Eternal Supreme

Chapter 283

The little mink beast in his arms feels the biggest, and there is an unbelievable breath in his nimble eyes...

"Tsk tsk, it seems that this spiritual power is very good!"

Ye Qianran laughed. Joining this organization got two treasures, and these two treasures have the source of spiritual power, which means that he has two more sources of spiritual power. The origin of the wind, the power of the nine secluded worlds, the pure spiritual power of that bead, and now there is such a strange spiritual power, five?

Pretend to have a head...

Ye Qianran opened his mouth, it seems that there is still a skill waiting for him, thinking, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, his eyes are full of light.

Taking a deep breath, the golden spiritual power converged. At this time, Liu Ruyan and Yi Feixuan exhaled at the same time, because the suppressed breath dissipated in an instant.

"The little villain is really special!" Yi Feixuan smiled, her seductive eyes shining brightly.

Although Liu Ruyan didn't speak, her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, and she found that this little brother became more and more special.

"Okay, let's go out then!"

Ye Qianran said excitedly at this time, now he can't wait to get that certain method from that person, to see if it really suits him.

Thinking of this, he took the lead to walk outside.

"This little scoundrel is mine, junior sister is not allowed to snatch it!"

Looking at Ye Qianran's back, Yi Feixuan looked at Liu Ruyan and said with a smile.

The corner of Liu Ruyan's mouth pulled up a touching arc, and also said with a smile: "It's always the one that comes first!" After speaking, she walked forward, and when she took a step out, her brows frowned involuntarily.

Yi Feixuan gave her an inexplicable sense of crisis, which made her very uncomfortable.

Yi Feixuan looked at Liu Ruyan's back, smiled, and walked out at this time.

When the three came to the lobby at the same time, all the people present were there, and at this time the three also came to the front. When Ye Qianran stood between the two, Ye Qianran felt a murderous gaze on him. Looking up, I found that it was Liu Sicong.

Shrugging his shoulders, at least he has someone in charge now, so it should be okay to make this guy obedient?

When he thought of this, he felt the eyes of the person sitting in the first place look at him again, and then the hoarse voice sounded again: "Have you got the order?"

Ye Qianran nodded, spread out his left hand, and with a move, a golden token floated out, and when the sign appeared, the mark on his left arm also disappeared, which was a bit strange.

The figure trembled for a while, took a deep breath for a long time and said: "Well, very good!" After speaking, he turned his head and said something about the task again. In short, he was obeying the arrangement, and then let everyone disperse.

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "You come with me now, I will entrust the exercises to you!"

Ye Qianran nodded, seeing the figure walking outside, she couldn't help looking at Liu Ruyan and said: "Beauty sister, you have to wait for me!" After finishing speaking, she followed her out.

Liu Ruyan didn't say anything, but she was still sitting there, and then seeing Yi Feixuan sitting beside her, she couldn't help saying: "Senior sister, my little brother asked me to wait here, it seems that I didn't ask you to wait, right?" ?”

Yi Feixuan blinked her eyes and said: "Then I want to wait for him, can't I?" After she finished speaking, she paused, then glanced forward if there was nothing in her eyes, and said: "Besides, Junior Sister should settle her own affairs in the future." Say it!"

After hearing this, Liu Ruyan's eyes fell on the opposite side. At this moment, Liu Sicong had already stood up and walked towards her, frowning slightly.

"Junior Sister, Sicong is so good, why do you have to compete with me for that little villain?" Yi Feixuan said with a smile.

Liu Ruyan was stunned for a moment, and then a strange look appeared on her face, thinking of Ye Qianran's poem, was it because of that? It's still because... Thinking of this, her face turned rosy, and the image of Ye Qianran kissing her automatically appeared in her mind.

After the words fell, Liu Sicong had already come to her, hesitantly said: "Master, you know my intentions, anyway, I will not give up, let alone lose to that person!" After speaking, the obsessed Glancing at Liu Ruyan, he turned and walked outside.

"What an infatuated person!"

Yi Feixuan giggled, looked at Liu Sicong's leaving back and said, "Junior Sister, why are you so heartless?"

Liu Ruyan shook her head, but said nothing.

On the other side, Ye Qianran came outside, caught up with the figure and said, "Just pass that decision to me directly, where is it going?"

"You will know when you arrive!" A hoarse voice sounded, and then fell silent again.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, breathing in the faint fragrance, his expression became weird again, he really wanted to use his phoenix eyes to see whether this person was a man or a woman, and how old he was.

But after having this idea, he chose to give up, because the strength of the person in front of him was unfathomable, if he used the phoenix eye, if the other party didn't notice, maybe he would hang here on the spot.

When I followed the lord to a room, I was slightly stunned. The facilities inside were in place, and everything that should be there was there, but the figure did not stay, but took him to the innermost one. In the room, when he came to a wall, he spread his hands, and his spiritual power surged. At this time, the wall instantly rippled.

"Let's go!" A hoarse voice sounded, and he walked in directly, and in the rippling, he directly merged into it.

Ye Qianran was stunned, and then followed in. When he came into contact with the rippling spiritual power, he felt a pulling force, and rushed in directly.

And after he came inside, the inertia still existed, and just after he took a step, he directly bumped into the figure.

When the dark fragrance wafted into his nostrils, the figure trembled, the spiritual power surged, and his body took a step back, while Ye Qianran was directly bounced out by the spiritual power, and fell heavily on the stone wall before stopping.

"It hurts!"

Ye Qianran was full of helplessness, then sat up from the ground, looked up, at this moment the whole person was stunned, what appeared in front of his eyes was a resplendent and magnificent cave, surrounded by glittering gemstones, which looked gorgeous luxurious.

"Are you okay!" a hoarse voice sounded.

"Oh, it's okay, where is this?" Ye Qianran asked suspiciously.

"This is my residence!" A hoarse voice sounded, and he took the lead to walk towards the inside again. When he came to the innermost part, Ye Qianran found a stone bed inside, and the stone bed was obviously not ordinary. Stone, crystal?

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