Eternal Supreme

Chapter 247

Withdrawing the phoenix eyes, Ye Qianran looked at the five people and said, "Then is there any other way to get rid of Xiangrou's poison pill?"

"Yes, I heard that the earth spirit fruit can remove all poisons!" At this moment, an old man said directly.

"Earth spirit fruit?"

Ye Qianran frowned and said, "Where is it?"

"We have inquired that the Wushuangmen, a first-class force in Phoenix City, has this Earth Spirit Fruit, but it is not easy to get it!" An old man sighed, with a somewhat helpless expression.

"Leave it to me, but where is this Phoenix City?"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered. He was assisted by Fengyan, Bamen, and Xiaohei. Stealing something should be quite easy for him.

"I'll take you there tomorrow morning!" At this time, the leading old man said again.

"Okay!" Ye Qianran nodded and agreed directly, and then said again after a pause: "Senior, let me ask you a question!"

"Please tell me, little brother!" The old man nodded.

Ye Qianran hesitated and said, "How was Xiangrou's sister before?"

"It used to be pretty good, and the relationship with Xiangrou was also very good, but who knew that after the death of the previous patriarch, Xiangrou's sister targeted her in various ways! Hey, it seems that power will blind people's eyes." At this time The old man who took the lead sighed.

Ye Qianran thought about it, took a deep breath and said: "Now I suspect that Xiangrou's sister is not the old sister!"

"How to say?" The expressions of the five people changed at the same time.

After hearing this, Ye Qianran told what he saw.

The faces of the five people changed drastically again. At this time, the leading old man said angrily: "Isn't it that our Xingchen clan is controlled by an outsider? Damn it, what about Xianglian? Did something happen to her?"

"do not know much!"

Ye Qianran shook his head, with a solemn expression on his face. In fact, he could let it go, but thinking of Han Xiangrou, he finally sighed and said: "Now let's get rid of the poison of Xiangrou first! In addition Move the position early tomorrow morning, it is not suitable to stay here for long."

The five of them naturally didn't have any opinion, they nodded and agreed at the same time.

Ye Qianran nodded again, didn't say anything, and came to Han Xiangrou's side again, at this time the five of them looked at each other and walked out.

Ye Qianran didn't raise her head either, her eyes fell on Han Xiangrou's body, she finally sighed, and leaned to the side to rest.

Early the next morning, Ye Qianran picked up Han Xiangrou, and the group galloped towards the mountains for a while, and stopped after finding a more secret place.

Before noon, Ye Qianran galloped out under the guidance of the old man.

It took about half an hour after leaving the mountain range, Ye Qianran saw a city from a distance, at this time Ye Qianran also controlled Xiao Hei to fall down from a distance, and finally entered the Phoenix City on foot.

When the two came to a doorway, Ye Qianran looked up at the plaque and found that there were two large characters of Wushuang written on it.

"Is it here?" Ye Qianran looked slightly surprised.

"Yes, the overall strength of this Wushuangmen is close to the first-class level, mainly because of the existence of this old monster in the family. If there is no such thing, it will not reach this level!" The old man explained from the side.

Ye Qianran nodded, not too anxious, and took the old man to a restaurant to eat first. It is not suitable to act during the day, and the best time to act is at night.

"What does the spirit fruit look like?" Ye Qianran asked at this time.

The old man briefly narrated: "The size of a fist, red, smooth, with a strange fragrance."

Ye Qianran nodded and waited patiently while eating and chatting with the old man.

At nightfall, Ye Qianran found a place for the old man, and then in the middle of the night, he also galloped out quietly, and when he arrived at the villa, the phoenix eyes also quietly opened.

He knew that important things would not be placed here, so he didn't stay outside, and galloped directly towards the inside, because he was relying on the strength of his body, so he was silent and basically would not attract people's attention of.

When he came to the innermost part, Ye Qianran was lying on a house, his eyes were scanning, his eyes were fully opened at this time, his brows were wrinkled, he had no clue, and finally looked down, mother...

At this time, there is a large hall under him, and in that hall, a middle-aged man is sitting at the first place, and two old men are sitting there below, their brows raised, showing a strange look, the person sitting at the first place should be The current owner, but what are you doing here at this late hour?

Because he couldn't hear at this time, he could only see with his eyes.

After the people below chatted for a while, one of the old men stood up, and then took out a brocade box with his left hand and handed it to the middle-aged man.

At this time, Ye Qianran could see the excitement on the middle-aged man's face, and doubts appeared, what could it be?

When he was curious, he saw that the people below were talking again. He was not in a hurry, anyway, there was plenty of time, so take your time.

Time passed by little by little, and an hour later, the middle-aged man beckoned, at this time a guard walked in, and then left with the two of them, when the middle-aged man was left alone, he found him Opened the brocade box.

Ye Qianran looked at it and shrugged helplessly. It was just a tattered piece of parchment. After examining it carefully, it seemed to be a map or something. Suddenly, his interest came again. Could it be some kind of treasure map?

While he was thinking, the middle-aged man covered the box, and then walked towards the inner hall. Ye Qianran kept watching the man's movements with his phoenix eyes, and found that after he came to a room, he was on the table. Turning a pen holder, a dark room was opened, and then a special mark appeared. After passing through a spiritual power gate, he walked in, and then put the box in.

Ye Qianran took a glance at this time, darling, there are quite a lot of treasures, all kinds of pill bottles, all kinds of weapons, and some exercises? There are also some beautiful jewelry and other things, which are worth a lot of money at a glance. The corners of his mouth are raised, and he swallows a mouthful of saliva. This time it was fun.

After the man put down his things solemnly, he walked outside, but turned his head several times, and after the man left, Ye Qianran noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power, and a strange look appeared, this dark room was sealed what? No wonder the man said so many treasures are put here.

But he has Xiao Hei, so he's afraid of something?

After the man left the room completely, Ye Qianran used his phoenix eyes to observe again, and soon the color of surprise appeared. He found the spiritual fruit that the old man had mentioned in an exquisite box.

Moreover, there are still two spirit fruits here, and I was really excited, then I took a deep breath, quietly fell down, and rushed in quickly while no one was paying attention...

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