan let go of her mouth for a long time, Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly and said, "Uncle acquiesced to both of us...Even if I punish you, uncle won't say anything!" After speaking, he laughed , but then opened his mouth again, and the woman bit him again...

Angry, at that moment, he pressed those little hands with both hands, and pressed his whole body on Feng Ruolan's body. Regardless of his resistance, he kissed him again, but it didn't take long before he covered his mouth and rolled over. This woman is a dog... …

Feng Ruolan snorted coldly, but there was something strange in her eyes. She did not resist the previous kiss, and like the first time, she still liked that feeling, but she was recognized later, and she was completely uncomfortable. Embarrassed.

The pain disappeared, and Ye Qianran didn't try to kiss her, but stretched out his hand to hold Feng Ruolan in his arms and said, "Forget it, if you don't kiss, I won't. Anyway, I can't say, you can't run away, now Sleep well!"

"I... I don't want to sleep with you!" Feng Ruolan said quickly, and when she wanted to get up, she was hugged by Ye Qianran very tightly, and finally opened her mouth to touch Ye Qianran. Qianran's chest position.

Ye Qianran grinned, but she still didn't let go. Instead, she stroked Feng Ruolan's hair and said, "Bite, I won't let you go today anyway!"

Feng Ruolan was startled, and finally let go of her small mouth and said, "Then...then I'll put on my clothes!"

"No!" Ye Qianran resolutely refused, stroking the smooth skin, but it was very tactile, can he agree?

Feng Ruolan blushed, and finally said: "Then you are not allowed to touch me!"

"Okay, I won't touch you!" Ye Qianran smiled, and put his right hand on the smooth back.

"Damn bastard!" Feng Ruolan said again angrily, then glared at Ye Qianran angrily, and bit him again...

The next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes. At this time, his eyes fell directly on the plump body in his arms, with a white arm hanging outside, and he was also sleeping soundly on his chest.

Smiled, was bitten twice but slept with the beautiful woman all night, this is quite proud...

Before Feng Ruolan woke up, Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and he kissed that small mouth again. When he pried it open, he didn't respond at first, but then he responded slowly. stand up.

When Ye Qianran noticed that Feng Ruolan's face was rosy, he knew that she had woken up, and then let her go. What made him smile at this time was that Feng Ruolan hadn't He opened his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Ye Qianran was not in a hurry, and kissed her again, pretend it, but he will tell you how long this girl can pretend, anyway, he is not in a hurry now.

But not long after he kissed him, he covered his mouth and retreated, looked into those embarrassing eyes, smiled and said, "Are you awake?"

"What do you say?"

Feng Ruolan said angrily, when she was sleeping comfortably, she was woken up by this guy's kiss. Although it was not bad, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed in his heart.

"Then let's take a break, it's still early." Ye Qianran looked at the sky outside, and found that it was still a little hazy, and then remembered that he was used to waking up at this time every day during the half a month outside. It seems that it can't be corrected for a while.

After Feng Ruolan looked at the sky outside and nodded, her expression was a little swaying, and finally she hesitated for a while and leaned against Ye Qianran's arms.

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up again. It seemed that Feng Ruolan was really interested in him, otherwise, from the beginning to the end, it would not be what it is now. She patted her pink back lightly and said: " Did you miss me while I was gone?"

"No!" Feng Ruolan blushed and shook her head decisively.

Ye Qianran also guessed it, and directly took what she said was ironic, smiled and changed the subject to chat with Feng Ruolan. Only then did he know that Mu Fengyu and the old man had gone back, and the academy conducted an assessment, and Qi Yu It's nothing.

While chatting like this, time passed quite quickly. When the sky was bright, Feng Ruolan turned her head to look at Ye Qianran in order to avoid Li Muyun coming over and said, "Close your eyes."

"Oh..." Ye Qianran nodded and closed her eyes obediently.

Feng Ruolan was surprised when she saw it. After sizing up Ye Qianran's eyes, she quickly sat up and began to put on her clothes. When she got dressed and got off the bed, she looked back and found Ye Qianran Qianran was dumbfounded, looking at her with a squinting expression on her face, she understood something after a moment of stunned, glared at Ye Qianran, and quickly left the room.

Ye Qianran shook his head with a smile, and then also got off the bed. When he came outside, he saw Feng Ruolan and Li Muyun sitting in the yard chatting.

Seeing Li Muyun again, Ye Qianran's heart beat obviously accelerated. I haven't seen him for more than half a month, and I really miss him a lot...


Li Muyun also noticed Ye Qianran who came out of the room, with a beautiful smile on his face, and it was enough to see from his eyes that he was also extremely happy.

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