Eternal Supreme

Chapter 319

The pupils shrank at this time, the speed of the vine was too fast, he had tried his best to let Xiao Hei dodge it, but it was still too slow, he could only watch the huge vine come up.

But at this moment, a graceful figure stepped forward, it was none other than Ruyan Liu.

She was originally inside the seal of Yao Qian and the two brothers, so even if she was hit by that stem, they were inside to avoid damage.

And her eyes looked at Ye Qianran from time to time. When she saw a root stem drawn upwards towards Ye Qianran, when she said it anxiously, the power of the blood surged and rushed out of the seal .

She herself acts on the speed, this time under the surging power of the blood, she is one step ahead of the stem.

The astonishing Wu Yuan broke out at this moment, and when a handprint went up, there was a bang sound, although the stem was taken off the direction, but Liu Ruyan's face was also slightly pale, although he bit his lips tightly, But Ye Qianran saw the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

It's not hard to see from here, how terrifying the erupting force of the root is.

Ye Qianran was safe and sound, looking at Liu Ruyan, just when she was about to say something, a huge rhizome wrapped around her body, and then pulled towards the huge flower .

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, and the next moment, when Xiao Hei was asked to take Guoguo and Han Youyu out, he also jumped off.

"Want Want!"

Qiqi yelled twice at this time, and when it was about to jump, it was quickly hugged by Han Youyu.

On the other side, when Ye Qianran rushed down, his mind contacted me, and Xiao Mei also rushed out at this time.

When he came to Liu Ruyan's side, he stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms, and at this time Xiao Mei also cut off the thick root.

Ye Qianran let out a sigh of relief, fortunately she's fine...

Just when he thought of this, Han Youyu's voice sounded: "Master, be careful behind you!"

Ye Qianran looked back and found more than a dozen thick roots rolled up again. The moment his pupils constricted, he pushed Liu Ruyan out without thinking, and at the same time threw Xiao Diao out.

And Xiao Hei, who was connected with him, drew Liu Ruyan and Xiao Diao in a graceful arc.

Xiao Mei began to exert her strength at this time, the silver light seemed a little dazzling under the dark sky.

Xiaomei's speed is really fast, but I don't know if the huge flower did it on purpose, more than twenty vines rolled up again.

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, and at this moment a huge root stalk wrapped around him, pulling it crazily, Ye Qianran's body suddenly fell a lot.

Although Xiao Mei cut it off in time, her body was entangled again in the next moment, and within a short time, her body was less than six meters away from the huge flower.

Although Ye Qianran's mind was a little blank at this time, he felt that his abdomen became extremely hot at this time, as if something was about to come out.

That feeling made him very uncomfortable. While struggling all over his body, the stench tangled in his nostrils, and his whole body was swallowed up.

Outside, the faces of Han Youyu and others on Xiao Hei's body looked even paler, as did Liu Ruyan, Guoguo's purple eyes were shining, and he was staring closely at the huge flower.

Was Ye Qianran swallowed by that flower?

Han Youyu's eye circles instantly became rosy, and tears instantly blurred her eyes.

Liu Ruyan remained relatively calm, and quickly looked at Yi Feixuan. Although the other party's face was a little surprised, it looked normal, which meant that Ye Qianran did not have any problems?

On the other side, the surroundings became dark, and Ye Qianran felt that his body was wrapped in acid, and under the strong corrosion, his face was full of pain.

The power of the Nine Serenities surged out automatically at this time, and began to frantically repair the wounds on his body.

And in his abdomen, dazzling light surged, and the multicolored seal appeared at this moment, flickering on and off, as if something was about to rush out.

The evil breath became stronger, Ye Qianran's whole body was wrapped in black, and a vague imprint flickered between Ye Qianran's eyebrows.

At this time, Ye Qianran's brain went blank again, and his whole body felt as if he was in a cold cellar, but his abdomen still felt scorching hot.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Qianran opened his eyes, and saw that those eyes were completely black and looked extremely strange. At this time, his brain was still awake for a moment, and he didn't know what happened to him at this time.

But he felt an extremely strange force hovering all over his body.

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and clenched his right hand tightly. The black spiritual power gathered instantly, and the whole person was instantly wrapped in black spiritual power. It felt as if his whole body was wrapped in flames.


A cold voice sounded, causing Ye Qianran's pupils to shrink. Who is talking?

The next moment, the seal on Ye Qianran's abdomen became even more glaring, and then the cold voice sounded in his mind again: "It's ridiculous, I was actually sealed on such a weak person..."

After the cold voice fell, Ye Qianran felt his abdomen became hotter, and the next moment, the strange spiritual power filled his body and became more intense.

Ye Qianran snorted, his mind went blank in an instant...

Yi Feixuan, who was inside the seal in midair, put her right hand on her chest, what's going on? She actually lost contact with Ye Qianran at this time, which is almost impossible to happen.

Looking at the bottom at this time, the huge flower was twisting desperately at this time, and it seemed to be extremely uncomfortable.

What happened to the flower?

And at this time, with the passage of time, the petals were rendered black at this time. It looked even weirder, what happened.

At this time, there was a shrill roar, and countless roots were beating wildly, which immediately made the people in mid-air suffer, and those who were a little slow to react, would be slapped out by that force...

While Xiao Hei dodged automatically, although he was shaking unbalanced, it was more than enough to dodge.

"It seems that there is something wrong with this demon flower, let's speed up!" The old voice sounded, and the violent spiritual power surged, and he took the lead to gallop out.

Under the leadership of the top forces, the rest of the people followed closely.

Liu Ruyan and the others were still looking down, what happened to Ye Qianran down there?

And that little mink beast looked down with its nimble eyes, but its light was floating, and it seemed that the excitement appeared again...

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