Eternal Supreme

Chapter 332

"It's it again!"

When the old man standing in front of Wan Tianshen saw Qi Qi, his face suddenly showed a solemn expression.

"Hey Kiki!"

Ye Qianran chuckled at this moment, the accompanying fire on his right hand disappeared, and said directly: "Go up and bite them!"


Qiqi roared, jumped on the spot, and then jumped up.

He came here with the old man, because he had bitten a lot, but at this moment, he didn't bite. Ye Qianran's order was there, so he jumped over at this time.

Roaring again, the body rushed forward.

"leave here!"

The old man took a deep breath, and at this moment the fierce breath surged, and his body rushed forward.

At this time, Wan Tianzong and Meng Yang saw how Qiqi smashed the fierce bite at the same time. If the old man hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been thrown to the ground by Qiqi.

"Don't bite that old man, damn it, bite that young one!" Ye Qianran was thinking about it while laughing.

What he thought before was to see how big the gap in strength between himself and Wan Tianzong was, and he even wanted to defeat the opponent with his own strength.

When did he become so authentic? If it weren't for the power of Jiuyou, he would have died at this time.

External force is also strength! Damn, bite them to death! Come on!

He decided to create more powerful existences like Qiqi in the future.

Looking at the little mink from a distance, his nimble eyes also showed a smile.


Qiqi screamed and rushed towards Wan Tianzong.

Wan Tian's pupils contracted, and at this moment he felt an extremely ferocious aura wrapping him around, and at this moment the old man blocked it with his body.

Ye Qianran shrugged, turned his head to look in other directions, and found that the battle was still chaotic, but the organization had obviously stabilized, and the main reason was because of the white monster.

Looking at the stone pillars, there was a lot of competition at this time, but there was still one left on the stone pillars. His eyes flickered, he took a breath, and his body also galloped up at this time.

At this time, a person took a step ahead of him, and in the turmoil of the surging spiritual power, he took away the weapon there.

Looking up, he frowned slightly, and found that it was Zong Hongzhen.

The other party glanced at him, and his body backed away.

Ye Qianran frowned, and just as he was about to back out, he suddenly found the beads in front of him trembling. When he looked up, he found that all the pillars were trembling.

When the spiritual power surged, all the pillars fell down at this moment, and the speed was very fast. At the same time, the entire hall began to shake.

When all the pillars fell down, the floors around the two sides of the pillars disappeared completely, turning into a huge pool of water, which looked shocking.

"what happened?"

When everyone was stunned, the pools on both sides surged at this moment, and the next moment, everyone's pupils contracted at the same time, and two huge heads came out of it.


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, but his face was full of horror. It was the first time he had seen such a huge monster. It was too big. It was five or six meters long at the end alone, and it looked like it should be It's like a snake.

"My God, what kind of monster is this!" A shocked voice sounded at this moment.

Ye Qianran's face was also full of shock at this time, and at this moment, white light floated, and the little mink jumped into his arms again, and in those agile eyes, it was also full of shock at this time.

"Evacuate!" The old voice sounded, and rushed out first.

One person took the lead, and the rest followed suit and galloped outside.


There was a loud bang, and the old man pushed Qiqi out, and the next moment, Wan Tianzong also galloped out at this time.

Ye Qianran's heart trembled, his eyes fell on Qiqi, and he said quickly: "Qiqi..."


Qiqi yelled at this time, looked in Ye Qianran's direction, and after looking at the huge head curiously again, he ran towards Ye Qianran in a desperate manner, as if he didn't look like that. There is no color of fear.

Liu Ruyan and others glanced at Ye Qianran, and quickly said: "Qianran, get out of here!"

Ye Qianran nodded, and his body also rushed towards the outside at this moment, and at this moment the huge head moved, and two crazy suction forces appeared instantly.

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, and his body was pulled backwards. At this moment, his face was full of surprise. The person in front should be rushing, but it didn't affect him at all. The suction was aimed at him alone?

what happened? Ye Qianran was stunned, holding a rock tightly with both hands, but at this moment, he noticed a low-pitched gaze, and when he looked up, his pupils shrank instantly.

The thick spiritual power surged and hit him in an instant.

Ye Qianran's body trembled, and his body floated out at this moment. At this time, he glanced at the little mink in his arms and threw it out again, and said quickly: "Qiqi, take it out!"


Qiqi didn't think much, opened his mouth and bit the little mink in his mouth, and rushed out.

At this time, Ye Qianran was also swallowed in, and the surroundings became dark.

"Put me down!"

A light voice sounded, and the nimble eyes of the little mink shone with light, but Qiqi didn't seem to hear it, since he was directing.

"What about Qianran?"

After Liu Ruyan and the others galloped for a certain distance, they looked back and found that there was no sign of Ye Qianran at all.

"I saw him being sucked in by one of the monsters!" Liu Sicong, who galloped up, said.

After the words fell, Liu Ruyan and others' bodies stopped instantly.

"Did the young master be swallowed by that monster?" Han Youyu looked at Liu Sicong with a nervous expression.

"That's right, I saw it with my own eyes!" Liu Sicong nodded.

Han Youyu's body trembled when he heard it, and he quickly rushed in the direction of going back.

After seeing it, Guoguo followed closely, but at this moment, Yi Feixuan and Liu Ruyan stopped them at the same time.

"I'll go in..."

Just as Liu Ruyan said this, the surroundings suddenly shook violently. At this moment, he saw a black shadow rushing towards him from a distance. When everyone focused on it, he found only Kiki and Little Diao Beast .

"What about Qianran?" Liu Ruyan and the others were stunned again.

"This place is going to collapse, everyone get out of here!" An old voice from the front rang out hastily.

The people in the organization looked at each other at this moment.

"Let's all get out of here!" said an elder of the organization, and the two Yao Qian brothers looked at each other. At this moment, they couldn't care less, their spiritual power surged, and the next moment, a seal appeared, wrapping everyone present in it , including Qiqi and Xiao Diao who were following up at this time, rushed towards the outside at the same time.

"Let me out, I'm going to find the young master!" Han Youyu said hurriedly at this time.

"Shut up!" An elder said in a low voice, but he didn't respond, and the driving speed increased at this time.

And not long after they left, the stone wall behind also began to collapse at this time.

Liu Ruyan's expression changed. Even if he wanted to leave now, it was impossible. At this time, he quickly looked at Yi Feixuan and said, "Senior sister, how is little brother?"

"I can feel his heartbeat at this moment, nothing has happened yet!" Yi Feixuan said slowly, and Liu Ruyan bit her lower lip after hearing this. Although her expression was somewhat relaxed, she was still nervous, because she was retreating at this time. It collapsed a little bit, even if Ye Qianran is fine, can he still get out?

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