Eternal Supreme

Chapter 311

Ye Qianran could understand what Han Youyu meant, and said with flickering eyes: "There are so many people here now, so you don't have to worry about safety. Even if there are monsters coming, there will be people who will resist them!"

Han Youyu nodded, and said: "This is the top of the mountain, which is safer than the foot of the mountain!" After a pause, he said, "Master and the others should come too!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows immediately after hearing this, his eyes were bright, he hadn't seen Liu Ruyan and others for a while, and he missed them very much in his heart.

As time passed, the sky gradually fell, and Ye Qianran pulled the two of them to sit down and rest on the spot.

After a night of nothing, the next day, when the sky was dim, Ye Qianran felt a tingling sensation on his face, opened his eyes, met a pair of charming eyes, was startled, and could clearly see the extension of the focal length Yes, it was Yi Feixuan.

At this time, Yi Feixuan was sitting half-squatted in front of him, stroking his face with a strand of hair.

"Hehe, is the little villain awake?"

As Yi Feixuan said, there was a strange light on her face, her charming eyes glanced at Han Youyu and Guoguo and she couldn't help but smile and said, "The little villain is really lucky, to have two little beauties sleeping with him!"


Ye Qianran gave a dry cough, then sat up holding the two of them.

At this moment, Han Youyu woke up, while Guoguo was still resting on his body with her big eyes closed, still looking sweet.

"Hey, uncle..."

Han Youyu woke up after seeing Yi Feixuan, glanced around and soon saw Liu Ruyan's figure, his face immediately showed a happy look, and then glanced at Ye Qianran beside him, blushing from Ye Qianran got out of his arms.

Ye Qianran didn't care, but at this moment he also felt a low gaze, turned his head to look, noticed something, found that it was Liu Sicong, shrugged helplessly, was he jealous of himself?

Hehe, what's wrong with being handsome? What's wrong with better strength? It's good luck for him...

Thinking about lying down again with Guoguo in his arms, the sky is still hazy and it's not dawn yet, he'd better recharge his batteries and rest more, so that he can drink more soup.

Not long after lying down, Ye Qianran was startled by a low growl, and when he looked up, he found dozens of fierce monsters gathering towards their mountain. Soon he found that there were not a few Ten, but more than a hundred... It was so dark that it looked creepy.

At this time, when Guoguo sat up from Ye Qianran's arms rubbing her eyes with her small hands, she couldn't help but glance around, and said with a small mouth: "It's really annoying, he is eating good food."

In a word, Ye Qianran burst out laughing, the cute girl must be sleepy.

"It's a Beast!" A moving voice sounded, and Ye Qianran looked up, and found Liu Ruyan and others standing not far from him, with serious expressions on their faces.

Ye Qianran also stood up with Guoguo at this time, and said curiously: "Beast?" He looked around at the monster, and found that each one looked very ferocious, with huge fangs, The sharp claws, and the extremely violent aura and spiritual power surging on his body gave people a very different feeling.

"Beast? Is it powerful?" Ye Qianran couldn't help but say something.

"It's really powerful. It's a high-level Mystic-level monster, and the monsters that live in groups have amazing defenses and even more amazing strength. They won't even have any fear when they encounter monsters at the Earth-level level!"

Liu Ruyan opened the mouth and said: "From now on, it should be because of the bloody smell of the dead monsters around here!" Liu Ruyan said at this time.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, looked left and right, and found that there were already many people waiting in line at this time, and all of them had serious expressions on their faces.


At this time, there was a terrifying roar, and countless roars immediately stopped. In the hazy sky, black figures galloped up in an instant, very fast.

The people around also rushed up after seeing it, most of them were old people, while the young people were generally protected behind. After all, the high-level magic beasts of the mysterious level are not something ordinary people can contend with.

At this time, Ye Qianran also saw the horror of the monster. Its huge mouth opened, either to swallow the attacking spiritual power, or to slap it away with the surge of spiritual power with its huge and sharp claws, which gave people an extremely terrifying feeling. .

Maybe one head and two heads are really nothing, but what about dozens of heads? Or even hundreds of them?

The screams sounded, Ye Qianran turned his head to look, and found that not far in front of them, an old man was instantly surrounded by three or four beasts, and was torn apart... The scene was extremely blood-type.


A low growl sounded, and at this moment a monster looked in his direction, and at the same time it rushed towards him with fierce eyes flickering. The distance was very far, and Ye Qianran breathed the stench, and at this time he also felt the monster. How terrifying is his jumping ability, high, very high...

A ferocious aura enveloped him, at this moment a figure stood in front of him, it was Liu Ruyan.

With an astonishing surge of spiritual power, a palm print erupted, and when it was printed, the huge wolf claw also slapped it fiercely.


Surging spiritual power surged, and Liu Ruyan's explosive attack was instantly scattered. When it was about to reach Liu Ruyan's body, Ye Qianran exerted his strength, and with Guoguo, he smashed Liu Ruyan's body He picked it up and rolled over to the side.


Bi Qi Beast let out a low roar, and the spiritual power on its body was more intense, it felt like a flame was radiating from its body.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva. At this moment, he finally understood how terrifying this high-level mysterious monster is.

So what about the ground level, or even the sky level? He really couldn't even imagine it.

At this time, the Beast was obviously about to pounce, but at this moment, he noticed a pair of cold eyes, panic appeared at this moment, he growled again, and jumped out in other directions.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He had never imagined it before, but at this moment he really felt it...

Damn it, it's not worth your life to scare people to death! But what made him curious was how did the monster escape suddenly?

"Young master, master, are you all right?" Han Youyu ran up quickly at this time, her small face was slightly pale, it was obvious that she was frightened just now.

"It's okay!" Ye Qianran shook his head and said, "What can I do? If I want to talk about something, I have to ask that monster if it's frightened by my arrogance!"

Han Youyu was stunned, as if thinking of something, her slightly pale face turned rosy, and she stretched out her hand to pinch Ye Qianran...

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