Eternal Supreme

Chapter 324

At this moment of crisis, two voices sounded at the same time: "Go in!"

After the words fell, Yi Feixuan and Liu Ruyan burst out extremely powerful spiritual power at the same time, and this time a figure was faster.

"Want Want!"

Qiqi rushed up, opened his mouth, and jumped up.

The moment he pushed it up, Qiqi's figure was instantly lit up.


A muffled voice sounded, Qiqi fell down, and then turned back under the astonished gazes of several people, licking his mouth, wagging his tail, and came to Ye Qianran's side.


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, did Qiqi swallow Qiqi just now?

"My lord, it seems that this monster is really not easy!" Han Youyu couldn't help but said from the side.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and at this moment he couldn't help but think of the scene where Qiqi once bit off the seal.

Nine Heavens Divine Beast? This... Ye Qianran took a careful look at Qiqi who was full of excitement, he really didn't dare to look directly...

"Okay, let's go!"

Liu Ruyan looked away from Qiqi's body, took the lead and jumped into it.

Ye Qianran and others followed closely after seeing it.

Enveloped by Xuan'ao's spiritual power, when he came back to his senses, he looked around and found that he was in a stone cave. He glanced forward, but still heard the thumping sound coming from the front, looked at each other, almost People walked over curiously.

When they came to the sound, they found that there was a very huge space around, and there was a pool of water on both sides, which seemed to be full. In addition, there were many stone pillars on both sides, and on the stone pillars, flames were burning at this time , making the whole place look bright.

And in front of them, the people who came in gathered before, facing a huge gate, at this time several old men attacked the gate at the same time, but the stone gate standing there remained motionless.

"What a strong Shimen!" The people present showed surprise, and one of them couldn't help but whispered out.

Ye Qianran glanced at the stone gate at this time, and found that there were complicated patterns carved on the stone gate, showing a strange color, and then said: "The stone gate should be opened with a key, right?"

"The key?" The people present looked at each other and frowned. Naturally, they knew it well, but where to find the key? Could it be that it was all for nothing this time?

When everyone was looking at each other, some people came in from outside again, and when they found that they were stuck here, their brows were frowned at the same time, thinking the same, it is dangerous, is it a waste of time to come here?

When more and more people gathered, Ye Qianran opened his phoenix eyes and looked inside. At this time, he was shocked to find that there were gears made of stone inside the stone gate.

A look of shock appeared, his eyes glanced at the stone gate again, and he withdrew his gaze. At this time, his eyes scanned the surroundings and said: "Everyone, look around, is there any mechanism that can open this stone gate?"

When everyone was curious, they looked around, and Ye Qianran also started searching at this time, and when more and more people gathered, they all seemed to be in the process of searching.

Ye Qianran was looking for it at this time, and the phoenix eye was always open at this time. When he walked along the gear and moved to a pool in front of a water pool, there was a cast monster shape of unknown material and stopped.

"Is it this thing?" Ye Qianran couldn't help but say something, then stretched out his hand to touch it, and finally opened it with a phoenix eye to take a look, and found that the mouth was movable, stretched it out and pinched it, and then the monster immediately There was some turmoil, and a little spiritual power surged out at this moment.

The dazzling light attracted the attention of everyone present, but did this young man find it?


Just when everyone thought so, a muffled voice sounded, and with the booming sound, the huge stone gate trembled, and the patterns on it also lit up at this time, which looked extremely strange.

"Little villain is very powerful!"

Yi Feixuan couldn't help saying something in Ye Qianran's ear.

Ye Qianran chuckled, and at this moment, the heavy-looking stone gate was slowly lifted up.

Everyone's heartbeat accelerated at this moment, waiting for the moment to rush out.

It didn't take long for the stone gate to be half raised. At this time, someone rushed in first, and one person took the lead and got in at the same time.

"Let's go too!" Liu Ruyan said again, and also walked over.

After passing through the stone gate and coming inside, everyone was stunned again, because there were many forks in front of them, and no one knew how to make a choice.

"What the hell is this place?" At this moment, a person couldn't help asking.

"Forget it, why don't you just choose one?" Someone spoke again, and someone rushed in to one of them first, and at this time, someone chose respectively.

"Little brother, where are we going?" At this moment, Liu Ruyan's eyes fell on Ye Qianran.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm just watching!" When Ye Qianran smiled, her phoenix eyes moved back and forth.

He found that each hole extended very far, and each fork extended more fork, and he was a little dizzy seeing him. Besides, his phoenix eyes were still a little weak at this time, even under the power of the stars. It was still the same under the blessing of the master. Finally, after thinking about it, he chose a random one and said, "Let's go from here!"

Since this is the case here and there, there is no need to pay so much attention.

Ye Qianran took the lead, and the people in the organization followed at the same time. The cave was very quiet, only the sound of their walking.

Ye Qianran's phoenix eyes were always open at this time, and he tried his best not to meet or overlap with other people while walking. In addition, he also found that there were some monsters entrenched in some passages. With phoenix eyes, he could avoided.

After walking a certain distance again, Ye Qianran stopped, and a strange look appeared, and then walked into a fork again.

When they came inside, the people in the organization discovered that there were some stone gates.

Ye Qianran pushed one away at this time, and when he looked over, his eyes were suddenly blinded.

Inside the stone gate are some warcraft crystals, and the bright light flashes, which also attracts other attention.

At this time, other people also pushed away respectively, and the same was true.

"Although the grade of these crystal stones is a little lower, the number is quite large." At this time, an old voice sounded.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, picked up the ring without hesitation and collected a bunch. In the Sunset Empire, one can rely on crystals for consumption. Having these achievements means being rich.

"There should be others inside, push them away and have a look!" While Ye Qianran was speaking, the phoenix eyes opened again. At this time, he found that there were spars under the stone gate, and he walked forward, because he found the stone door in front of him. The number is getting smaller and smaller.

And in the stone gate at the top, there are only three...

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