Eternal Supreme

Chapter 312


Ye Qianran seemed to have thought of something too. He remembered that Han Youyu believed him when he said that his blood was the aura of domineering. Now that he pinches him, he seems to have figured it out.

When Ye Qianran stood up holding Liu Ruyan in his arms, seeing Liu Sicong looking at him with gloomy and jealous eyes, he immediately shrugged and said, "Oh, my head hurts!" Then he leaned against Liu Ruyan body.

Liu Sicong's eyes instantly seemed to breathe fire, and his fists were clenched tightly. If eyes could kill, Ye Qianran would die many times at this time.

"Little brother, do you want your neck to fall off too?"

Liu Ruyan's eyes fell on Ye Qianran, and she said with a smile.

Ye Qianran's neck felt cold when he heard it, and he stood up straight and said, "Oh, I'm not dizzy all of a sudden!"

Liu Ruyan glared at Ye Qianran, then looked up again.

"Master, why did the Beast leave just now?" Han Youyu said very curiously at this moment.

After hearing this, Liu Ruyan glanced at the little mink that had just jumped into Ye Qianran's arms and said, "Who knows? Maybe I was really scared away by my little brother!"

Ye Qianran chuckled, and then glanced around. It's strange to say that there is no strange beast attacking in their direction at this time, but there is a mess in other directions at this time. At this time, there are many strong people supporting them. The scene, otherwise it would be even worse, right?

Some people were about to gallop away, but they were jumped by the Beech beast and rushed down directly. Like this, they might as well fight directly, so they seemed passive.

And at this moment, there was the sound of rolling thunder coming from the horizon. Looking up, Ye Qianran found a figure wrapped in blue galloping towards him, like a shooting star piercing the sky.

When the figure reached the sky, a terrifying spiritual power was released and turned into a lightsaber falling down. The palpitating spiritual power caused the heaven and earth to turmoil. It was also thrown out, looking extremely terrifying.

"Touch!" The figure fell, it was an extremely young man who looked about the same age as Ye Qianran, with flowing black long hair and a clean white robe that was spotless.

An exclamation sounded: "It's the young master of Wanjianmen!"

"It's so strong, it's worthy of being the top master of the four younger generations."

"Looking at the strength, I am afraid that he has the strength of Nirvana in the realm of heaven, right?"

The people around were shocked and looked at the young man with piercing eyes.

Ye Qianran was also shocked, so strong! One of the top four young masters? It really wasn't covered!

And after the man fell, two old figures also fell down, exuding a shocking aura all over his body, Ye Qianran felt that tyrannical suppression from a distance, which made it difficult for him to breathe stand up.

Just when Ye Qianran was stunned, Han Youyu said from the side: "Young master, his name is Wan Tianzong, he is the young master of Wanjianmen, the top force in the Sunset Empire, and it is said that his current strength has reached the level of the late stage of Nirvana in the realm of heaven. It’s time to break through to God Gathering.”

Ye Qianran took a deep breath. Wouldn't the level of the Heaven Realm Nirvana later period be stronger than Elder Mei's? Damn it, it really is a monstrous existence.

Turning his head to look at Han Youyu's expression, he was still a little shocked, and his heart was unavoidably agitated. He had never felt any pressure, but after Wan Tianzong appeared at this time, he felt a strong pressure, really strong.

"Hehe, Brother Wan came quite early!"

A turbulent sound sounded from far away, Ye Qianran looked up and found a huge... bird flying over, Ye Qianran was stunned, damn it, it's so big!

And in his dazed mind, strange space fluctuations rippling, the huge bird dissipated in an instant, turned out to be transformed by spiritual power?

In the dumb room, an extremely domineering figure landed. When it landed on the ground, there was a bang, and Ling Ran's domineering aura instantly swayed to the surroundings. The proud feeling seemed to announce that , he is the master here, and also the protagonist here.

"Damn it, this one is so strong!"

Ye Qianran's breathing was suppressed again, and his complexion inevitably changed again.

"Well, he is the young master of the Illusion Sect, named Meng Yang, and his strength is on par with Wan Tianzong." Han Youyu explained.

Ye Qianran took a breath, and his pupils shrank. Damn, I knew he shouldn't have come here, and I was hit. This is definitely at the level of evildoers. Think about how he met in the Kamikaze Empire. The so-called geniuses are not at the same level at all.

As expected of the Sunset Empire, it really is sturdy and ruthless!

The young suzerain is so fast! "The helpless voice sounded, and the two old men also came galloping, and the big bird was also riding under them. After landing, the astonishing palpitations also floated in an instant.

At this time, the two major forces came, and the pressure became lighter. Seeing so many Beeches, there was no nonsense, and the four top masters also galloped up. There were not many people, but the pressure around them dropped again.

But the figures of Wan Tianzong and Meng Yang have become the focus of the field, it feels like they have completely become their individual performances, it feels like they are going to kill more than anyone else, the hearts of the people watching are terrified, and many people stop Come down and look up...

"Hehe, you are indeed the top expert of the younger generation, and your strength is even higher than mine!" At this moment, Yi Feixuan's voice sounded in Ye Qianran's ears. in shock.

Ye Qianran felt envy, jealousy and hatred at this time. He was envious and jealous at this time. When can he become such an existence, and then let all kinds of girls, worship, motherfuckers, and pick up girls be very happy? easy right?

The surrounding beasts retreated gradually, and finally a low growl was heard, and all the beasts retreated at this time, at this time a scream of low growl sounded, and one of the beasts was unexpectedly struck by an astonishing spiritual force. Li Sheng wore it.

"Brother Wan, I seem to have killed one more than you, right?"

Ha ha laughter sounded, the corners of Meng Yang's mouth curled up, and the manic spiritual power was still fluctuating on his body.

Wan Tian turned his head and gave him a suffocated look, but didn't say much while frowning slightly.

At this time, many people around came up, and the voices of compliments rang out...

Wan Tianzong and Meng Yang kept their expressions calm, and at the same time, they let Ye Qianran know that these two people are not only powerful, but also have extremely difficult thoughts...

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the two of us are late!"

A helpless voice sounded, Ye Qianran frowned, raised his head again, and found two figures galloping towards him, a man and a woman, looking extremely elegant...

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