Eternal Supreme

Chapter 315

"Such a bullshit?"

Ye Qian's face was full of shock and disbelief at this moment, Jianfengniao? Is it so hanging?

Yi Feixuan giggled and didn't speak any more, but her expression was obviously shocked at this moment.

"Then do you need to tell others?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"No need, a master of spiritual cultivation will notice it!" Yi Feixuan said.

Ye Qianran nodded and chose to give up at this time, without saying anything.

Not long after, just as Yi Feixuan said, an old voice sounded: "Everyone be on guard, I can feel the breath of a monster ahead!"

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of the people around suddenly became vigilant, and amidst the turmoil of the thick spiritual power, the surrounding area was instantly brightened by the light, and the feeling of oppression brought by the black cloud was instantly reduced.

As the distance got closer, Ye Qianran clearly saw the eyes of those Jianfeng birds looking in their direction with his phoenix eyes, and at the next moment, the wings flapped, and when one took the lead and flew up, there were also many Jianfeng birds behind. Bird followed.

That speed is indeed amazing, but I don't know if it's because of his phoenix eyes, but he can clearly capture the movements of those sword-pointed birds.

There was a scream, and Ye Qianran watched Zongniao penetrate a person's chest, and even the surging spiritual power was broken.

Profound-level intermediate? It's really tough.

When one person was recruited, the others became more vigilant, and some even had to form a group, but at the next moment, the thunder sounded, and the screams sounded again...

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the fierceness was indeed fierce.

What made him even more curious was how did the first person who discovered the treasure pass through here? The strength should be very terrifying, right? Otherwise, he would not have come out and was seriously injured.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Ye Qianran looked around vigilantly. It was strange to say that he was still safe and sound, but Qiqi kept screaming there, tilting his neck from time to time, staring at the surroundings with a pair of eyes, which seemed to be ready to move The general feeling of rushing forward.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, causing Qiqi to climb down quietly, and went out with Qiqi, who committed the crime... What kind of rhythm is this?

His eyes shifted, and he watched the large swathes of Jian Feng birds flickering. At this moment, his eyes suddenly fluctuated. When he grabbed his right hand, the impact force surged, and the feeling of pain came. Ye Qianran withdrew his right hand, and a Jianfengniao was caught in his hand, and his hand was still stained with blood, which looked quite shocking.

"My son..."

A trembling voice sounded, and Han Youyu quickly came to Ye Qianran's side, she could see it very clearly.

"Hey, it's all right!"

Ye Qianran smiled at this moment, and spread out that hand. Although there was still blood, there was no wound.

After seeing it, Han Youyu felt relieved a little. At this time, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran's other hand, and he couldn't help showing surprise. Ye Qianran actually caught a sword-point bird with his bare hands? This is something that never happened.

Yi Feixuan beside her was also full of surprise and disbelief, how did Ye Qianran do it? What secrets does he still hide? She is really more and more interested in Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran's eyes fell on the Jianfeng bird, and now he looked carefully, and found that the feathers of the Jianfeng bird were very hard, especially the mouth.

In addition, it was strange to say that the Jianfeng bird was in his hand, and he looked around from time to time. At this time, he was very quiet and did not struggle much.

Just when Ye Qianran was full of curiosity, he suddenly felt a heat in his hand, and his expression instantly became astonished.

When he saw what it was, a black line appeared on his forehead.

Han Youyu was also stunned for a moment, and immediately smiled with her mouth pursed. Yi Feixuan and Liu Ruyan also giggled. They were probably the only ones who came out.

Ye Qianran threw the Jianfeng bird out, looked at the lump in his hand, flicked his right hand, and then heard a scream: "Elder, something came into my mouth..."

Ye Qianran was stunned, and didn't dare to look back. Could it be such a coincidence?

Seeing that there were still some remnants in his hand, he shrugged helplessly, looked around, and then his eyes fell on Qiqi, his eyes lit up, he paused and said: "Qiqi!"

"Want Want..."

After hearing this, Kiki wagged his tail and moved forward.

Ye Qianran squatted down, stretched out her hand and said, "Eat, good food, it's still hot..."

"My son..."

Seeing Ye Qianran like this, Han Youyu couldn't help saying: "How could it be possible..."

When the voice just said this, his expression froze for a moment, and he found that Qiqi stuck out his tongue and squeaked, and then he cried out excitedly.

Ye Qianran smiled and stood up, isn't he too shameless? But looking at Qiqi is still pretty hard to be happy... just treat it as if it never happened...

The area of ​​the mangrove forest is quite large, and the sword-point bird had a great impact on people at the beginning, but after it stabilized, it became normal again.

After half an hour, they also successfully passed through this area. At this time, everyone separated again. Ye Qianran roughly estimated at this time, and found that more than ten people were hit and injured... It's miserable. ...

When can we reach the destination? His inner curiosity.

The thunder in the sky is still surging, and the danger that has always been accompanied by this time, there is a possibility that another group of people will go down ahead.

The phoenix eye opened again. At this time, he tried his best to look around, and looked down from time to time. He found that there were actually many monsters in the jungle below. Each one is so uneasy and fierce.

The body shuddered involuntarily. The people who were hit by the lightning and the sword-pointed bird before, even if they were still alive, they probably would be dead if they went down.

"Hey, it smells so good..."

At this time, Guoguo's voice came from behind.

Ye Qianran turned her head to look, this girl didn't eat good food for a few days, and then got hallucinations, right?

When he was puzzled, a scent came from the tip of his nose. It was the scent of flowers. It smelled very pleasant to breathe. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Where did the scent of flowers come from? When he opened his eyes, he never saw it. ...

Immediately, he felt a sense of mystery. He always felt that it was not that simple, and he could not help but become vigilant in his inner breath.

The phoenix eyes were kept open, and even the stars surged in. Not long after galloping, his mouth suddenly opened wide, with disbelief and shock all over his face...

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