Eternal Supreme

Chapter 302

After the voice fell, everyone present looked at one person at the same time, and this person was Ye Qianran.


Ye Qianran naturally noticed it, and sneered: "Look at you now, Yongde? Do you know what these two words mean?" After a pause, he said again: "Forget it, it's useless to ask, You don’t understand at all now, Yongde is completely corrupted!”

"Boy, don't talk nonsense, or don't blame me for being rude!" A cold voice sounded, and huge pressure suddenly bloomed, and the air mechanism locked Ye Qianran in an instant.

Ye Qianran naturally felt it too, her body trembled suddenly, and a look of horror floated in her eyes, but they absolutely can't fight anymore now, this is their territory, if it continues to wear down, it will be very difficult for them The unfavorable situation continued, "I didn't say anything nonsense, why did the old owner help Shishi at that time? Because of virtue!"

"The old owner helped Shishi because of De, and later passed away because of De. That will be remembered by the world, but what about you now? You want to keep us here because of personal grievances. It's ridiculous, it's really embarrassing. Ridiculous!"

"Is this still the ideal Yongde Villa?" Ye Qianran raised a doubt at the last moment.

The faces of the six people were uncertain at this time, and the spiritual power on their bodies was also a little unstable, and it seemed that they were about to explode at any time.

"Okay, we are leaving, let you think that you have not corrupted Yongde, you can take action!"

Ye Qianran said something again, and quickly said: "Let's go!" After the words fell, he rushed out first.

Elder Mei and the others glanced at the six people vigilantly, and finally followed them out.

The six people looked at each other and clenched their fists. At this time, the old man in the lead said: "Let them go!" After the words fell, he looked at Ye Qianran. At this moment, he suddenly noticed something, and his eyes fell directly. On top of Xiao Hei, who was sticking out his tongue and looking extremely excited, Qi Qi instantly showed shock and disbelief...

On the other side, after Ye Qianran galloped out for a while, he found that the six people hadn't rushed up. He reached out and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. It was too scary. He said a few words just now, and the cold sweat on his back is really no exaggeration He fell down because he was really worried that the six of them would make a sudden move.

As the elders of Yongde, the strength of the six people is absolutely not bad. Elder Mei, who is a master at the nirvana level of the heavenly realm, seems to have suffered a lot of damage, and this is enough to see some tricks.

When he breathed a sigh of relief, Elder Mei and the others relaxed even more.

"Hehe, the little villain is very powerful..." Yi Feixuan said with a smile.

Ye Qianran chuckled, calmed himself down as much as possible and said, "You all come to Xiao Hei!" After the words fell, Xiao Hei's multicolored light flowed, and it became extremely huge, and several people looked at each other fell down at the same time.

To be on the safe side, Ye Qianran made Xiao Hei speed up again...

"Want Want..."

Qiqi screamed at this time, opened his mouth, and bit Ye Qianran's clothes, and then his body stabilized.

"What kind of monster is this monster?"

Qiqi's movement attracted the attention of the surroundings, and curious eyes fell on it at the same time.

"Oh, it should be Husky!" Ye Qianran laughed.

"Husky?" Several people were stunned at the same time, with doubts on their faces, why haven't they heard of it? When several people came back to their senses, their eyes fell on Shishi at the same time, at this moment Elder Mei hesitated and said: "Shishi..."

At this time, Shishi, who was leaning against Ye Qianran's arms, raised her head, her eyes glanced at Elder Mei, her red eyes flickered, her brows were slightly wrinkled, her body shook again, and it was obvious that she felt dizzy again. Ruo Wu's spiritual power floated up, looking extremely irregular, he frowned for a long time and said, "Second Grandpa?"

Elder Mei shook his head and nodded heavily. At this time, he also noticed a slight change in Shishi's personality, thinking that it was because Shishi's soul had not been fully integrated.

Shishi frowned again, and then leaned against Ye Qianran again, without saying a word.

Elder Mei may have also seen the changes in Shishi, and he didn't ask anything.

As time went by, when they returned to Mei's house, Shishi still followed Ye Qianran closely, and her attitude towards other people, including Elder Mei, was indifferent.

In the lobby, Elder Mei took out the big box containing the sky axe. When the box was opened, the sky ax inside trembled instantly.

Shi Shi, who was following Ye Qianran, shook her body, and her red eyes flashed strangely. When she stretched out her little hand, the sky ax floated over in an instant, and finally held it in her little hand. It was strange at that moment. His spiritual power instantly enveloped Shishi's body, and a powerful aura suddenly floated out.

Ye Qianran's heart trembled, and he, who was relatively close to Shishi, suddenly felt chilling, but when Xiao Hei trembled, the chilling pressure disappeared.

At this time, Shishi's spiritual power fluctuations became stronger and stronger, and her long black hair was instantly rendered red, making her look even weirder.

As for the red eyes at this moment, which seemed to be full of bloodthirsty and murderous intent, it made the people present startled, and they didn't dare to get any closer.

Standing there, Ye Qianran also felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling on Shishi, and then said: "Shishi, put away the day axe!"

As the words fell, Shishi's red eyes fluctuated, and her brows frowned slightly. At this moment, the ax fluttered, and then turned into a red light and entered Shishi's body.

At this time, Shishi's hair color also returned to normal, but her eyes were still red.

Seeing Shishi's body shaking a little, Ye Qianran stretched out his hand to hug her and couldn't help but care about her: "Shishi, are you okay?"

Shishi raised her head, there was something strange in her red eyes, then she shook her head lightly and said, "I...I'm fine!"

Ye Qianran saw that Shishi seemed to be mentally exhausted at this time, maybe it was because of the control of the sky axe, or maybe it was because the soul was not integrated at all, so he looked up at Elder Mei and said: "Senior, let Shishi go to rest Well, maybe tomorrow will be fine?"

At this moment, Elder Mei took a breath, nodded and agreed: "Then trouble little brother, send Shishi to rest!"

Ye Qianran froze for a moment, looked at Shishi who was closely following him, shrugged helplessly, looked at Shishi beside him and said: "Shishi, let's go, go to rest!" After speaking, he took the lead and walked outside .

After Shishi read it, she followed closely.

Half an hour later, Ye Qianran's face was full of helplessness, because the girl kept holding his clothes with her small hands, and wanted him to stay too, did he stay? or not to stay?

"Want Want..."

"Uh, Qiqi, are you asking me to stay?"

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