Eternal Supreme

Chapter 326

Ye Qianran heard the furious voice behind, and sneered, who would he cheat if he didn't cheat you?

While thinking about it, the phoenix eyes opened, and at this moment his eyes lit up and said: "There is another good thing ahead, let's go!" After speaking, he rushed out first.

When the people in the organization followed, they found that there were stone gates all around. At this time, Ye Qianran smiled and said, "There are some medicinal herbs here!" After the words fell, he found the best one.

After getting the three fruits with the least amount, he found that the people in the organization followed, smiled again, and continued to walk forward.

After half an hour passed, they collided with multiple forces, and seeing the excitement on their faces, it was obvious that they had also found some treasures.

Ye Qianran has nothing to envy, this place looks huge, it is impossible for them to search all the places.

When they walked out of a cave again, Ye Qianran stopped suddenly. Looking at the forked roads ahead, he was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Every forked road is guarded by monsters!"

The people in the organization were stunned when they heard this. At this time, Ye Qianran found a hole that he thought was not a very powerful monster and walked in.

Through the eyes of the phoenix, he saw that there is a small spot on the inside, which should not be very strong.

As soon as they stepped inside, Ye Qianran felt the spiritual power around them turbulent, and then heard a bang, and a stone door behind them fell down, completely sealing off their escape route.

The people present were shocked at the same time, this was the first time they encountered this situation.

At this time, an elder in the organization tried to hit it, but only made a dull sound.

"It seems that we can only move forward and not back!" Ye Qianran was quite open-minded. After walking for such a long time, maybe it will come to an end?

In addition, it doesn't matter if the escape route is blocked. After all, how strong can the little monster in front be? Thinking about it, they also took the lead and walked forward, and soon they came to the front of the little one.

After his gaze fell on the little monster, it revealed a strange light at the same time. The monster was indeed not big, and it was slightly bigger than the little mink in Ye Qianran's arms. It was also fluffy all over, with the same white hair. , it looks somewhat similar to the lion cub in the previous life, except that the hair on its whole body is longer.

"What a cute little monster!"

After seeing the monster lying there, Han Youyu couldn't help but ran over with Guoguo.


Liu Ruyan's face changed slightly, and her expression showed a look of astonishment. How could there be such a young monster in this kind of place?

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Not only him, everyone present felt weird.

At this time, the monster seemed to have sensed the movement, and stood up immediately. When he looked at Han Youyu who was coming up, he stood up immediately. After calling out, his body took a step back, and then white spiritual power surged out of his body , rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after a while, the body became huge.


A low growl sounded, and the white light seemed to become more intense. The people present felt the enormous aura and pressure at the same time, and it was even more palpitating.

Han Youyu was the closest, her little face turned pale immediately.

"What kind of monster is this?" Ye Qianran was stunned at this time, with a face full of disbelief. He thought he had chosen a slightly weaker existence, but unexpectedly, he touched such a powerful existence. Under the momentum, it became difficult for him to breathe, and goosebumps all over his body appeared by themselves.


The roar came again, and the monster jumped directly at the two of them.

"Youyu!" Ye Qianran was also anxious at this time, and when he was about to rush up, he found that a purple light was shining on Guoguo's body.


There was a loud noise, and Guoguo's body immediately flew upside down. At this time, Ye Qianran also rushed up, hugged her in his arms, and took a quick look at Guoguo, noticing that although she was pale, she was still pouted. Xiaozui, I felt relieved.

His eyes flickered, and he looked up, and found that when the monster rushed towards Han Youyu, the speed of his body also reached the limit. With his right hand spread out, the pregnant spirit beads in his body floated, and a group of tricky spiritual power surged out. The next moment, I shot it directly.

At the moment of contact, he clearly felt how amazing and terrifying the spiritual power of that monster was.

During the turbulence, the body shook, and the body was wrapped by a huge spiritual force. Under the shocking impact, a fishy sweetness suddenly surged out of his mouth.

With a muffled snort, his body was repelled by the huge force, but he also took advantage of this time to hug Han Youyu and retreated.

At this time, the people in the organization rushed up, and fought together with surging spiritual power. For a moment, violent spiritual power filled the entire cave.

"Youyu, are you okay?" Ye Qianran looked at Han Youyu and asked.

"I'm fine!" Han Youyu said with a flushed face.

Ye Qianran let out a breath, pulled Guoguo over, and then looked up, his face showed shock again, including Han Youyu, there were seven people in the organization who rushed up, and now they were fighting against that monster. being suppressed.

At this time, he realized that he had chosen the wrong one... Probably this is the strongest one among these forks, right?


The muffled growl sounded again, and the spiritual power in the whole body of the monster became restless. When the growl rose and fell, the terrifying spiritual power burst out in an instant, enveloping the seven people.

The two brothers Yao Qian spread out their hands at the same time after seeing it, and the huge protective seal was instantly opened. When meeting the amazing spiritual power, the seal was instantly turbulent, and then dimmed. When the monster rushed up again, it instantly The shattering, violent impact caused several people to retreat at the same time.

"What a powerful monster, its strength may have reached the existence of a high-level earth-level existence!" At this time, an elder couldn't help but say it.

"More than that, maybe it's a heavenly monster!" Yao Qianshu was the one who spoke at this time, the guardian seal was easily broken, could it be simpler? And there are seven of them. If it was a ground-level monster, it probably wouldn't be so difficult.

"Tianjie!" The pupils of the people present shrank.

Seeing that monster rushing forward again, gritted his teeth, he had no choice but to rush forward again.

Ye Qianran watched from behind, his expression also showing astonishment, Tianjie? I can't complain that it will be so terrifying.

"Want Want..."

Just when he was at his wit's end, he found that Qiqi beside him was still screaming, with an excited look on his face, he shrugged helplessly and said, "Why are you so excited, are you catching up to bite it?"

"Want Want..."


When Ye Qianran saw Qiqi running up, the corners of his mouth twitched...

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