Eternal Supreme

Chapter 329

As soon as the voice fell, it immediately attracted the attention of many people around, and at the next moment, two old men galloped over, and when their eyes fell on Wan Tianzong, their expressions froze at the same time.

Wan Tianzong saw that the expressions of the two old men did not seem to be any nervous, his gaze passed over the two old men indifferently and said: "For a Horcrux, do you choose to destroy the sect?"

After the words fell, the faces of the two old men changed slightly at the same time.

At this time Wan Tianzong said again: "This kid has four Horcruxes on him, if he is destroyed, I can give you one!"

After hearing this, the eyes of the two fell on Ye Qianran at the same time, and their eyes became cold.

Wan Tianzong was smiling all over his face at this time, and looked at Ye Qianran with indifferent eyes, with a sneer and a look of contempt.

Ye Qianran's eyes were fixed, and his face also changed. Wan Tianzong's strength is not only strong, but also an absolutely smart person. The gap is really an astonishing gap.

When his eyes flickered, one of the old men said: "Hand over the heavenly artifact, and spare you, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

Ye Qianran took a step back, under the huge pressure, his face turned pale. For the first time, he knew how small he was, but did he give in?

Opening his mouth, he glanced at the two old men and said, "Hey, get out of here!"

The two old men were startled, they didn't understand what Ye Qianran meant, but when they saw Ye Qianran's expression, they also instantly understood what Ye Qianran meant, and their faces became gloomy in an instant. The body has surged out.

On the other side, Wan Tianzong sneered, and finally his eyes fell on the spiritual power bead floating under the huge statue.

A strange color appeared. Although I didn't know what it was, it was absolutely not easy to think about it. Thinking of this, I walked towards that direction step by step.

And here, Ye Qian took a few steps back, and suddenly his eyes fell on Qiqi who was squatting beside him and biting his tail, looking at him.

The expression was stunned, and there was a look of helplessness on the face, why did Qiqi ignore it?

The corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, Ye Qianran shrugged and looked towards him and said, "You two old men, do you really think you are very strong?"

"Want Want!"

The cry sounded, and Qiqi ran up from the side.

"Go up and bite these two old men!" Ye Qianran chuckled.

"Want Want!"

After Qiqi yelled twice, he rushed towards the two of them.

"Haha, after such a long time, this is the first time I've seen someone who sent a pet beast!" At this moment, an old man couldn't help laughing.

That's right, Qiqi's harmless appearance to humans and animals makes it impossible to imagine how powerful it will be.

And just when they showed disdainful expressions, Qiqi's body suddenly surged with gray spiritual power, and when a fierce, palpitating aura surged, his body also suddenly became huge.

When the ferocious intent was exposed, bloodthirsty eyes fell on the two of them, and then they opened their huge mouths and rushed directly.

The expressions of the two old men showed astonishment and disbelief at the same time. Why did this monster suddenly change so much? And feeling the palpitating aura, his complexion changed drastically at the same time, an attack broke out temporarily, and he moved towards Qiqi.


A roar sounded, Qiqi opened his mouth, bit, smashed, and at the same time threw himself on an old man, then opened his mouth, directly biting off the old man's neck.

The other person trembled all over his face, what kind of monster is this? While his face was full of shock, he didn't dare to resist his body and retreated directly.


Qiqi let out a low growl again, and threw his body towards the other old man again. At this time, the opponent's body was suspended and galloped out, but in an instant, Qiqi's terrifying jumping ability was also fully displayed at this time. Zhong directly threw the old man down.

Looking at the scene in the sky, the corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, he couldn't bear to look directly at it, well, Wang Xingren is really mighty...

In fact, he also understood that if the old man didn't choose to run away, but was fighting hard, he would definitely not be easily hanged by Qiqi.

And the problem is that Qiqi appeared too suddenly, and one of them was wiped out in an instant, which destroyed the old man's mind in that instant, making him dare not fight head-on, so there was such a scene.

The people around also noticed this scene, why such a powerful monster suddenly appeared, when they regained their senses, they also quickly snatched the other Horcruxes, their eyes were really red at this time.

"Hand over your Horcrux!"

Han Youyu looked at the old man in the distance, and the voice of the other party was unquestionable, bit his lower lip lightly, and the other people in the organization who were watching were fighting with their opponents. At this time, he was on his own, and there were still people around her. There is a Guoguo, as a sister, she must at least be protected.

The beautiful eyes floated, and the faint spiritual power has already surged out from the body.

"Are you looking for death?" The old man looked cold, and grabbed Han Youyu directly. Han Youyu's face turned pale due to his huge and lingering aura. When he was about to resist, the monster in her arms suddenly rushed up.

"Roar!" The white spiritual power surged again at this time, and the huge body appeared instantly, and the next moment, the huge claws directly slapped it with violent spiritual power.

The old man's pupils contracted, and the mysterious seal appeared. When he printed it, his body suddenly shook. The astonishing and terrifying strength was beyond his comparability. Spit it out.

Han Youyu stood there blankly, but she never thought that this magical beast would take the initiative to help him.

And this is also a problem of the intelligence of the heavenly monsters.

Qiqi would only attack under Ye Qianran's order, and normally, he would watch like a passing visitor... Otherwise, it would be a breeze for Qiqi to set foot on the heavenly ranks.

Such a scene once again stunned the people around, and another head came.

Ye Qianran also looked back at this time, and when he saw such a scene, he also showed a smile on his face. Just as he thought, Han Youyu helped the monster, and now the monster is now reciprocating .

In fact, if it wasn't for Han Youyu, that monster would have died under Qiqi's mouth long ago, that's okay... he's quite lucky now...

His eyes flickered, he raised his head to look in Wan Tianzong's direction, narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally stretched out his hand to pat Qiqi who ran over and said, "Go help those you know, and bite all those you don't know..."


Ye Qianran was almost deaf when the voice sounded...

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