Eternal Supreme

Chapter 317


When Ye Qianran noticed that one, the phoenix eyes couldn't help but glance around again. At this time, he found that it was not just that simple one, but there were such ones at every distance in the distance.

And at this time, he also saw clearly that the stem and the blossoming flowers all extended from this huge flower.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he could only say that he was abnormal.

At this time, the power of the stars was injected into the phoenix eyes again, trying to see if there was any safe area, but at this time his pupils contracted violently again, and the whole person was there.

If. The flowers that can be seen in front of the eyes are the extension of that huge flower, so the extension of many flowers is the extension of an even bigger flower?

But at this time, the words are closed, like a lotus flower, and spiritual power is surging on it, which looks extremely strange.

In other words, there is actually only one flower in such a vast sea of ​​flowers?

Damn, I haven't seen it before, and no one can believe it, but I have seen it with my own eyes, and I know the horror.

Fierce land, as expected of a fierce land, it really wasn't built.

If the flower is compared to a monster, at least it is an existence of the earth level, right?

"What did little brother see again?" Seeing Ye Qianran's eyes flickering at this time, Liu Ruyan couldn't help showing shock on his face, and his face was suddenly full of curiosity. Could it be that there are some tricks in it?

Yi Feixuan, including Han Youyu, fell on him curiously, and this also included other members of the organization.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and narrated it without reservation.

After Yi Feixuan and the others heard this, expressions of disbelief suddenly appeared on their faces.

Ye Qianran couldn't believe it at this time, the so-called person who discovered the treasure before really went in? Now he wondered if there was fake news? Otherwise, how the hell did he get in? Thinking about it, he looked at Liu Ruyan and asked his doubts.

After the words fell, Liu Ruyan's eyes flickered and said: "According to the news, he said that he only saw a ray of light soaring into the sky, and it is really uncertain where it is in the fierce place!"

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, he now understands why ordinary people dare not set foot on it easily, even a master is probably the same, right?

If you give him a chance, you will definitely not want to come in, because it is difficult to go in, and it is also difficult to come out, and what dangers exist inside is still unknown, after all, Goddess of Luck will not be with him forever of.

If you really run into someone so powerful and afraid that you ignore Xiao Hei at all, then he will be miserable...

He still doesn't want to die, Xiao Mengyao is waiting for him, Li Muyun is waiting for him, Han Xiangrou and others are also waiting for him, so many beautiful girls...

Well, leaving aside the beautiful girls, his father is still waiting for him to rescue him, what if something goes wrong here? Who will rescue his father?

He wasn't afraid, well, even if he was afraid, with so many burdens and responsibilities on his shoulders, nothing would happen to him.

But if he leaves now, Han Youyu and Guoguo may accompany him to leave, but what about Liu Ruyan and Yi Feixuan?

So at this moment, he can't even stare away freely, the entanglement in his heart is so depressing.

And when he was thinking wildly, the galloping old man was also caught by the thick rhizome, and the huge flower opened its bloody mouth and bit the old man directly.

"court death!"

There was a cold gaze in the old man's eyes, and he grabbed the back with his right hand, holding a long knife in the palm of his hand in an instant, the dazzling light surged, and the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth seemed to be turbulent in an instant.

The next moment, the astonishing ferocious intent moved, and the knife slashed down with unbelievable light. The area covered and the length made Ye Qianran petrified there.

So strong!

They are quite far away at this time, but he can feel the terrifying power very clearly at this time. At this time, Ye Qianran really feels his own insignificance. He knows that if he encounters that amazing spiritual power It is definitely only for escaping, and the covered area, even if he wanted to escape, it would be very difficult, right?

Insignificant, when he has not seen it, maybe he will really be satisfied with the status quo.

But now?

Land of Nine Serenity, that is a more mysterious existence, so what is he, probably an existence that can be manipulated easily by others?

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, while his body trembled, his fists were also clenched. If he wanted to save his father, he had to do his best!

He now has his own way of cultivation. Although it is different from others, as long as he works hard, his strength should also improve, right?

The four top masters at the monstrous level? He may still be far away from others now, he may not have what they have, but the same is true of the other party he has.

People can achieve a dazzling existence at a young age, why can't he be of the same age?

Maybe he just saw the glamorous side of others, but he ignored the hard work behind them.

That's right, stimulation, he was really completely stimulated at this time.

The more contact, the deeper the stimulation.

The old man's slash shocked many people, and the shrill voice sounded again. The next moment, several huge flowers were annihilated under the terrifying force.

In fact, this also means that although the flower can absorb spiritual power to increase, it also has a limit. Under the terror of the old man, it has no time to absorb it, so it dies.

But...that's just nothing more than that.

Although a large area of ​​flowers fell down, the surrounding flowers that were not touched were absorbed crazily, and countless flowers stretched out again.

Ye Qianran's red light floated, and finally landed on the existence that was still cooperating like a lotus flower. Perhaps if he wanted to solve it, he had to destroy the last one, right?

There was a whistling sound, and several figures galloped out. They were just a few other top-notch elders. Obviously, they also saw that the old man was a little stressed by himself, and it should be easier to talk about it when there are more people.

And after those figures galloped up, the rest of the people were ready to move, thinking that although the flower was difficult to deal with, it would be fine if they were careful.

"Haha, let's go too, let's see who goes first!"

At this moment, a laugh sounded, but it was Meng Yang who said it. After the words fell, the spiritual power surged. With a touch of his right foot, the huge spiritual power gathered, and a huge bird transformed into a huge bird in the surging spiritual power. Flapping its wings, it rushed out in a surge of violent spiritual power.

Wan Tianzong and the man and woman followed after watching them. The sound of rolling and galloping, the speed was very fierce, which made Ye Qianran's heart tremble unavoidably. I'm afraid this is the gap between him and others, right?

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