Eternal Supreme

Chapter 303

"Forget it, I'd better go back, Shishi, take a good rest here!" Ye Qianran decided to leave after a long ideological struggle.

He can't spoil Shishi's innocence, after all, she is still a big girl.

Shishi's red eyes flickered, she shook her head, she has been lonely for more than ten years, she was afraid of being alone, now it's hard to find someone, so naturally she doesn't want to be alone.

Ye Qianran seemed to see what Shishi was thinking, smiled and said: "Well, I will leave when you fall asleep!"

Shishi's pretty brows frowned, but she still shook her head.

Ye Qianran was full of helplessness, and finally hesitated for a moment, nodded and agreed, at worst, when Shishi fell asleep, he would leave quietly.

Seeing that Ye Qianran agreed, Shishi immediately showed a happy look on her face, and went directly to the bed without taking off her shoes.

Ye Qianran was stunned, then walked over and said: "You have to take off your shoes when you go to bed!" Immediately, she brought Shishi's legs over, took off her shoes and socks, and immediately a pair of jade feet appeared, It looks cute.

Stretched out his hand to shake it, found it smooth and very smooth, smiled, looked up at Shishi, found that her face was slightly rosy, smiled, let go of that jade foot and said: "Okay, rest early Bar!"


After listening to Shishi, she lay on the bed, and those red eyes were staring at him.

Ye Qianran sighed secretly, and then leaned in. At this time, Shishi leaned directly into his arms and closed her eyes.

Breathing the unique fragrance, Ye Qianran gently stroked the hair with his left hand, a strange look appeared in his eyes, the crying Shishi from before has completely disappeared?

While thinking wildly, Shishi's even breathing sound came very quickly. At this time, Ye Qianran felt a little mental fluctuation, raised his eyebrows and didn't care. He tried to sit up and planned to leave, but it was when he found a small hand tightly pulling his clothes.


Ye Qianran smiled bitterly, and stretched out her hand to pull the jade hand down, but found that the hand was grasping very tightly, and was afraid that Shishi would wake up again after exerting force.

Sighing, he finally lay down, forget it, just stay here, get up early tomorrow, anyway, he can't do anything, thinking about lying down again.

At this time, his eyes fell on Qiqi, seeing him wagging his tail and still looking at him, he suddenly smiled, took out the elixir and threw it over again.

Qiqi tilted his head, and finally lay down, sticking out his tongue and rolling the elixir that fell on the ground into his mouth.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, he was still lying down, it didn't have to lie down and eat... He really doesn't understand the world of huskies.

After letting the husky lie there to rest, Ye Qianran also closed his eyes.

After a night of nothing, when he was still soundly asleep the next day, a scream came and woke him up.

Looking up, she found that Shishi sat up at this moment, looking at him in a panic.


Ye Qianran was startled, what's the matter?

"Brother Qianran? You... why did you run into someone else's bed, woo..."

Seeing that it was Ye Qianran, Shishi looked somewhat relieved, but tears started to fall down.

Ye Qianran froze for a moment, and when she was about to say something, she realized that Shishi's eyes were normal black at this time, the red color had already disappeared, and she was looking at the teardrop, isn't this Shishi from before?

Sitting up from the bed, Ye Qianran looked at her curiously and said, "Shishi, don't cry, do you remember what happened yesterday?"

Shishi stretched out her hand to wipe her tears, her face was full of thought, she finally shook her head, and then she couldn't help but said, "Is it possible that brother Qianran and I are married?"


Ye Qianran's eyes widened instantly. Is Shishi's thoughts so avant-garde?

"Well, then Shishi stayed with Brother Qianran all night, will there be a baby?" Shishi said and put her little hand on her stomach.

"Ahem, Shishi, we are not married, and you will not have a baby!"

Ye Qianran explained: "Yesterday you were another person, and then you insisted on letting me stay."

"Really?" Shishi's face suddenly showed sadness when she heard it, her eye circles were rosy again, and when tears were about to fall, Ye Qianran hurriedly said: "Shishi, your second grandfather is still waiting for me to bring you You go out, let's get up first, shall we?"

After hearing this, Shishi nodded in agreement.

Ye Qianran let out a breath, successfully shifted her gaze, jumped off the bed the next moment, and after Shi Shi also got off the bed, she hugged the little mink beast and walked outside with Shi Shi.

"Wangwang..." Qiqi immediately followed after seeing it.

Coming outside, Ye Qianran couldn't help but take a deep breath, looked at Shishi again, doubts appeared again, what is her situation now?

In the lobby, everyone gathered together. At this time, everyone looked at Shishi curiously, and they were all surprised to see that she had returned to her previous appearance.

"It seems that the evil soul and Shishi's soul are not completely fused together!" Elder Mei sighed at this moment, and in this way, Shishi is equivalent to returning to its previous appearance.

"When will the evil spirit come out?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"She will appear when she is angry!" Elder Mei said.

When Ye Qianran heard it, he immediately became interested, and couldn't help looking at Shishi and said, "Shishi, are you angry and take a look?" He coughed dryly and said, "Shishi, who do you dislike the most?"

Shishi shook her head after listening.

Elder Mei said at this time: "Shishi has been at home in recent years, rarely going out, and this time she returned to the imperial city again, and knows very few people, so there are almost no people who make her angry!"

Ye Qianran nodded slightly, and finally fell on Shishi and thought about it, this is a girl who loves to cry, even if she is angry, she will cry, right? Thinking of this, he was really in trouble.

But soon his eyes lit up and he said: "The person Shishi cares most about must be Elder Mei. If Elder Mei is beaten, he will definitely be angry!"

Elder Mei was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to speak, Han Youyu stretched out his hand and pinched him lightly, angrily saying, "My lord, what nonsense are you talking about there!"

Ye Qianran smiled dryly, and at this moment, Liu Ruyan sat up suddenly, her eyes fell on him, she walked up directly, reached out her hand and tapped him on the head.

Ye Qianran was stunned, didn't he just come up with an idea? Is it necessary to come up and knock yourself?

When he just thought of this, suddenly a murderous intent became stronger, his whole body shook and he looked up, his mouth opened wide...

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