Eternal Supreme

Chapter 334


After Ye Qianran heard the old man's words, the corners of his mouth twitched suddenly, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

He gave the old man a weird look and said, "Old man, are you kidding me? Is it because I can't taste blood?"

The old man smiled, and did not answer Ye Qianran's question directly, but asked: "How does the baby feel in the body now?"

Ye Qianran felt it after hearing it, and suddenly frowned and said, "It's hot! Could it be poisonous?"

The old man smiled and said: "Ordinary people will indeed have problems if they drink it, but you won't!"

While speaking, the old man sat up from his seat, and then came to Ye Qianran's side, looked at Ye Qianran with a smile, and said with a smile: "Because you have the blood of our royal family in your body!"

"What do you mean?" Ye Qianran was stunned with a look of astonishment on his face, then he glanced at the old man in shock and said, "Could it be that you are my grandfather?"

The old man was stunned, then shook his head and said: "That's not true, the royal blood in your body was injected by our little royal princess later!"

"Little princess, why haven't I heard of it?" Ye Qianran was stunned again.

The old man smiled and spread his right hand. Ye Qianran felt that his body could not move for a moment, and then he clearly felt that the Longling in his body became restless at this time, and in doubt, it floated out of his body. When it came out, it was still trembling slightly when suspended in the palm of the old man.

"Tsk tsk, it seems to be infected by your own blood!" The old man said in surprise, and then he let go, and the dragon order automatically entered Ye Qianran's body.

Ye Qianran was completely bewildered at this moment, not knowing what was going on.

At this time, the old man looked up at Ye Qianran, and then said, "You were injected with your own blood by the little princess, and she was doing it for your own good, but because you have dual blood in your body, it didn't show up at first. What happened, but in the later stage, your own blood vessels will become disordered, and if you want to be stable, you need the assistance of the royal family's blood essence! And I just gave you the blood essence to drink..."

"Essence and blood?"

Ye Qianran was stunned. At this moment, he felt that his whole body became hotter. He frowned and said quickly, "Old man, what's going on!" .

"Didn't you understand?!"

The old man smiled and explained: "That is to say, the blood of our royal family in your body will cause your own blood to be unstable, because your own blood is also very strong. You can't feel it at this time because your blood is sealed. Get up, but in the later stage, it will still erupt, and at that time, your blood vessels will become disordered and you will die from engulfment!"

"Originally, the little princess planned to use her blood essence to help you, but that would hurt her too much, so I did it!"

The old man said with a smile at the same time: "And when your body is fused with blood essence, the royal blood will also completely settle in your body, but even if your own blood bursts out, there will still be no problems. At that time, you will It's the three bloodlines, I don't know if you understand what I said?"

Ye Qianran nodded blankly, and then said: "But what is your purpose?"

He is not stupid, he has heard many benefits, but if he is not rewarded for nothing, the other party must have some purpose, otherwise he will not hurt himself to help himself.

"You will know then! You are still too weak now!"

The old man sighed and continued: "I will guide you to complete the first level of Aolong Jue later!"

"Aolong Jue?" Ye Qianran was shocked, his face showing disbelief, what did he think of at this moment, could it be that the old man has something to do with the leader of the organization, otherwise how would the other party know that he has arrogance? Dragon tactics?

The old man looked at Ye Qianran's stupefied look, and still didn't say anything, but sat across from him with a smile, and waited patiently.

Ye Qianran was startled, and just when he was about to speak, the heat in his body suddenly deepened, his whole body seemed to be in flames, and there was extreme pain in his limbs and bones.

While frowning slightly, he couldn't help but said: "I rub it, it's so hot, it's so uncomfortable!" Finally, he glanced around, suddenly thought of something, stood up directly, and quickly ran towards the outside, the pool, that's right , at this moment he thought of the water pool...

But just after he ran outside, a ball of golden spiritual power flowed, directly wrapped his body, and then his body automatically suspended...

"Old man, what are you going to do, let me down!" Ye Qianran's face changed drastically. At this time, his body struggled and stopped suddenly, and his face looked even more painful.

The old man walked out of the door at this time, looking at Ye Qianran floating in the air, the corners of his mouth turned up again, and as his right hand floated, the spiritual power surrounding Ye Qianran became more intense. Wen surged out, and then fell into Ye Qianran's body...

Ye Qianran was struggling at this moment, and at the same time, he felt as if there were thousands of ants crawling back and forth all over his body. The feeling was so painful...

I don't know how long it lasted, Ye Qianran's whole body's feeling also dissipated at this time, at this moment he was completely paralyzed, his body didn't want to move a bit, and he fell asleep within a short while, without the slightest exaggeration fell asleep...

And when he woke up in a daze, he found himself lying on a bed. After being stunned for a while, he quickly climbed up from the bed and sat up. At this time, he quickly touched his body and found that there was no injury. This is completely relieved.

"Are you awake?" An old voice sounded.

Ye Qianran looked up, and found that the old man was sitting on the side, and a white light bead was floating in front of him. Wasn't that the moment he got out of the hall? How did it get into the opponent's hands?

The old man smiled and said: "This bead is my own spiritual power, so it will be easy to take it out from you!"

Ye Qianran was stunned, and asked with a strange face: "Then what do you mean by putting this thing on the hall?"

"Confirm...confirm it's you!"

The old man smiled and said: "People who don't have the blood of the royal family can't touch my original bead, only those who have the power of our blood."

"Um, then the big man outside swallowed me after he felt this breath?" Ye Qianran's mind suddenly cleared up at this moment, and the feeling was that all this was arranged by the leader of the organization he met that day? But there are many unreasonable points in this, for example, let the old man go directly to the organization, and help him, won't it be over? Another point, since I came here, why would the leader send Liu Ruyan and others?

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