Eternal Supreme

Chapter 328

At this time, the white monster stayed quietly in Han Youyu's arms and began to recover. After a short time, the wounds on its body healed, but it still seemed a little weak.

"Put it down!"

At this time, an old man came up and said something solemnly, mainly because he was worried that the monster would suddenly recover and go berserk again. At that time, he would be in trouble again, almost equivalent to a time bomb.

Han Youyu nodded, and put the monster down, but when it was surprising, the little monster got close to Han Youyu's feet.

"It seems to want to follow you too!"

Ye Qianran glanced at the little guy, and said something.

In fact, he still thinks that Warcraft is relatively simple. If you treat it well, it should be grateful, such as the little mink who has been following him, and Qiqi... Isn't it still very obedient?

"Really?" Han Youyu had a strange expression on his face, and then hugged the monster again.

The old man who spoke earlier hesitated for a while, and finally frowned and said nothing.

"Okay, let's move on!"

Ye Qianran opened his mouth and took the lead to walk outside.

The rest of the people followed closely after seeing it, but looked at the monster in Han Youyu's arms from time to time, with a little vigilance on their expressions.

But along the way, the monster still listened quietly and looked around, but occasionally when its eyes fell on Qiqi, it was vigilant and a little flustered.

This road is very long, Ye Qianran has been watching with phoenix eyes, and found that there is no danger, and he did not see any monsters.

After walking a certain distance again, Ye Qianran stopped, and the eyes of everyone present fell on him at the same time. What happened?

"There's a bright light ahead, we should be out soon!" Ye Qianran spoke slowly, and walked over at a faster speed.

Liu Ruyan and the others also quickened their pace after seeing it.

Just as Ye Qianran said, they also saw the bright light ahead from a distance at this time, are they going out?

The distance was getting closer and closer, at this time Ye Qianran said again: "There is a big hall in front..."

I was stunned while being present, and accelerated again. When I came to the exit, my field of vision became wider in an instant. It was indeed a large hall, a very large hall, and there was a dazzling light shining inside, and the entire wall was inlaid with ornate. The beautiful spar illuminates the whole inside very brightly.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and when he looked forward, he found two rows of stone pillars, and then a light cluster was suspended on each stone pillar, and within that light cluster was a weapon, and the person facing them The direction is a huge statue.

The statue is not a human, but a huge monster. Ye Qianran looks like a huge lizard, but that lizard has two huge wings, like a western dragon.

And under the statue, there are countless spars, the brightest of which is a fist-sized bead that radiates light.

"What the hell is this place!"

At this time, an old man took the lead in asking.

Ye Qianran shook his head, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "I don't know, anyway, here are all treasures!" As he spoke, his eyes flicked over the weapon, the spar, and the bead, and couldn't help walking up.

But at this moment footsteps sounded suddenly, Ye Qianran turned his head to look, and found that a group of people came in, frowned, and found that they were people from the four top forces, who did not expect them to walk together at the same time, and It's also quick to find here.

The other party was also shocked by Ye Qianran's scene at this time, and then looked at them, his eyes floated at this moment, there were not many weapons, and there were not enough things...

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and the next moment he said quickly: "Snatch, whoever snatches it!" After the words fell, his body also galloped out at this time.

He could see that none of the weapons floating on the pillars were simple, and they were all Horcrux-level.

When he came to the first pillar, Xiao Hei's spiritual power surged at this moment, and Ye Qianran's hand directly grabbed it.

It was a set of soft armor, pure spiritual power surged away after getting it.


Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva. After receiving the ring, the eight doors opened and rushed over again. When he searched for the third one and was about to get the fourth one, an aura of panic locked on him and turned his head. Looking around, he found a pair of cold eyes looking at him.

"I took a lot of things, and I should spit them out!"

The indifferent voice fell, and a violent spiritual power directly enveloped his body. Before he could react, he felt a crazy force entering his body, and he rushed madly, and his body was also there. It was sent flying with a force, and landed heavily on the ground.

Hua Gongjue surged, and after the strength in his body was vented, he found that the person who hit him was Wan Tianzong. At this time, he held a bright sword in his hand that was full of dazzling light and fell down. Glancing at him, he said, "Is the strength of Jujianmen so weak?" After speaking, he walked up to Ye Qianran step by step, the footsteps sounded like stepping on people's hearts, and every step, the pressure also Just one point huge.

Ye Qianran was stunned, his face was slightly pale, at this time Wan Tianzong gave him the feeling that he was unable to resist, and he had never appeared in the battle against the alchemy king.

so strong...

When Ye Qianran's heart trembled, the little mink in his arms gave off a cold light.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qianran also got up from the ground at this time, and at this moment there was a bang, and he found that Liu Ruyan and others were fighting with each other at this time, and there were seven or eight weapons floating on the stone pillar while one of the opponents was plundering.

Stress, that's a lot of stress!

People from the four top forces? And at this time they are still united, it is difficult to fight against!

At this moment, the roar sounded, and another group of people rushed in. When they saw the protection and snatching pictures around them, they were instantly jealous, and rushed up without any nonsense.

Because from the surge of spiritual power, everyone knows that it is not simple, it is definitely at the Horcrux level.

That's a Horcrux level. If you get one, it's a worthwhile trip.

The people who rejoined relieved the pressure on Ruyan and the others, because with the addition of these people, the top powers had no choice but to divert their attention.

At this time, the number of people still increased dramatically, and the entire hall was in chaos.

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up, looking at Wan Tianzong who was getting closer and closer, a sneer appeared at this moment, and he said directly: "Whoever kills this kid, I will give him a Horcrux!"

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