Eternal Supreme

Chapter 339

Liu Ruyan saw Ye Qianran's concern: "If my guess is correct, it should be from the Feng clan!" She said this to make Ye Qianran not so worried.

"Feng Clan... okay!"

Ye Qianran's wry smile deepened. In fact, he also guessed it, but if it was really Feng Clan, would he still be able to bring Guoguo out? And where is the Phoenix Clan? The question of waiting made his head bigger. It seems that he has to think carefully when he goes back.

It's strange to say that when they went back, they were rarely in danger, and the thunder was surging, but they would not fall, so after several hours, under Xiao Hei's speed, they also successfully escaped from the danger. regional area.

When I came outside, the sky was still extremely dark, and the sky was full of stars, which looked very beautiful, very beautiful.

At this time, Ye Qianran found a quiet place and fell down. Everyone had some injuries, so it was better to heal the injuries first. After all, the time dragged on would have a great impact on the body.

After several people entered the healing state at the same time, Ye Qianran also carried Han Youyu to a quiet place. At this time, the white monster was still following, and he didn't care.

After laying Han Youyu flat on the grass, Ye Qianran's phoenix eyes opened at this time. After observing for a while, he spread his right hand, and the spiritual needle appeared at this time. In fact, what he learned in the classics was not There are too many, it seems that I really need to find an opportunity to make up for it.

After helping Han Youyu use needles to sort out the restless spiritual power in his body, he gave Han Youyu another pill, and then hugged her against a tree to rest.

But Qiqi and the white monster were resting on their stomachs.

One night passed, and in the early morning of the next day, Ye Qianran also opened his eyes when the crisp birdsong sounded. At this moment, he glanced at Han Youyu in his arms, and found that her complexion had returned to normal, flushed. It is very beautiful.

Perhaps sensing his movements, Han Youyu frowned slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes. When she saw herself leaning against Ye Qianran's arms, she was stunned for a while, and then said pleasantly: "My lord, you Are you okay?"

Ye Qianran looked at Han Youyu who was full of joy and smiled and said: "What can I do, I don't worry if you are fine!"

When Han Youyu heard that her beautiful eyes were touched, she quickly thought of something and said, "Guoguo was taken away!"

"I already know!"

Ye Qianran nodded slightly, his eyes flickered a little, and he suspected the leader of the organization at this time.

Since it was also an arrangement to go there by herself, maybe it was she who told Guoguo to be known by those two people? But when thinking about this, doubts appeared again, why did she do this?

Han Youyu hesitated and said, "Then what should I do next?"

"Let's go back first!" Ye Qianran sighed. If he was strong enough, he might not have so many thoughts, but he is too weak...too weak?

Han Youyu bit her lower lip lightly, she was not talking at this time, but leaned gently in Ye Qianran's arms.

Time passed, when Liu Ruyan and the others opened their eyes, the two sat up.

After embarking on the journey back again, Han Youyu also took the initiative to ask him what was going on.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Liu Sicong vaguely. At this moment, he clearly saw a little nervousness in his expression. He didn't reveal it, but raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Swallowed by that snake Finally, it took me to another place, and then I ran out."

Han Youyu nodded after hearing this and didn't say anything else.

All the way back to Mei's house, as soon as he arrived in the lobby, Elder Mei walked out with Shishi, and saw a group of people there, with a smile on his face.

Shishi also seemed very pleasantly surprised, and quickly came to Ye Qianran's side, watching Han Youyu pouted again, and the little vinegar bottle flared up again.

After a brief chat in the lobby, the group also separated, and Ye Qianran, Han Youyu and Shishi returned to his courtyard.

Han Youyu's mouth was still pouted, and she looked angry, because Shishi was very attached to Ye Qianran at this time, which made her very uncomfortable.

After staying with the two for a day, at night, Ye Qianran lay on the bed after taking a bath early, holding the little mink beast, and began to organize his thoughts. Maybe he should confirm with the leader of the organization. Now this Obviously time was running out, so he decided to go and have a look tomorrow morning.

Thinking about exhaling, he closed his eyes and began to practice. Since his spiritual cultivation determines his Aolong Jue, it seems that his spiritual cultivation must work harder.

But in the process of cultivation, I suddenly felt the breath of Shishi, and a strange look appeared. I opened my eyes and looked towards the door. After a while, the door opened, and Shishi walked in from the outside. eyes.

And what he could see from those red eyes was another Shishi popping up.

Seeing that Shishi closed the door and came to the bedside, her red eyes fell on Ye Qianran with attachment, then climbed onto the bed, got into Ye Qianran's arms, moved her body and found a comfortable position Rest up.

Ye Qianran's heart beat faster, Shishi was only wearing a bellyband, and it felt slippery to the touch, so she couldn't help touching it twice more, it felt very good...

At this time, the red eyes opened, looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Are you awake?"

Ye Qianran opened his eyes, nodded with a smile, then kissed that little face and said, "Did you miss me?"

When Shishi nodded seriously after listening, she stretched out her small hand and put it on the place where Ye Qianran kissed, her red eyes were full of strange colors.

Ye Qianran smiled, patted her pink back and said: "During the time I was not here, did you cause trouble?"

Shishi shook her head and said, "I just wanted to go out to find you, and I had a fight with Second Grandpa!" She said it casually, but the corners of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched when she heard it. The belt is pale.

Sighing secretly, he stretched out his hand and patted the pink back again: "He is your relative, how can he fight with your second grandfather, if you do that, it will also make the other Shishi sad!"

In fact, when he said this, he also understood that the Shishi in front of him cared too much about him, otherwise it wouldn't be like this, but he will leave eventually, could it be possible to leave with Shishi what?

But there is a heavenly weapon in Shishi's body, and he also exists in him, and he is in danger at any time, he doesn't want to let her suffer any harm because of him, in short, it is better for him to bear everything by himself, thinking He patted her on the pink back again and said: "Okay, let's rest!" After speaking, he turned his head and kissed. His original intention was to kiss her face and it would be over, but when he kissed her, it was with a soft touch. feel……

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