Eternal Supreme

Chapter 316

"Little brother, what did you see again this time?"

Yi Feixuan asked curiously at this time. He naturally noticed Ye Qianran's red eyes. With a simple guess, it can be estimated that those eyes should be able to see far away. With a look of shock on his face, he couldn't help asking.

Ye Qianran turned her head, opened her mouth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and couldn't help saying: "It's so beautiful..."

Yi Feixuan was stunned. When Ye Qianran turned her head, she felt that her whole body was being seen through. She quickly covered her chest with her hands, gritted her silver teeth while her face was stiff, and said, "Little villain, come Watch my sister gouge out your eyes!"

Ye Qianran swallowed again, and put away the phoenix eyes.

Hehe smiled, seeing Liu Ruyan looked at him with a slight smile, smiled again and said: "I saw a sea of ​​flowers in front of me, it's very big, very beautiful..."

As soon as the words fell, Yi Feixuan, Liu Ruyan, including Han Youyu showed disbelief on their faces.

In the surrounding environment, where is the sea of ​​flowers without even sunlight? But the fragrance of flowers sprouting from the tip of the nose is an iron-like fact, is it true as Ye Qianran said?

But think about it, maybe only a huge sea of ​​flowers can cause such a long distance to breathe the fragrance of flowers, right?

"How long will it take to arrive?" At this moment, Liu Ruyan asked suspiciously.

"Uh, there's still some distance to go!"

Ye Qianran spoke, because he only saw so far when the power of the stars was injected, if not, he would not be able to see it even if he was appointed.

Neither of them spoke at this time, and the surrounding area became very quiet at this moment, only that it wasn't the muffled sound of thunder...

And as he galloped forward, the fragrance of the flowers became more and more intense, Ye Qianran looked at the front blankly...

Observing from a close distance, it looks even more beautiful, and the fragrance of the flowers is even more delicate. At this time, he can also see that the flowers are blooming very coquettishly, and each plant is very huge, but in this In this environment, it gives people a very strange feeling.

Moreover, this place is still a fierce place, and danger must exist in it, but what danger is there?

At this moment, he thought, this flower could not be a piranha, right? The flower goes up one piece, and one person swallows it?

Thinking of this, goosebumps appeared on the body involuntarily, if that were the case, it would be a bit chilly. But if this thing is really a piranha, it is enough to fly at the height it has reached.

Soon such a huge sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of everyone. At this time, everyone showed a look of shock. Everyone landed on the edge of the sea of ​​flowers at the same time. When they did not understand its danger, no one would Dare to set foot on it easily.

The name of the fierce place is not covered.

Looking at each other, an old voice said: "Let me try it!"

The person who opened the mouth was a strong man from the top force, and his violent aura became turbulent at this moment, and then he galloped in.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on him at the same time. At the beginning, there was no danger. After the old man galloped for a distance, all the flowers became restless in an instant, and then everyone saw such a In one scene, the flower where the old man was galloping rushed out in an instant and rolled towards the old man.

"Is it really a piranha?" Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise.

Not only that, but with his phoenix eyes, he could clearly see that when the flower rolled up, pink spiritual power surged out, like pollen, which looked very strange.

The red division definitely has other uses, perhaps it is the mental function of lost people.

This is what Ye Qianran thought, because if it was just this flower alone, it shouldn't cause much harm.

While the old man was entwined with the flower, he struck down with violent spiritual power, and in the burst of spiritual power, the pollen was rippling away, and the flower was also suppressed. Everyone thought it was not easy, but Ye Qian However, something was wrong at this time.

Because of the surging spiritual power, although the flowers in front were also annihilated, the rhizomes below did not shatter, but absorbed the surging spiritual power crazily, and then the flower exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Once again, Bai Xiaosheng's literature net was thicker, and after a while, it was rolled up again, and it looked more turbulent, and it seemed to make people's scalp tingle again.

In this way, the only way to dodge is by relying on speed. If the hit continues, as the flower grows thicker, the person rushing past will be hit sooner or later.

"What kind of flower is this!" Ye Qianran couldn't help asking at this moment.

Yi Feixuan and Liu Ruyan next to her wanted to vomit at the same time, expressing that they had never seen it before.

And when he saw the old man, it was obvious that he also saw some ways. During the strange fluctuations of spiritual power, his body went wrong, and then his body instantly lifted into the air, and at the moment of lift-off, thunder rolled, and a sky thunder Instantly chopped off from the air.

It felt like cutting the whole world in half.

The old man felt the huge pressure from above, and when he contracted in pain, his hands surged instantly, and the moment he lifted it, a palpitating spiritual power spread out.


When the ear-piercing sound sounded, the old man's body trembled instantly, and his body fell a little involuntarily.

And at the same time as he was falling, the flowers below rolled up at this time, and his scalp became numb again, which looked even better.

At this time, the old man didn't react at all, his legs were immediately wrapped, and it felt like an astonishing spiritual force contracted downwards. In a short while, the old man was pulled down by more than one meter.

The old man's face changed drastically, and the manic spiritual power had to surge out again. During the shock, the roots wrapped around his legs shattered in an instant. At this time, the old man didn't waste any time, and his body soared again at a crazy gallop. out.

Those flowers were rolled up at this time, and after being rolled up, they were taken back and restored to their original appearance.

"Are you all right?"

At this time, everyone had this idea at the same time, and they were all in a cold sweat.

And just when everyone thought it was all right, a shrill voice rang out with an ear-piercing voice, Ye Qianran's phoenix eyes opened, and the pupils shrank again. It was perverted enough. With the help of the phoenix eyes' penetration, he saw A huge flower is hidden in it, and the petals of that flower look even more coquettish. This is nothing, but the center of the many flowers has dense teeth, which is really frightening to see...

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