Eternal Supreme

Chapter 322

"If my guess is correct, it should be the Thundertail Alligator!"

Yi Feixuan on the side said with a smile, her beautiful eyes glanced at Ye Qianran and said: "This thunder-tailed crocodile is a low-level existence of the mysterious rank, but because of its inconvenient size, it would have been included in the rank of the mysterious rank Intermediate existence."

"The defensive power of this kind of monster is very amazing. In addition, it lives in groups, and its attack power is not much, just its mouth and tail."

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and the rhythm was somewhat similar to the sea of ​​flowers in front, but the difference was that the plants in front were refined plants, and here were real monsters.

The defensive power is astonishing, it is impossible to cut off the tail of others, right?

It was a bit difficult for the people present to look at each other.

At this time, it was still an old man of top power saying: "I'll give it a try!" After the voice fell, there was a whistling sound, and an old man rushed in that direction.

The focus of everyone present all fell on him immediately.

At this moment, Ye Qianran admired it. The top expert is indeed a top expert. Under the slap of the huge tail, he could dodge it or slap it up, but the thunder-tailed crocodiles behind him might also be angry, and opened their mouths at the same time, surging Just like breathing fire, it sprayed out directly.

In an instant, the light completely lit up the surrounding darkness, which looked quite spectacular.

The old man frowned, and when his tail and mouth erupted at the same time, the old man began to suffer. The violent spiritual power surged out of his body, and it seemed extremely difficult to block it.

The tail hit, and there was a loud noise, the old man's body trembled, and he resisted with his own floating spiritual power, which made everyone present worried at the same time.

There was something strange in Ye Qianran's eyes. The last one was indeed quite difficult. It had a strong attack, a strong tail, and a strong defense. It lived in groups. It would be very difficult for ordinary people to carry it.

Looking at the old man, relying on his strong strength, he burst forward, and the amazing strength also surged out at this time, and the huge imprint was suspended between his hands spread out. While suppressing it, there appeared a short The gap time, and in this gap, the speed of the old man's body has soared out, and he has traveled through the past in a short time.

Ye Qianran's heart fluctuated like ripples again, the old man's strength is really strong, the imprint of the explosion is already very far away from him, and he still feels it very clearly.

But just when the old man was more than ten meters away from the shore, his body suddenly fell down at this moment.

"what happened?"

The people present were instantly surprised, unable to understand what happened.

At this time, Ye Qianran also saw the horror and disbelief on the old man's face, and suddenly he also showed curiosity. At this time, Fengyan looked around under the water. There were extremely weird fluctuations in the floating, which seemed to be caused by that.

At the same time as the old man fell, several thundertail crocodiles opened their mouths under the water at the same time, and attacked the old man at the same time.

The old man let out a cold snort, his eyes showed a murderous intent, and he stretched out his right hand to grab the void, the light around him seemed even darker, and the next moment everyone saw a horrified scene.

The spiritual power attack was distorted in an instant, and the violent strangling force made the thundertail crocodile below make a low and painful sound, but it didn't resist hard. At this time, its body went straight into the water and disappeared.

The scene dissipated, and the figure of the old man landed on the water surface, lightly tapped his feet, and landed on the shore after a distance of more than ten meters.

"So strong!"

At this time, many people couldn't help but speak out.

"Is this Ziyao, the high-level earth-level exercise of the Seven Luminaries Sect?"

Ye Qianran's gaze also fluctuated, then he sighed, shook his head and smiled wryly, if he wanted to reach this height, he wouldn't have to wait until this age, right?

In desperation, the old man's deep voice came over: "There should be a forbidden air seal here, just be careful!"

"Forbidden air seal?"

People who were familiar with the scene showed surprise at the same time, how could there be a forbidden air seal in such a place?

"What is the air-forbidden seal?" Ye Qianran couldn't help asking in doubt.

"The air-forbidden seal prohibits flying in the air in an area, and anyone flying in the air will be pulled down by force!" Liu Ruyan explained.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, this sealing technique is really peculiar, it involves different functions, if he has the opportunity, he must learn the sealing technique, maybe it will be of great help to him in the future!

"In that case, let's go!"

Wan Tianzong spoke at this time, with the corners of his mouth curled up, his spiritual power surged, and his body galloped out first with the sound of thunder, followed by Meng Yang and the other three.

The four seem to be competing with each other all the time, perhaps because of their equal strength.

The others looked at each other, and at the same time parted and galloped out.

"Hey, let's go there too!" Ye Qianran said with a smile, Xiao Hei surged out at this moment, and Ye Qianran also jumped up the moment the levitation became larger.

After the three graceful figures also jumped up, Ye Qianran also let Xiao Hei gallop out.

The other people in the organization also rushed forward under the seal of the Yao Qian brothers. Liu Sicong looked at Ye Qianran from a distance and his eyes became more and more gloomy. He knew that only Ye Qianran had completely disappeared. Only then can he have a chance...

"Hey, it's weird..."

On Xiao Hei, Ye Qianran couldn't help but speak out at this time, because he found that the thundertail crocodile below had not attacked his direction, and his face was full of surprise, but it was much easier this way.

There was something strange in Liu Ruyan's eyes, as he glanced at the little mink in Ye Qianran's arms, he could guess what it was.

When he successfully reached the weird fluctuation, Xiao Hei's body trembled at this moment, looking very unstable, as if he might fall down at any time.

"Let's go down!" Liu Ruyan said at this time, considering that Ye Qianran could not fly in the air, she stretched out her hand to grab Ye Qianran and jumped down.

In fact, she knew that Xiao Hei was a little unbalanced when he first entered as a heavenly weapon, but when he stabilized, he should still be able to fly inside the air-forbidden seal, but this would expose a lot, and he would inevitably be coveted and found something, so for safety They decided anyway.

Ye Qianran breathed in the intoxicating fragrance of Liu Ruyan's body, her heartbeat accelerated, her left hand couldn't help but also placed on that soft waist, her heartbeat accelerated even more, and she leaned against Liu Ruyan's body, if If there is a chance, he must get this beautiful sister...

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