Eternal Supreme

Chapter 284

"Go to bed!"

When Ye Qianran was looking around, a hoarse voice sounded, and he was stunned for a moment, then put his hands on his chest and said: "What do you want to do, he is still innocent..."

After the voice fell, the figure froze there for an instant, and then Ye Qianran felt the coldness, he laughed and said, "You're just kidding, don't be angry!" After speaking, he lay down on the bed directly.

The figure didn't say anything at this time, and came directly to the bed, spread his right hand and said: "You will suffer a certain amount of pain during this period, now I will give you the Aolong Jue first!" After speaking, he directly clicked on Ye Qianran's Between the eyebrows, a mysterious seal suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Ye Qianran felt his mind go blank. After a while, he came back to his senses and felt a pain in his head, but there were many things in his mind.

At this time, the figure was not talking, and the little hand was placed on Ye Qianran's body again, and the thick spiritual power surged out instantly.

Ye Qianran's breathing was stagnant, and he felt that his whole body was being suppressed, which made him a little short of breath. At this time, the little mink jumped to another place, with vigilant and clear eyes.

The domineering spiritual power circulated in his body, which made him a little uncomfortable, and then he frowned again, feeling the source in his body agitated, his body twitched, and then several light clusters floated.

They are the power of the Nine Serenity, the source of the stars, the source of the wind, the power of purity, and the golden spiritual power, which looks extremely strange.

"Hey, did Ruyan give you the Pregnancy Orb?" The hoarse voice was a little surprised, and when his eyes floated, he finally suppressed it again, moved his right hand, and finally landed on Ye Qianran's abdomen, and his right hand fluctuated Down, tear...

When the voice sounded, Ye Qianran's clothes instantly shattered, spiritual power surged, the force of pulling floated instantly, and complex lines appeared instantly.

"Sure enough! I didn't expect that you are really a descendant of that bloodline, isn't the one sealed inside the seal..."

Whispering with a trembling voice: "I can't blame the Dragon Token for being melted by you. I thought... I didn't expect it to be like this. I made a mistake..." He sighed, and spread his other hand , a dagger appeared in her hand, and then she tapped directly on Ye Qianran's abdomen. Just when she was about to tap it, a silver bell-like voice sounded: "Don't hurt brother!" It surged out instantly.

The body of the figure trembled, and the look of shock appeared again, then he gritted his teeth, spread his left hand, the spiritual power surged, and a mark floated again, and with a cold snort, he directly suppressed Xiaomei.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the blood connection between my brother and me, hum..."

The figure's eyes fluttered, and he took a breath, not wasting a moment, the dagger spun, and a little later, a bloodstain appeared.

The figure took a deep breath, took off the glove on his left hand, the snow-white skin appeared, the dagger slid again, golden blood leaked instantly, his right hand spread out again, amidst the surging spiritual power, the huge mysterious seal appeared again, Then he put that snow-white jade hand on Ye Qianran's abdomen, and golden light burst out instantly.

Ye Qianran gasped at this moment, the burning heat and pain in his abdomen made his whole body feel convulsive, but his body wanted to move, but he couldn't move at all, he could only pant there .

As time passed, Ye Qianran felt that his body became hot, as if his whole body was being burned in a stove.

If he could see it at this time, he would have noticed that there were pieces of shapes floating on his skin, and when they gradually became clear, they looked like golden scales, which looked extremely strange.

The little mink beside him was obviously stunned, and his eyes were full of disbelief...

As time passed, the figure also trembled, and the face hidden under the mask was pale. When the scales on Ye Qianran's body were extremely clear, his hands came back quickly, and then he put on the gloves again.

And the scales on Ye Qianran's body also disappeared at this time...

After Ye Qianran's pain passed, his whole body relaxed and his spirit relaxed, but he entered a semi-drowsy state in an instant.

The white spiritual power was flowing, and at this moment a graceful white figure appeared, and the agile eyes fell on the figure and said: "Why are you like this?"

The figure was not surprised at all. He raised his head and looked at the graceful figure, and said in a hoarse voice: "He has fused the Dragon Token, he must have the blood of our family, otherwise, he won't be able to use it." How long will it take, and I will explode and die!"

"But he..."

"You should know a little bit about his bloodline. It won't be any problem to integrate into our bloodline. On the contrary, it will bring him more benefits! And in this way, he can practice the Aolong Jue I gave him. A higher level." The hoarse voice sounded again.

"What's your purpose?" The moving voice was full of vigilance.

"Hehe... get what I should have!" After speaking, he took a breath, but his voice became a little tense.

"Is it?"

The graceful figure said something, then walked to the side of the bed, stretched out her jade hand and put it on Ye Qianran's slightly pale face, a touch of tenderness floated on the beautiful face, and then said: "His other A bloodline is sealed, and if it merges into your bloodline, it will completely loosen his seal, that thing..."

"Isn't there still Tianzhu?" The hoarse voice interrupted.

"However, if his identity is completely revealed, he will be completely dangerous..." His moving eyes fell on the graceful figure again and said: "Things are not something you can control..."

"Really, just wait and see!" The hoarse voice was full of confidence.

The graceful figure was not talking at this time, the small hand was placed on Ye Qianran's body, covering Ye Qianran's body softly...

When Ye Qianran woke up in a daze, she felt warm all over her body, which was indescribably comfortable. When she opened her eyes, a hoarse voice sounded: "Are you awake?"

Ye Qianran was taken aback, sat up quickly, then looked at his clothes, the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "What did you do to me?"

"It's nothing, you just have to practice the Aolong Jue well!" The hoarse voice sounded again.

Ye Qianran shrugged, and then began to take off her clothes.

"What are you doing!" The hoarse voice trembled, and then turned around directly.

"I'm dizzy, you tore my clothes to pieces, of course I have to change!" Looking at the performance of that figure, Ye Qianran was basically sure that she was a woman, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

Without thinking about it, he quickly took off the clothes on his body, then took out a suit of clothes from the ring again, put them on his body and said, "Are you all right now? Can I leave?"

"Okay! Let's go." The figure didn't look back, and walked straight ahead.

Ye Qianran was full of doubts, even a little surprised. He didn't understand what the other party had done, but now he felt that there was nothing wrong with his body. He frowned, hugged the little mink beast in his arms, and followed.

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