Eternal Supreme

Chapter 336

Ye Qianran didn't go to pay attention to the words in the old man's mouth. After nodding, he closed his eyes and couldn't help but feel it carefully. Then he found that the gathered spiritual power was very pure, but it was still a little weak at this time.

"Your original bead will develop along with the level of your Aolong Jue!"

After the old man finished speaking, he said, "Now I will help you guide the first layer of Aolong Jue!"

"The Aolong Jue is the first time to use its own spiritual power to stimulate the blood vessels to change, and then combine the characteristics of the first layer to gather the first god, the canopy!"

The old man said again: "In this way, when you want to use the first layer, you can directly use the first spirit! It will automatically mobilize your original power, and other spiritual powers may also be able to do it, but the original source will be more powerful. Strong, can trigger better."

Ye Qianran nodded, and also started to look at the Aolong Jue, because he had no time to check it before.

And after checking this time, surprise appeared on his face. At this time, he found that Aolong is divided into nine layers. Tianzhu, Tianren, Tianying, named Jiushen.

And these nine gods are equivalent to the feeling of dividing the soul. In addition, according to the introduction behind the Aolong Jue, if you practice to the level of Tianren, you can let the previous gods leave your body. To put it bluntly, the Aolong Jue is not only a change in the system , which also includes spiritual cultivation.

In addition, the role of the Aolong Jue is to completely increase one's aura, and to trigger changes in the world. In the later stage, one can use spiritual thoughts to block space.

Furthermore, each layer has some changes in characteristics,

I can't complain that I dare to call it an existence comparable to the heaven-level exercises.

After reading it, Ye Qianran couldn't help being agitated, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then looked at the old man and said, "Old man... Hey, senior, let's start now!"

The old man nodded slightly, and didn't waste time. He spread his right hand and placed it on Ye Qianran's back again. While his blood was agitated, he began to practice according to Lao He's guidance.

With the passage of time, the newly condensed essence in his body became turbulent. Along with the surge of blood, the old man's hand also moved from his back to the position of the back of his head. Amid the surge of spiritual power, his mind went blank for a moment. At this moment, the spiritual power surged.

"Tsk tsk, baby, I didn't expect that your spiritual cultivation has already reached the second floor, which is more convenient." The old man's slightly surprised voice sounded again.

After the words fell, Ye Qianran felt his mind suddenly become clearer, and at the same time as the division, it seemed that two of himself appeared. The feeling was very strange, but very clear.

When the original source was accompanied by the differentiation and surge of blood and mental power, there was a buzzing sound in my mind, and after going blank, the whole person passed out.

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Qianran's consciousness gradually became clearer. At this moment, he felt himself light and light, opened his eyes, sat up and found himself on the bed again, at this time an old voice sounded: "Woke up again!" ?”


When Ye Qianran heard it, why did she feel weird?

"Now the first floor should have been cultivated, check it yourself!" The old man said with a smile.

Ye Qianran thought of something at this moment. When he closed his eyes at this moment, and when his mental power surged at this moment, he clearly felt two selves again. When he followed the method of Aolong Jue, he merged into the second self with consciousness At that time, the blood vessels surged suddenly, and the origin of the condensed body in his body also agitated at this time.

At the next moment, Ye Qianran felt his whole body go numb, and his aura also soared at this moment, an illusory blurry shadow emerged behind him, and when it merged into his body, his whole body was covered with a Divided into the aura of the emperor, the whole body is filled with golden light, which looks very strange.

The old man couldn't help being surprised when he saw it, he didn't know whether the little princess's choice was right or wrong even if he was practicing the Aolong Jue.

After opening his eyes, Ye Qianran first looked at his body, but found that there was no change. The only difference was that he felt that his surroundings were very clear, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth was at his fingertips. Bamen is average, strengthened a lot, and the muscles are very strong.

"Well, very good!"

An old voice sounded: "The role of Aolong is also to suppress the momentum and spirit. The shot will drive the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, but you yourself... use the origin of the heaven and earth, and your feeling will be even stronger. for clarity."


Ye Qianran nodded heavily. At this time, he tried to find out that they all guide the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and they also made a whistling sound, like a dragon chant, so handsome. It seems that there is another good way to attract girls.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he now hopes to practice urgently to the back.

"The mystery of Aolong is actually not as simple as the introduction. In short, you need to experience the changes behind!"

"for example……"

After finishing speaking, the old man hesitated for a while, spread out his right hand, and when the handprint was on Ye Qianran's body, he said, "Seal!"

After the words fell, five clear shadows surged into his body.

Ye Qianran's mental strength was instantly involved, and at this moment he was horrified to find that he had no feeling at all.


After the old man said a word indifferently, the five golden lights disappeared, and he let go of Ye Qianran. At this time, Ye Qianran felt the change in his body again.

Looking at the shocked Ye Qianran, the old man spread out his right hand, and a shadow floated out clearly again. It was a monster, and the form was the one he saw in the hall, but this one was shrunk.

But when he just thought of this, the divine sense on the old man's right hand suddenly became huge, suspended to the side, his whole body was instantly suppressed, and breathing became difficult again.

The old man also found Ye Qianran's difficulty, smiled, and waved the soul imprint to dissipate.

Ye Qianran nodded his head heavily. Now he found more and more that Aolong is blind, but at this time he also considered a question: "Is the promotion of Aolong Jue automatic? Automatically gather spiritual thoughts?"

The old man smiled and shook his head and said: "There are specific boundaries. You actually... have no strength at all, and you are still human... so it is difficult to judge. In addition, you are also affected by your own blood, but there is a need for clear division. You are now Now that you have started spiritual cultivation, and Aolong is also linked to the soul, you are divided by spiritual cultivation, and you can try it once if you have not upgraded to one level."

Ye Qianran nodded understandingly after hearing this, he seems to be on the second level of spiritual cultivation now, so wouldn't he be able to try the second level after all?

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