Eternal Supreme

Chapter 333

When everyone rushed out of the seal, the huge seal also became dim at this time, and it didn't last long before the seal disappeared completely and turned into flat ground.

"Young master!" Han Youyu's tears were pattering down, and the circles of her eyes turned rosy in an instant.

"The little villain should be fine, don't worry!" Yi Feixuan said at this time, because she could still feel Ye Qianran's heartbeat, and it was still normal at this time.

After hearing this, Han Youyu wiped away tears and said, "Really?"

Yi Feixuan nodded slightly, and Liu Sicong's face changed slightly after hearing this, but soon relaxed again.

The seal disappeared, and the inside caved in again. Ye Qianran might find it difficult to get out...

On the other side, in the organization base, a figure shrouded in a cloak sat at the head, and below it sat two red-haired old men.

"Senior, are you doing that well?"

It was a red-haired old man who spoke at this time, and his expression was solemn at this time.

"It's nothing good or bad." A hoarse voice sounded, and after a pause, he said: "You guys help me spread the news of the evil place, and now I'll tell you where the descendant of the Feng clan is!"

The expressions of the two tightened at the same time after hearing this.

"She is also in a fierce situation now!" A hoarse voice sounded.

The two stood up at the same time, and one of them said, "Senior, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, you should have time to go now!" The hoarse voice was cold.

The two looked at each other after hearing this, and rushed out at the same time.

Looking at the direction in which the two left, the figure's eyes flickered, and then said: "He should be about to accept the inheritance, right?"

"What do you mean by this!" Liu Ruyan looked at the four top forces standing in front of them with a slightly cold expression.

"Among them, you got the most horcruxes, how many do you hand over?" A calm voice sounded, but it was Zong Hongzhen who spoke.


At this time laughter came, Yi Feixuan came up, her charming eyes glanced at the man and said: "Is this the top power? If you have the ability, you can come and get it!"

Zong Hongzhen narrowed his eyes slightly, then shrugged and said: "Okay!" After the words fell, a sneer appeared...

"Damn, am I in that big guy's belly?" Ye Qianran looked at the flesh around him, and his whole body was covered with sticky liquid. While his scalp was numb, he spread his right hand and tried to open the flesh. , but when typed, there is no response.

Ye Qianran was stunned, and let Xiaomei levitate out again, but with Xiaomei's efforts, there was still no response.

"Damn it, why is this monster so powerful?"

Ye Qianran cursed secretly, then glanced around, and began to think about how to get out here.

At this moment, he felt his surroundings begin to twist, and he knew where the monster should be going, but...

At this time, Ye Qianran had a wry smile all over his face, but why did this thing only attract him? At this time, he instantly thought of that bead, because of that? It seems that the special thing was searched by him, but he put the bead into the ring. Could it be that these monsters can still feel the breath of the bead?

When his brows were slightly frowned, the monster's body twisted violently again. Before he could react, he saw the flesh below him close together at this moment, and a sticky mass surged instantly. come up.


Ye Qianran exclaimed, and with that thrust, his body squeezed out.

When he was at a loss, he suddenly entered the water with his whole body, and the cool feeling made him refreshed immediately. Did he spit it out at this time?

When the joy appeared, he swiped his hands and his body emerged from the water. When he came outside, he saw two huge bodies entrenched there, and the huge head was looking at him.

Just as he thought, there were indeed two pythons, and the heads felt as if he was standing under a six-story building.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, seeing that gaze staring at him abruptly, his body stiffened at this moment, and then he glanced around, and found that he had left the hall at this time, but came to a place where the sun was warmly looking at him. Very nice valley.

Did these two monsters bring him here on purpose?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and then he crawled out of the pool, because if the beast wanted to swallow him, it would probably have done it again, but he didn't do that, his heart was somewhat bold Some.

Climbing outside, Ye Qianran exhaled and lay on the ground. After taking a few deep breaths, she also sat up from the ground. When she stood up, she saw how embarrassed she was, took off her clothes, and jumped again. After getting into the water and cleaning it, it came out again.

After putting on his clothes again, he moved his body and felt indescribably refreshed all over his body.

At this time, seeing that monster was still looking at him, he shrugged helplessly and said, "What do you think I am doing, haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

The monster opened its mouth, then turned its head.

"Um, can you understand the words?" Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and at the same time his face was full of weirdness, he looked around again. At this time, he found that there was a thatched cottage not far in front. It is possible that there are still people living here ?

When he was curious, he hesitated for a while, and walked over. When he came there, he found the door of the thatched cottage was open, and an old man was sitting inside, drinking tea. His stable appearance made Ye Qianran full of joy. face of doubt.

After thinking for a while, Ye Qianran also walked over curiously. When he came to the door, he knocked on the door and finally walked in. After sitting opposite the old man, he said: "Old man, you let the man outside Two big guys brought me here?"

After the words fell, the old man's eyes fell on him, and he didn't speak, but took out a cup, poured him a cup, and said: "You are quite smart, kid."

"Um, then what's the purpose of letting that big guy bring me here?" Ye Qianran asked quickly.

The old man smiled and said: "Little brother, how about this tea?"

Ye Qianran looked down after hearing this, he didn't understand what the old man was trying to sell, he hesitated for a while, picked up the teacup and drank it, at this moment his brows frowned, the tea was very bitter, but in When he swallowed it, there was a fragrance, and there was a bit of blood in the fragrance, but it didn't affect the taste.

"Well, this tea is very special!" Ye Qianran nodded, poured himself another cup and drank it, then frowned and drank another cup...

The old man didn't speak at this time, just looked at him with a smile.

"Huh, the more you drink this tea, the more addictive it becomes. What kind of tea?" Ye Qianran asked.

"This is my blood..."

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