Eternal Supreme

Chapter 320

As time passed, it didn't take long for the flower to turn completely black from red.

At this moment, the flower was twisting violently, as if trying to break free from something. Not long after, the flower suddenly stopped twisting. The next moment, there was a loud crash, and a black figure rushed out from inside.

That figure was wrapped in black spiritual power, like a living evil god.

However, the figure could not be seen very clearly in the dark environment in which it appeared, but Liu Ruyan and the others could see that the colorful flowers around them began to wither at this time, and they could feel it even from a distance. It's cold.

At this time, they also felt that Xiao Hei under them was trembling at this time, and the colorful light was flowing, giving people the feeling of being extremely unstable.

"Is that figure Ye Qianran?" Liu Ruyan showed doubts on his face.

At this time, the black figure spread out his right hand, and a long spear appeared in the palm of his hand with a sound like a dragon's chant. The next moment, when the right hand was swung, Liu Ruyan's pupils shrank, and her pretty face became pale. It became even paler.

The spear was very slow, but it felt like cutting through the sky and the earth, and after the spear passed by, the huge flower was accompanied by a little bit of fragmentation and a little bit of melting...

When the flower completely melted, the rhizomes waving around also fell down at this time, and large pieces of flowers withered along with the surge of the black spiritual power.

The body of the figure trembled at this time, the dazzling light flickered, the spear disappeared at this time, the black light also disappeared at this time, and Ye Qianran's figure also clearly appeared at this time.

Xiao Hei trembled, and automatically led Liu Ruyan and others to gallop over.

Liu Ruyan's reaction was still very fast, and she took Ye Qianran into her hand in an instant, because at this time the surrounding flowers were still withering towards the surroundings, and the threat was reduced almost instantly. At this time, Xiao Hei also Galloped out frantically.

Yi Feixuan, who was in the midst of the Yao Qian brothers, felt the sound of continuous heartbeats, and she instantly relaxed.

When Xiao Hei followed, Yi Feixuan's eyes fell on Ye Qianran who was in Liu Ruyan's arms, her beautiful eyes floated, and a touch of shock reappeared.

She also kept paying attention to the direction of the huge flower, and naturally saw that shocking and unbelievable scene. What kind of spiritual power is that?

At this time, Liu Ruyan felt Ye Qianran's injury first, and after making sure that it was all right, she was completely relieved, but there was still shock in her beautiful eyes.

Is that Ye Qianran's spiritual power?

"Master, is your son okay?" Han Youyu said quickly from the side.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Liu Ruyan shook her head.

Han Youyu felt relieved after hearing this, and at this moment Xiao Hei galloped down and quickly crossed the endless sea of ​​flowers. When he landed on a hill, maybe there were many people there, he stopped automatically.

While shrinking, Liu Ruyan also fell down with Ye Qianran's body, while Xiao Hei automatically submerged into Ye Qianran's scabbard.

In the distance, Liu Sicong's face was full of astonishment. Why did Ye Qianran come out? At this moment, he was still leaning in the arms of the person he liked, with his fists clenched tightly. Ye Qianran's eyes were full of envy and jealousy. Will there be such good luck and blessing?

"Let's rest here today!"

An old voice sounded, and then the guardian spiritual power was supported again.

At this time, a shocked voice sounded: "Look at the sea of ​​flowers, it has withered!"

After the words fell, everyone looked over and found that the flowers in the distance were withering little by little. It seemed shocking. What happened?

The old man of the top power was also surprised, and then thought, could it be the reason for the sudden disorderly riot of the roots that were originally very regular when they galloped towards this direction? But at this time, no one can figure it out, so this matter will be settled.

Because passing through this sea of ​​flowers this time is quite a loss for everyone, everyone sat down cross-legged and began to recover at this time, and at this time, the sea of ​​flowers completely disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. Yes, there is a big contrast with before and after.

On the other side, Liu Ruyan supported Ye Qianran to sit down. After placing him on the ground, he spread out a pill with his right hand and stuffed it into Ye Qianran's mouth.

Although she didn't feel the injury on Ye Qianran's body, he would be completely at ease only with a pill.

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Qianran's brows opened at this moment. At this time, he felt his brain was groggy, and it was accompanied by a very strong sense of dizziness.

When he recalled when he quickly sat up from the ground, at this time his hands were placed on his abdomen first, and when his heart trembled, he thought of the voice that appeared in his mind at that time.

What's the meaning?

What does it mean to be sealed on such a weak person?

What exactly is in the seal in his abdomen? And why did it pop up all of a sudden?

What he remembers is that his whole body was surrounded by that weird spiritual power, and then his brain went blank, and then he vaguely remembered that he seemed to have wiped out those super big flowers...

Wait, are you dreaming?

Ye Qianran's face showed a strange look, but when he looked outside, the phoenix eyes opened, but this time he saw a bare piece, where are there any flowers? Brought here?

What's going on?

Ye Qianran was stunned, his eyes flickered quickly, and he looked around, and found that Liu Ruyan and others were in the state of cultivation, their lips moved, and they didn't bother them, and finally their spirit fluctuated, and they entered their own spiritual sea. At that time, he only saw Xiao Mei still resting there, perhaps sensing his arrival, he opened his eyes.

"elder brother!"

The sound of surprise sounded, and Xiao Mei ran up happily, and hugged him with her small arms.

The soft feeling was smooth and delicate, Ye Qianran's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a restlessness appeared immediately, after forcing it down, he let go of Xiao Mei and said, "Xiao Mei, what happened at that time?"

After hearing this, Xiao Mei's beautiful eyes flickered and she said: "It was an annoying guy who helped brother..."

"Annoying guy? What annoying guy?" Ye Qianran was full of doubts.

"Yeah, doesn't brother know?" Xiao Mei's face was full of doubts at this moment.

"I don't know, Xiaomei, tell me quickly!"

Ye Qianran's heart was beating, and she couldn't wait to ask.

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