Eternal Supreme

Chapter 318

When the four of them rushed out back and forth, the others couldn't suppress the restlessness and rushed out as well.

If a large number of people pass by and some remain, it will be very difficult to pass by.

"Then let's go too!"

Liu Ruyan's eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said with a smile.


Ye Qianran took a deep breath at this time, and Xiao Hei surged out at this time, and when he became bigger, he led them to jump up, and Qi Qi also followed quickly at this time.

The phoenix eye opened, swept across the world of flowers, took a deep breath, and Xiao Hei also soared out at this time.

And after they rushed out, the people in the organization also followed closely. Liu Sicong glanced at Ye Qianran's back with low eyes, and naturally followed closely at this time.

Just as Ye Qianran thought, the flowers below don't care whether they are heavenly or not, as long as they feel someone, they will roll up.

Ye Qianran frowned slightly, making Xiao Hei dodge around.

But because there were so many people, the sword was relatively big, so it was extremely easy to roll up the flower vines, but after galloping for a long time, Ye Qianran found it extremely difficult.

At this time, Liu Ruyan said: "You take Guoguo and Youyu, senior sister and I will go down first!" After the words fell, Liu Ruyan and Yi Feixuan left Xiaohei and galloped out almost at the same time.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, causing Xiao Hei to shrink down at this moment. Although it was simple to manipulate like this, vines still rolled up. Ye Qianran had no choice but to let Xiao Mei surge out, hovering around, and came up to chop One, the whole process is relatively smooth.

But this is only for now, because with the deepening, more vines will roll up. Although Xiaomei's speed is fast, Xiao Hei is still fluctuating back and forth under the influence of the vines, giving people the feeling of being extremely unbalanced.

Ye Qianran was holding the two of them tightly with both hands, for fear that they would accidentally fall down during the shaking.

Looking around, those who were a little weaker were all rolled down by the vines, and then they heard screams, which made people's scalp tingle.

Ye Qianran's heart was beating, causing Xiao Hei to keep accelerating, as long as he rushed over, he would be fine.

Although he always wanted to speed up, he was always going faster and slower, which made Ye Qianran extremely irritable.

"Damn it!"

When Xiao Hei was caught again and lost his balance, Ye Qianran was really angry. He spread his right hand, and the accompanying fire surged out at this moment, and the power of the stars was injected into it at this moment. , the mental power surged, and rolled down directly.

Strange to say, when the vine touched the accompanying fire, it instantly shrank back.

Ye Qianran's eyes lit up at this moment, are all these words out of fear of fire?

Thinking of this, he spread his hands out at the same time, and the accompanying fire became more intense at this time.


A shrill voice sounded, Ye Qianran skipped a beat, looked down quickly, and found a huge flower, opened its huge mouth, and bit it directly in his direction.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and a ball of accompanying fire was directly thrown over.

"Chi Chi..."

A piercing sound sounded, and his accompanying fire was thrown into that flower's mouth very precisely.

The huge flower closed its mouth in an instant, retreated after making a shrill roar, then twisted its whole body, and then looked rosy. Wrapped it in.

Ye Qianran chuckled at this time, this harvest was something he did not expect.

Perhaps someone around noticed Ye Qianran's movement, and some people who were also alchemists immediately surged out the accompanying fire, and when the control surrounded them, they immediately accelerated and soared out.

The flower may also have feelings, and it is not touching them in any way.

With this assistance, many people began to follow suit, such as Meng Yang of the Illusion Sect, the big bird under him transformed into a raging flame in an instant...

Propelling at this speed, it soon reached the center of the sea of ​​flowers. At this time, Ye Qianran couldn't help but glance at the shockingly large flower below, hoping that nothing would go wrong. , If you wake up, open it directly, and the accompanying fire will go down, I am afraid it will not work.

After all, that head is really too big.

And when he got here, he saw that the flower was turbulent at this moment, and the pink spiritual power surged out.

"Um, is it such a coincidence?" Ye Qianran's pupils shrank, and at this moment, he clearly saw the flower slowly open at this time, and the rich fragrance of the flower suddenly overflowed, Ye Qianran Breathing heavily, I felt dizzy in my brain, it was so fragrant.

And in a short period of time, the many flowers also opened up, and most of the surrounding flowers were directly suppressed.

The inside of the flower was very ugly, with multiple big mouths, it looked extremely frightening, at least it made Ye Qianran feel uncomfortable in his stomach when he saw it.

In addition, the flowers are really too big. Ye Qianran visually inspected them, and they are at least as big as several tens of feet. They appear so small in mid-air at this time.

At this time, other people also noticed that their pupils shrank in an instant, and at the same time they began to increase their speed.

A few looked excited to be out of the flowered area, but then what?

I saw strips of rhizomes and vines as thick as half a meter surging out from the ground. The next moment, many people were hit and were directly sucked in.

Ye Qianran glanced down at this time, and found that the person who went down was directly swallowed by that mouth, which looked shocking.

Han Youyu's face was pale at this time, and her small hands were tightly clutching Ye Qianran's clothes, but Guoguo's purple eyes were flickering at this time, and she looked down curiously, and then said: "Well, this big guy is definitely better than you." Fruits can be eaten..."

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, Guoguo is really not afraid of anything.

While he was thinking, a huge vine rolled towards him, and at the same time his pupils contracted, Xiao Hei was instantly depressed, and then dodged in a very dangerous way.

During this period, Ye Qianran tried to explode the accompanying fire, and found that although there was a chi-chi sound, the damage was obviously not that great.

Just when he was still in fear, a hurried voice sounded: "Be careful!"

Ye Qianran was startled, turned his head to look, and found that a huge vine directly below him was slapped up with extremely violent momentum, and Ye Qianran felt the surging sound from a distance...

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