Eternal Supreme

Chapter 340


Ye Qianran was stunned, she didn't expect Shishi to raise her head at this time.

After Shishi felt the softness of her lips, a strange color appeared in her red eyes, and then she stuck out her little tongue and licked it involuntarily.

Ye Qianran was startled, took a breath, the temptation was limitless, immediately pried open the pink mouth without hesitation, and kissed when the fragrance was revealed.

Shishi's expression at this time looked dull, and when her red eyes blinked, her little face became rosy, and then she closed her eyes, and walked with Ye Qianran's guidance, maybe it was jerky at first, But after that, I became more flexible, and gradually became obsessed with this feeling.

The two kissed for a long time before they separated. Looking at those red eyes, Ye Qianran's heart beat faster. After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, just as she was about to speak, Shishi closed her eyes and kissed again...

The next day, Ye Qianran opened her eyes, first glanced at Shishi in her arms, smiled, and couldn't help but think of the scene where she kept asking for kisses last night.

Hehe smiled, Shishi's mouth is also very sweet.

As time passed, Shishi moved her body and quickly opened her eyes, which were black at this time. Seeing that she was in Ye Qianran's arms, her face turned red, but she didn't say anything. After all, it has appeared many times before. Now I am completely used to it.

After Ye Qianran woke up watching Shishi, he couldn't help laughing. In fact, he was very curious about kissing another her. Does the current her feel the same? When he was curious, he found that Shishi had lowered her lips, looked at the little pink tongue, and her heartbeat accelerated again. Is this the rhythm of feeling?

When he was full of curiosity, Shishi's eyes had a strange color, and then she closed her eyes.

Ye Qianran was restless, what did she mean at this time?

Seeing the eagerly awaited expression, Ye Qianran hesitated for a moment, and then kissed her. She felt the same way, but because of the change in personality, she had a different feeling...

After parting her lips for a long time, Shishi opened her eyes shyly.

Ye Qianran couldn't help but said at this moment: "Did Shishi feel the same yesterday?"

When Shishi heard it, her face flushed, she hesitated for a while and nodded slightly.

Ye Qianran chuckled, stretched out his hand and pinched that little face, it seems that the two souls are very harmonious at this time, otherwise, this situation would not have happened.

When he got off the bed, he thought that Shishi didn't come here wearing clothes yesterday, so he hugged the little mink beast, and went to Shishi's room to get some clothes...

And when he came back with his clothes, he just ran into Han Youyu who came out of the room.

Seeing the change in her small face, she coughed dryly and said, "I'm getting clothes for Shishi!" After speaking, she walked in, and when the two came out, Han Youyu was still sitting in the yard, looking unhappy.

After Ye Qianran noticed it, he couldn't help laughing, when he came back from sending Shishi away, he happened to meet a servant delivering food, and took it right away.

After coming to the yard, Ye Qianran put the food on the table, then turned her head to look at Han Youyu and said, "Why is Yu'er so unhappy early in the morning?"

After hearing this, Han Youyu bit her lips and said, "My lord, why do you always provoke other women? Don't you have a master, me, and Guoguo not satisfied?"

"Pfft, Ruyan Liu? Guoguo? He thought about it, but he didn't seem to think about it, did he?"

When he smiled helplessly, he pinched the little face and said, "Let's eat first!" After speaking, he put a bowl of rice in front of Han Youyu.

While eating breakfast, Ye Qianran saw Han Youyu with a cold expression, her small mouth pouted, and she looked extremely unhappy. Of course, Ye Qianran knew the reason very well, this little vinegar bottle... smiled helplessly Next, squeeze it on her little hand.

Han Youyu looked up at Ye Qianran, then turned her head with a cold snort.

Ye Qianran smiled again, but didn't say anything in the end.

After the meal, Ye Qianran looked at Han Youyu and said, "Youyu, I'm going to organize a trip, do you want to go together?"

After hearing this, Han Youyu turned her head and did not speak.

"Okay, then I'll go find Shishi!" Ye Qianran smiled and walked outside.

Han Youyu was stunned, with an anxious expression on his face, he quickly stood up, stomped his little feet and said, "Young master is so annoying!"

Ye Qianran stopped, blinked and said, "Why, should we go?"

Han Youyu nodded.

Ye Qianran laughed, and returned to Han Youyu's side, and then took the initiative to embrace that soft waist. When jumping out, Xiao Hei also flowed out at this time, and the next moment, the two also galloped away go out.

On the way, Ye Qianran comforted Han Youyu, otherwise this vinegar bottle would always look unhappy, making him seem to be bullying her.

Under Ye Qianran's comfort, Han Youyu quickly returned to normal, and finally asked, "My lord, is there something you want to organize?"


Ye Qianran nodded and said: "I want to ask the leader about something!" After speaking, his eyes flickered, and the little mink that had been in his arms was also a little puzzled. At that time, it was separated from Ye Qianran for a while. What happened?

While galloping, he quickly came to the foot of the mountain. After falling down, Han Youyu also opened the gate and walked inside.

When he came to the main hall, Ye Qianran found that there were several elders including the leader, and they seemed to be talking about something at this time, but after the two entered, the topic stopped.


The hoarse voice didn't sound like any surprise.

Ye Qianran nodded, and pulled Han Youyu to sit beside her.

At this time, the figure looked at several elders and said, "Okay, you guys go, just report to me if you have anything to do!"

Several elders backed out after hearing this, and when the three of them were left in the entire hall, the hoarse voice said again: "Youyu, you go out, I have something I want to talk to him alone!"


When Han Youyu heard this, she nodded, turned around and left the main hall. When the two were left behind, her eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said, "What do you want to know?"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered after hearing this and said: "I know everything I need to know, and the senior also told me, I am more concerned about Guoguo, I want to know what happened to her, she was taken away , Did you arrange it deliberately?"

"That's right!"

The figure said it with certainty, and before Ye Qianran asked anything, he took the initiative to say: "Because she can only really develop under the shaping of the Feng Clan, otherwise, her foundation is completely useless!"

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