Eternal Supreme

Chapter 321

"Ah, Xiao Mei doesn't know either. I just feel that the breath in my brother's body is so disgusting and bad! It makes people uncomfortable!" Xiao Mei said.


Ye Qianran's face was filled with helplessness when he heard this. He thought Xiaomei knew something, but now he doesn't seem to understand, but he can imagine that the seal on his abdomen, including the sealed things, should be all It is related to his life experience.

Who are his real parents?

This question came up again in Ye Qianran's mind, and this question became clear when he found his father Ye Hong at this time.

But now he has come into contact with higher and higher levels, more and more even the other party's strength and terror, when will it be possible?

"Xiao Mei, take a good rest, I'm going out first!"

Ye Qianran looked at the little girl in front of him, leaned over and kissed her on the face, and then disappeared into the spiritual world.

In fact, counting it down, he is still dragging Xiaomei down. If it weren't for the blood, Xiaomei's strength would not be suppressed. If Xiaomei's strength was not suppressed, maybe he would really dare to go to the Nine Nether Land. Three people, but now they can only hehe.

Opening his eyes again, he saw that everyone was recovering from cultivation. At this time, he was not wasting time, and slowly closed his eyes. At this time, he thought of the Aolong Jue that the man passed to him. It's pretty strong, but again, it seems a little inappropriate here.

Shrugging his shoulders helplessly, his mental power surged, and he began to practice again.

And this time with the opening of his spiritual power, he could feel a lot of huge auras, and he didn't touch them easily, but concentrated in one direction.

He didn't know how long he had practiced, but he opened his eyes when he heard voices from around him.

"Young master, are you alright?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Han Youyu's extremely worried voice rang in his ears.

Ye Qianran turned his head, and when he saw Han Youyu who was full of nervousness and worry, he smiled and shook his head and said, "My life is hard, so it's so easy for accidents!"

Han Youyu couldn't help but think of the scene of Ye Qianran being swallowed by the huge flower at that time, and the circles of his eyes turned red again: "Young master, you must be more careful in the future!"

"Do not worry!"

Ye Qianran smiled, at this time the fragrance was lingering, and Liu Ruyan also came to his side, her charming and charming eyes passed by him, and she smiled faintly and said: "It seems that little brother has nothing to do. "

Ye Qianran raised her head, looked at the pretty face and asked, "Is the beautiful sister here to give a reward?"

Liu Ruyan was startled when she heard this, her face turned rosy, then she blinked her eyes and said with a smile: "Then I saved my little brother once?"

"Oh, I forgot such a big thing, why am I so confused!" Ye Qianran slapped his head and stood up, and then, in Liu Ruyan's astonishment, kissed that cheek.

"Hey, I rewarded the beautiful sister, it's time for the beautiful sister to give me one too!" Ye Qianran said cheekily.

Liu Ruyan came back to her senses, put her little hands on her face, her beautiful eyes glanced at Ye Qianran and said: "Okay, little brother, stand there and don't move!"

"Hey, just kidding!"

After Ye Qianran finished speaking, he flashed out, so he wouldn't stand there really still.

After seeing it, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed, it was very touching for a while... At least Ye Qianran was stunned many times watching it.

At this time, he felt the gloomy gaze again, looked up and found that it was Liu Sicong, shrugged his shoulders, and pretended not to see it again.

As time passed, it took about an hour, and everyone opened their eyes back and forth. At this time, Ye Qianran roughly counted the number of people, and there was a little astonishment on his face. There were hundreds of people in the past, but now But only a few dozen people remained.

Most of the elders are mainly because of their strength.

Looking at the heavy faces of most people, I also understand something in my heart. After all, if something goes wrong with one of them, who will relax?

"Okay, let's go again!"

An old voice rang out, and the surrounding guards that were surging with spiritual power also dissipated at this time. At this time, everyone looked forward again. Is there still danger ahead?

While thinking about it, someone had already taken the lead and galloped out. Although the thunder above was overwhelming, they were surprised, so if they took it easy, no one would be hit by the thunder.

Ye Qianran still looked the same, sitting on Xiao Hei's body and looking forward slowly, of course, her phoenix eyes were open at this time.

Afterwards, it was much smoother, and there was no danger in the middle, but even so, everyone did not let down their vigilance.


At this moment, Ye Qianran made a slight humming sound.

"What's wrong?"

Almost as soon as he made this sound, four pairs of eyes fell on him at the same time, including Qiqi who also called out twice at this time.

"There is still a big lake in front..." Ye Qianran shrugged, the power of the stars was injected into the phoenix eyes, and he could see clearly when the changes occurred. At this time, he blinked and said: "That is Is that the direction of the treasure?"

With the strengthening of the power of the stars, Ye Qianran could see very clearly at this time. He saw the faint light surging in front of him, and a strange color appeared.

Ye Qianran's voice fell, and Liu Ruyan had a strange look in his eyes: "Are you there?"

Ye Qianran shook her head, expressing that she didn't understand too well.

And with the passage of time, the lake that Ye Qianran was talking about also appeared in the eyes of the people present, and after falling at the same time, their eyes looked straight ahead.

There is a mountain in front of it, and there is a light floating behind that mountain, which looks quite clear.

"Little brother, see if there is anything under the lake?" Liu Ruyan said.

Ye Qianran nodded and opened her phoenix eyes to read. At this moment, her brows were raised, and just as she was about to speak, an excited voice sounded: "Is it right in front?"

At this time, an excited voice sounded, and a middle-aged man couldn't help but rushed out first.

The people around were stunned, ready to move in an instant, three or four people rushed out again one after another, and when passing by the lake, several huge tails rushed up from the lake, engulfing each other directly in the violent breath, and then one A huge head emerged from the water.

Ye Qianran shrugged and said, "Okay, I don't need to say anything, you all saw it!"

It had been expected that there would be danger below, so many people were not surprised at this time. Seeing those people getting involved in the water, Ye Qianran glanced around and found that there were many dignified eyes around him. Out of curiosity, he looked at Liu Ruyan and said, "What kind of monster is this big guy?"

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