Eternal Supreme

Chapter 246

The woman looked very beautiful, Ye Qianran felt that if Han Xiangrou didn't have that scar on her face, they should look the same.

At this time, the woman had a little smile on her face, she looked very moving, and beside her stood a man in white.

His eyes narrowed slightly, he couldn't hear what was being said inside, so he could only lie there and wait patiently.

Time passed little by little, and in about half an hour, two people lifted Han Xiangrou on the stretcher and walked outside.

Ye Qianran lowered her body at this time, and at this time the woman also stood up and followed.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and she didn't rush to follow, but waited patiently behind, but the phoenix eyes kept staring, for fear of losing track.

And with the woman's departure, the other people in the room also left at this time. When there was no one there, the room that was watching Han Xiangrou had already entered the room.

Frowning raised, he let out a breath and quietly followed up again.

When I came to the roof, I still didn't dare to breathe, for fear of being discovered.

At this time, he found that the two people carrying Han Xiangrou left at this time, and then saw the woman carrying Han Xiangrou to another room, Ye Qianran did not act in a hurry at this time, the best chance It hasn't appeared yet, so we have to wait now.

But at this moment, his eyes widened, and he swallowed hard. The woman took off her clothes little by little, and it didn't take long for her perfect figure to appear.

The towering pride, the flat belly, the slender and well-proportioned legs and a pair of crystal clear jade feet, everything looks perfect and breathtaking.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he didn't expect to see such a beautiful scenery this time, but at this time he was also a little puzzled, why did the woman take off her clothes? But thinking about it, I was looking at it carefully at this time, and my saliva was still swallowing.

At this time, he found that the woman came to Han Xiangrou's side, stretched out her small hand, and then took off Han Xiangrou's clothes, showing the same perfect body, but in the end she left behind a bamboo hat,


Ye Qianran's eyes widened. At this moment, she was really ready to make a move, but something was wrong when she thought about it. They are sisters, right?

Just when he thought of this, the woman came into the water with Han Xiangrou in her arms, and then saw the spiritual power surging out of the woman. At this time, the original beautiful face suddenly changed, and finally evolved into The same beautiful face, but it is different from the previous one.

Touching, very touching, there is a natural charm in her bones, even surpassing Han Youyu's master, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, this woman is Han Youyu's master's sister, right?


When thinking about this, Ye Qianran suddenly thought of a question, and then his pupils shrank. Isn't the woman in front of him Han Xiangrou's master? All of a sudden, the hairs stand on end and goosebumps popped out, where is Han Xiangrou's real sister?

When he thought of this, the strange spiritual power surged from the woman's right hand and was directly placed on Han Xiangrou's chest. The power of the stars surged.

"Are you extracting the source of the stars?"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, his face changed slightly, and at the same time, he knew that he could not waste time. When he exerted force with his right hand, the roof burst instantly at this moment, and Ye Qianran's body fell straight down. There was a pair of slightly astonished eyes.

"Beauty, she has a good figure and is very beautiful, but my wife who warms the bed is not bad either!"

Ye Qianran chuckled, and hugged Han Xiangrou's waist with his right hand. His hands were so slippery, which really made his heart beat faster. After looking at the woman unscrupulously, he hugged Han Xiangrou The body rushed out directly.

The woman came back to her senses, her complexion changed slightly, and while she was flushed, she pulled off the clothes and put them on directly, but when she rushed out, there was Ye Qianran's shadow there.

"It's so fast...but I don't believe you guys won't come back!" The woman blinked her beautiful eyes, and then she saw someone rushing up from a distance, her spiritual power surged, and her appearance suddenly changed at this moment, and she became another person again. A beautiful woman.

After Ye Qianran took Han Xiangrou out, he took out a set of clothes from the ring and put them on Han Xiangrou's body directly. After covering up that perfect delicate body, he came to the edge of the valley. Looking around, he frowned, what about the old man? Why is there no figure?

When he thought of this, the sound of galloping sounded, and when he looked up, he found that the old man rushed over. When he saw Han Xiangrou in Ye Qianran's arms, he suddenly showed surprise and said: "Little brother!" , I didn't expect you to really rescue Miss Xiangrou."

"Let's go quickly, those people should catch up soon!" Ye Qianran said, and then let Xiao Hei levitate out, and when he jumped up with Han Xiangrou in his arms, the old man also followed, the streamer floating , Xiao Hei also rushed out in an instant.

This time the speed was faster. After more than an hour, they came to the entrance of the cave. At this time, the four of them were still waiting outside. After seeing them coming back, they stood up at the same time. The distance drew closer and they also saw Ye Qianran. Han Xiangrou in her arms suddenly showed surprise in her eyes.

When the distance got lower and lower, Ye Qianran also fell down with Han Xiangrou in his arms, followed by the old man, and Xiao Hei circled in mid-air and landed directly on the sword. Inside the sheath, she looked indescribably chic.

"Little brother, did you rescue Xiangrou?" The four of them couldn't help but speak out when they saw Han Xiangrou in Ye Qianran's arms.

"Well, it's a small thing!" Ye Qianran nodded, and then walked into the cave with Han Xiangrou in his arms. At this time, five people also walked in at the same time.

After Ye Qianran carefully placed Han Xiangrou on the ground, she looked up at the five people and said, "You said Xiangrou was poisoned by the poison pill? Has there ever been an antidote?"

The five looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time. At this time, the leading old man said: "We don't know what kind of poison her sister used, so we have no way to start, otherwise we are afraid that the situation will become more serious."

Ye Qianran frowned, and his eyes fell on Han Xiangrou's body again. At this time, the phoenix eyes quietly opened. Under the perspective, he found that there were black lines in her body, which were intricately intertwined. He froze for a moment. Is it the effect of poison pill?

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