Eternal Supreme

Chapter 325

When he came to the stone gate, he stretched out his hand to touch it, and found that there was rebounding spiritual power on the stone gate, which should be blessed by a seal.

His eyes fell on Qiqi's body and he said, "Qiqi, fuck me!"

"Want Want!"

Qiqi exchanged twice, walked up to the Shimen and began to bite, and after a while, turned back wagging his tail.

Ye Qianran chuckled, walked over, and after pushing open the stone door, his eyes fell on the three crystal stones floating inside.

The spar was very beautiful, and the entire stone house was filled with pure spiritual power.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and just about to go up, when Wangwang's voice came, Qiqi jumped up in an instant, swallowing one in one gulp.

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and then found that the little mink beast in his arms also rushed up and hugged one in his arms.

There is still one……

Ye Qianran's eyebrows twitched, seeing that Qiqi was about to charge up again, when he turned his left hand, the bone appeared in his hand and said: "Bone!" Then he threw it out.

"Want Want!"

Qiqi's eyes lit up, and he immediately chased after him.

Ye Qianran exhaled, walked up, and took the last spar in his hand. When his whole body was surrounded by that pure spiritual power, he found that his whole body felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

At this time, he heard footsteps behind him, and quickly put away the spar, and the spar of the little mink in his arms also disappeared, obviously swallowing it directly.

Doubts arise, what is that spar?

Turning his head, he found an old man in the organization looking in his direction, with a strange expression flashing across his face.

Ye Qianran smiled, walked out with the little mink in his arms, and said, "There are also crystals here! It's just that the grade is a little higher, so I want it myself!"

The old man didn't say anything, Ye Qianran has a command on him, that is the existence of the level of a teacher...

"Hey, keep going!"

Ye Qianran said something with bright eyes at this time, he found that it was like a treasure hunt, and he had opened a cheat...

The people in the organization followed closely after hearing this.

And just after they left, a group of people who looked slightly embarrassed came over. From the perspective of spiritual power, they passed through some passages with monsters.

When they came here, they saw that there was a stone house inside, but it was empty, their expressions changed slightly, and they accelerated towards the front.

On the other side, Ye Qianran staggered through several forks, and when he brought the people in the organization to a cave, he found out that there were actually pills in it.

Ye Qianran's heart trembled, there are really good things here, but what exactly is this place?

When he was curious, footsteps sounded from behind, and he quickly said: "Quickly search, it's full of pills!"

After the words fell, the people in the organization trembled and began to open the stone gate. At this time, Ye Qianran rushed forward. He has no shortage of pills now, because he has searched a lot in Wushuangzong, so this time he only needs advanced ones. That's it.

Still the same as the previous one, the less the more advanced.

He locked his eyes on the stone house that still only had three bones, took the bone from Qiqi's mouth, and let him pounce on it and bite it.

And when he opened it, there were already footsteps outside, and he put all the three floating radiant, unknown pills into the ring, and when he withdrew, he found those who came behind People also grabbed the pill.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and he opened one again, saw that there were more than a dozen inside, and collected them all again.

When all the pills here were looted, the people they organized were also stopped by the group that followed.

"Hand over all the pills, or don't blame us for being rude!" The old voice sounded, and the atmosphere around suddenly became serious.

"A member of the Feiyun Sect?" Liu Ruyan frowned slightly, with a dignified expression. At this time, the organization was secretly vigilant.

Immediately, the atmosphere became rigorous again. In fact, judging from the momentum, the opponent's attack was definitely not simple.

At this time, Ye Qianran chuckled and said, "In a fight, both sides will be damaged. There should be a lot of good things in front, why is this so?"

The eyes of those people flickered after hearing this.

"Hey, let's go, there are so many people, we can't let the people in front grab all the treasures, right?" Ye Qianran said again.

"It's true!" The eyes of the old man who took the lead flickered, and the spiritual power in his body also disappeared at this time.

Walking out of the cave again, when they came to a fork, Ye Qianran said: "Should we go together or separate?"

"Of course we are together!"

The old man was shining brightly, Ye Qianran and others must have some special method to find these good places.

"Okay, let's go together!" Ye Qianran raised the corner of his mouth, and walked towards one of the forks with a harmless face. At this time, his phoenix eyes opened again, and the naked light shone inside.

No matter the previous life, it is inevitable to risk one's life for the benefit, because jealousy, why do you care so much? What's more, in this place where strength is the most respected?

When he came inside, Ye Qianran looked at Liu Ruyan beside him, stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around the soft waist, and lowered his voice as he approached, "Be careful, tell your own people, and be prepared to evacuate." When I say go, you all stay where you are."

Liu Ruyan originally planned to have a seizure, but after hearing Ye Qianran's words, she nodded slightly, her moving eyes slowed down slightly.

Ye Qianran was all naked, and the corners of his mouth were raised. When he came to a fork here, his whole body was shocked, and his face was full of shock. He said: "In the fork in front, all are treasures, go!" rushed out first.

The people who followed them were agitated, and rushed out in an instant, but the people in the organization stayed at this moment.

And after Ye Qianran rushed inside, the eight doors opened instantly, and at a frenzied speed, he quickly came to a monster inside, then kicked his nose fiercely, and then quickly retreated.

"Damn it, there is actually a demonic beast blocking it!" Ye Qianran heard a low growl as he spoke, and saw the demonic beast stood up, and when its fierce light floated, it landed on the group of people.

"Earth-level junior monster, Lie Yan?"

When the fluctuating sound sounded, the monster let out a low growl, and fiery red spiritual power burst out from its body, and it was also filled with scorching heat.

Ye Qianran took a breath, feeling that her hair was curled up in an instant, so strong...

His eyes flickered, and he didn't waste time at this time and quietly retreated back. This magical beast should be enough for these people to drink a pot, right?

When he came to the Foreign Affairs Office, Ye Qianran smiled, looked at Han Youyu and the others and said, "Come with me!" After speaking, he walked towards another fork...

And when they walked into one of them, the people in front retreated and looked embarrassed, and one of them seemed to have burnt hair.

"Don't let me touch you again..." The furious voice echoed in the cave for a long time...

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