Eternal Supreme

Chapter 351

"Brother Ye, are you a disciple of Jujianmen?"

In mid-air, Guan Zewen's face was full of surprise, and he saw that Ye Qianran was so proficient in manipulating the giant sword, so he should be an inner disciple, right? In this way, Ye Qianran's strength is probably very good.

"haha, yes!"

Ye Qianran smiled dryly, he could only pretend, otherwise Xiao Hei under his feet could not be explained.

"Hehe, it's no wonder Youyu fell in love with you, Brother Ye!" Guan Zewen couldn't help but say something, his face full of envy.

Ye Qianran took a look at Guan Zewen. In fact, after the first contact and the second contact, he found that Guan Zewen was not bad overall, much better than that Liu Sicong. After thinking about it, he started chatting with him, but removed Boredom along the way.

Xuanwu City, located in the southwest of the Sunset Empire, is very far from the Imperial City.

Xiao Hei's speed was already very fast, but it still took three days to arrive.

In mid-air, Ye Qianran looked at the huge city and the towering tower from a distance, with a little shock on his face, and then looked at the figures whizzing by from time to time, his heart trembled, this is the so-called Chaotic Xuanwu City?

And that pagoda, is it the legendary Dan Pagoda?

When he was surprised, Guan Zewen said: "In this Xuanwu City, be careful everywhere, and don't expose your wealth, otherwise you will be targeted by many people, and if you can avoid it, don't provoke it, otherwise you will be dead. I don't even know he was killed!"

Seeing what Guan Zewen said so solemnly, Ye Qianran's heart beat faster again.

At this time Guan Zewen said again: "But Xuanwu City is very chaotic, but here you can get anything you want, including Horcruxes!" Guan Zewen's face also showed a fiery color as he said.

"There are not many beautiful girls!" Ye Qianran swallowed and said.


Guan Zewen was instantly petrified there, his mouth moved for a long time and said: "It should be quite a lot, but Youyu..."

"Hey, don't people waste their youth by being romantic!"

Ye Qianran said with a smile, of course, he said it half-jokingly, but he would not focus on his sister paper alone, so when will he be able to cultivate? Unless you really meet that kind of person who makes your heart beat.

"Boy, the sword is not bad, from the Giant Sword Sect?"

At this moment, a voice sounded, Ye Qianran looked up and found a middle-aged man floating not far away, looking at Xiao Hei at his feet with interest.

"Your mother told you to go back and collect the vegetables!"

Seeing the man's expression, Ye Qianran's heart tightened suddenly, and then he said it with a smile.

The man was startled, and his face changed instantly. At this moment, Ye Qianran cursed: "What are you staring at, don't block the young master's way, otherwise the young master will be bitten by Qiqi so that your mother won't recognize him!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's arrogance, the man frowned, then left with a cold snort.

Seeing the man leave, Ye Qianran let out a breath, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "Damn, I almost peed on him!"

"Uh, Brother Ye, I'm scared to pee by you!" Guan Zewen smiled wryly at this time, he just said that it is best not to provoke people here, but Ye Qianran just offended one.


The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up and he said, "Even if you don't have any background, you still have to learn to pretend!" After speaking, Ye Qianran also controlled Xiao Hei to fall towards the gate of Xuanwu City.

A person has already become interested in his little black, and may provoke more people, so he should keep a low profile at this time.

Inserting Xiao Hei into the scabbard, Guan Zewen looked a little relieved, shrugged helplessly and said: "Don't get me wrong, this thing should be low-key and low-key, and high-key must be high-key!"

Guan Zewen asked curiously, "Then when should we make a high profile?"


Ye Qianran chuckled, took the lead and walked towards the inside, and when he took the first step inside, he suddenly yelled: "Damn, the young master is back! Wipe, what are you looking at, be careful, old man!" Gouging out your eyes! Day, try staring down..."

"I'll go, the beauty will have a date... Pfft, pretend I didn't say it!"

"Hey, do you have something good on you, take it out quickly, or I will stare at you to death..."

Guan Zewen's face changed drastically when he heard Ye Qianran swearing there. Their family is good in Xuanwu City, so he didn't dare to do this. Ye Qianran was joking with his life... But the strange thing is that there are some The man handed over the pill.

After walking for a while, Ye Qianran stopped, turned his head to look at Guan Zewen, and smiled. He is acting in his true colors without any additional factors. It's not that simple.

"Brother Ye, I really admire you!" At this moment, Guan Zewen took a deep breath and said.

Ye Qianran chuckled, then took the lead and continued to walk forward, while her eyes were curiously sized up.

Xuanwu City can really be regarded as a mixed bag. He can tell from the surface that there are all kinds of people on the wide streets, and there are five people walking together. Judging from the murderous look, there is absolutely no one who is kind Good people.

So his current high-profile also depends on people...

And Qiqi followed behind, turning his head from time to time and yelling twice, and they were all yelling at some women.

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, Qiqi is also a pervert...

Xuanwu City is huge, but the huge tower standing in the center doesn't feel too far away, but no matter how far he walks, the tower still maintains the previous distance.

"You will reach our family after walking a short distance. You can rest in our family for a few days. I will send someone to investigate the matter of the Blood Sect!" Guan Zewen said with a smile.

"Hey, thank you Brother Guan!" Ye Qianran laughed.

Guan Zewen shook his head and said, "Youyu's friends are also my friends. Besides, I hope you treat Youyu better!"

"Hey, don't worry!" Ye Qianran nodded with a smile, and couldn't help asking curiously at this moment: "What powerful forces are there around this Xuanwu City?"

"Is it a powerful force? The four top forces are all located around!" Guan Zewen said.

Ye Qianran's eyes narrowed after hearing this, Wan Tianzong? Zong Hongzhen? Meng Yang? You Wushuang?

Thinking of You Wushuang, he couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. He remembered how much people hated him at that time, but after thinking of You Wushuang, he thought of Long Wushuang. That appearance is really a mystery... If there is a chance If it is, he will definitely take a look. With such a nice voice, the appearance will be bad?

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