Eternal Supreme

Chapter 335

After considering these two questions, he actually thought of the answer to the second question.

To put it bluntly, if there were no Liu Ruyan and others, he would definitely be in the imperial city at this time, not here!

What about the first question?

The old man looked at Ye Qianran with a smile, as if he could see what he was thinking, and said directly: "Because I can't leave here, so you can only come here!"

Ye Qianran was startled, looked at the old man and said, "Why?"

"Because I was sealed here!" the old man said with a smile.


Ye Qianran was obviously stunned when he heard it, and continued: "Why?"

"It's sealed here!" While the old man said with a smile, his eyes revealed a little cold light.

Ye Qianran was stunned. He didn't dare to ask more about the following words, but his heart was filled with shock. How terrifying is the old man's strength? Otherwise, why would this place be called a fierce place?

"Little baby, you still have a long way to go. There are many things that you don't understand at all now. You should work hard no matter for yourself or for others!" The old man said to Ye Qianran with a smile.

"I will try my best!" Ye Qianran took a deep breath, thinking of Wan Tianzong and others, the gap is too big, and one day, he really wants to defeat them with his own strength.


The old man nodded in satisfaction and said: "Remember that your aptitude doesn't need to be inferior to anyone else, well, be mentally prepared, I will help you guide the cultivation of Aolong Jue later." After speaking, the old man turned and walked out.

"Aolong Jue? Comparable to heaven? It should be very strong, right? And it is very suitable for him?"

Ye Qianran's heart became agitated, and after taking a deep breath, she got off the bed.

When he came outside, the old man was still sitting outside, and said directly: "Senior, when I'm ready, I can start at any time!"

"Very good!" The old man nodded, let Ye Qianran come over and said, "You also have the Aolong Jue technique in your memory, right?"

Ye Qianran nodded.

"Then do you understand?" the old man said.


Ye Qianran hesitated for a while, shook his head and said, "Senior, I haven't practiced yet, so I haven't studied it yet!"

"The Proud Dragon Jue is a way to enhance the strength of our royal family. People cannot practice it, but you have integrated into the blood of our royal family while maintaining your own blood. Now you are considered half of the royal family. If you practice, you should be able to Let your system undergo a huge change, and walk towards another attitude..."


Ye Qianran asked with doubts all over his face: "What kind?"

"Have you seen the statue in the main hall?" the old man asked with a smile.


Ye Qianran's eyes widened instantly when he heard this, and he said, "Could it be developing towards lizards?"


The old man's face was full of doubts, then he frowned and said, "Because you are a human being, there will be no great changes, both in terms of system and soul..."

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, but he still didn't understand.

"Just like this!"

The old man saw the doubts on Ye Qianran's face. Layers of light surged from his body at this moment. Suddenly, a huge aura floated out instantly. It turned golden and looked extremely weird.

Ye Qianran was panting, the pressure made it extremely difficult for him to breathe, what kind of strength is this old man?

Seeing Ye Qianran's appearance, the old man frowned, sighed secretly, restrained his aura and said, "Weak, you are still too weak, and you have become like this with such a small amount of spiritual power."

When Ye Qianran heard it, a black line appeared on his forehead and said: "Senior, I have also killed a master of Nirvana!"


The old man was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed loudly and said, "It's just a little Nirvana!"

Ye Qianran's face was full of weirdness when he heard it, little nirvana? How terrifying is the strength of the old man?

When he was thinking, the old man said: "You need to grow too much, well, I probably showed you the physical changes just now, you are fine."

"No, with that change, I might be more handsome!" Ye Qianran said with a chuckle.

The old man also smiled, then spread his right hand, and the bead floating with spiritual power appeared: "If you want to practice the Aolong Jue, you have the blood, but even if you succeed in practicing it, it is only tangible, and it is not You can't bring out the true strength of the Aolong Jue!"

"Then how do we do it?" Ye Qianran was full of curiosity.

"First of all, you have the origin of the royal family, because you don't have it in your body, so..."

"So give me this?" Ye Qianran's eyes brightened.

The old man shook his head and said: "I will use my origin to guide the royal blood in your body, and fuse the origin with myself, because that is the most suitable for you!"

After Ye Qianran heard this, the light disappeared immediately.

"Since you are ready, let's start now!" The old man stood up when he was talking, and when he came to Ye Qianran, he said: "Relax your body, don't have any resistance, because you are not real The royal family, so there can be no deviation!"

Ye Qianran nodded, took a deep breath to calm herself down, and then her whole body was completely relaxed in this state.

The old man's eyes flickered, and he spread his right hand and placed it on Ye Qianran's back, while the white bead was suspended between the two of them.

Ye Qianran sat up straight at this time. When the white beads were turbulent, Ye Qianran felt that his whole body was wrapped by a warm spiritual force, which felt very comfortable. At this time, the old man's right hand Let go, surge instantly, accompanied by the appearance of a mark penetrated into his body.

Frowning slightly, Ye Qianran felt that his whole body became hot again at this time, as if the blood was boiling at this time, and when it flowed rapidly, it made him extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, the spiritual power of the body wrapped in white beads became more intense.

The old man flickered, and then slowly closed his eyes. While observing carefully, he also controlled the intensity of the spiritual power that enveloped Ye Qianran.

As time went by, Ye Qianran suddenly took a breath, because he clearly felt that a spiritual force was born in his body, which inherited the purity of the old man's bead, and also had the feeling of being connected with his blood...

The old man also felt something at this time, his brows raised, and his eyes brightened.

With the passage of time, Ye Qianran felt that the spiritual power in his body became thicker and thicker, and then it spun in his body like a boundless technique, and then formed a pill...

Are you done? Feeling the strange pity, Ye Qianran's face was full of strangeness.

When he just thought of this, the old man let go of his hands, and looked a little tired, but with a smile on his face, he said: "Very good, you have formed beads now...!" The slightly suspended beads in front of him merged into his body: "It's much easier than I imagined, your blood is really...cough cough, come on, baby..."

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