Eternal Supreme

Chapter 327

He opened his mouth, and when he wanted to let Qiqi come back, he found that he was already in front of the monster, and then he heard Wangwang's voice from a distance.


Ye Qianran had no choice but to smile bitterly. At this time, he imagined a hundred ways to die, and when he was about to mourn in silence, he saw Liu Ruyan and others retreating.

When the few people were a little embarrassed, he looked up again and found a huge monster facing Qiqi, with amazing spiritual power surging, but the monster took a step back and did not attack Qiqi. .

"What's going on?" Ye Qianran was stunned, and suddenly found that Qiqi called out twice, and then jumped up and down in front of the monster twice like a joy.


The astonishing roar sounded again, and in the surge of spiritual power, Qiqi's body was thrown out immediately, and then fell heavily not far from them.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a palpitating breath surge out again, and when he looked up, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, he found that Qiqi stood up at this time , While baring his teeth, his eyes also became fierce.

Gray spiritual power surged from his body, and then his body became huge, violent, ferocious, and palpitations filled him again.


When Kiki's body changed to be the same size as that monster, his body tilted down, his eyes turned red, his face was no longer cute, but full of ferociousness.


The white monster took a step back, its eyes full of vigilance.


Qiqi exchanged again at this time, and the next moment, his body directly rushed forward.

The white beast rushed forward with a low growl, and when its spiritual power surged towards Qiqi, Qiqi opened his mouth and bit it directly.

They had never seen their spiritual power bitten to pieces before, but this time they really saw it.

"Young master, Kiki, he..."

Han Youyu was stunned, his expression full of astonishment.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, damn it, it turned out that there was such a powerful beast lurking beside him, it seems that he was negligent.

And he couldn't imagine that the extremely cute Qiqi could become so huge, this time he believed the old man's words, Nine Heavens Divine Beast? Really strong!

At this time, when the two monsters were intertwined, Qiqi directly opened his bloody mouth and bit the body of the white monster, and then quickly swung his head from side to side.

"Roar!" The white monster roared, and there was pain in it, and the spiritual power on its body became stronger again, and Qiqi bounced back instantly.

But at this time, Qiqi's body was very flexible. After jumping out, a booster rushed forward again...

As time passed, the white beast was soon covered with blood, which was the wound left by Qiqi biting it and swinging it left and right.

Ten minutes passed again, and the white monster kept retreating, with fear in its eyes...

That miserable appearance makes people dare not look directly...


Qiqi roared again, and this time threw the white monster on the ground, opened his bloody mouth, and bit the monster's neck.

Ye Qianran swallowed again. In his previous life, he had heard of the funny video of Wang Xingren trying to conquer all human beings. This time he really knelt down. If Qiqi went to his previous life, he would definitely be able to do it.

And after Qiqi bit the neck of the white monster, he didn't move, perhaps waiting for the moment when the monster suffocated.

The white monster struggled, and its pupils began to dilate slowly.

"My lord, let Qiqi let it go!" Han Youyu said anxiously at this moment.

"It...does it still listen to me?" Ye Qianran swallowed, her voice trembling.

"My lord, try it!" Han Youyu said quickly.

Ye Qianran hesitated and said: "Qiqi, let it go!"

After hearing this, Qiqi let go of his mouth, raised his head, and looked in his direction with ferocious red eyes.

Ye Qianran's body trembled, and her scalp went numb again...

"Woof..." Qiqi yelled at this time, then got up from the white monster, jumped left and right, and rushed towards Ye Qianran.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

Ye Qianran stood in front of Han Youyu and Guoguo, closed his eyes, and the eyes of the little mink in his arms also showed vigilance.

The expressions of Liu Ruyan and the others changed drastically.

Qiqi is more terrifying than that white monster. If it doesn't obey the order, they will really stay here.

This is the horror of a heavenly monster! And Qiqi is not listed as a heaven-rank monster, but an IQ... If he also has a terrifying intelligence, the sky-rank...

However, when everyone was vigilant, they found that Qiqi's body surged out of spiritual power again. At this time, his body shrunk down, and when it fell to the ground, it returned to its previous appearance.

"Want Want..."

Qiqi paused in front of Ye Qianran, his face was full of excitement, his tail was wagging behind him...

The people present were stunned, and exhaled at the same time. It is no exaggeration, everyone's backs broke out in cold sweat at the same time.

Ye Qianran heard that pink call, opened her eyes, saw that Qiqi had returned to her previous appearance, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then hesitated, squatted down, and touched its head , I was relieved when I found that there was no problem, then spread out my left hand, and a pill appeared in my hand and handed it to it.

After Qiqi swallowed it, he let out two more bangs and seemed even more excited.


Ye Qianran let out a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and touched its head a few times before saying, "It's doing well, I'll give you one now!" After speaking, he threw one over.

In the distance, Liu Sicong clenched his fists tightly. While shocked, the jealousy in his eyes deepened. Ye Qianran was guarded by such a powerful monster. He originally planned to assassinate Ye Qianran. Probably did.

Endure, must endure, he believes that there will always be a chance.

Ye Qianran let out a breath, stood up, then pulled Guoguo and Han Youyu over, and then his eyes fell on the white monster.

At this time, Han Youyu hesitated and walked over. When he saw the wound on the monster, he bit his lower lip tightly.

At this time, the white light of the monster appeared again, its body shrunk down, and it returned to its small size before, looking cute again.

However, it has shrunk, and there are still wounds and bloodstains on its body...

At this time, Han Youyu hesitated, hugged the monster in his arms, spread his right hand, and put a pill into its mouth... The white light surged again, and the injuries on his body slowly repaired at this time... …

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